Surprising Mick schumacher

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*requested by WilowSmit *
Surprising Mick at a race. Not properly together, but have been flirting. First time meeting his family at the race.

"Good luck.. first F1 race. Bet your dad is proud." Mick smiles as he receives a text. Then laughs. "It's not until Sunday. But thank you. Gutted you're not here." He quickly replies laying back down on his hotel bed. He met y/n at the gym, she was kickstarting her own fitness and he was training for this.
They pushed each other whilst training together, flirty innuendos and lots of giggles. He wanted her here so badly due to her treating him normal. Not as Micheal Schumacher's son who's about to follow in his footsteps, not mick the ex Prema driver, not mick the F1 driver. Just plain old Mick.
But she couldn't make the weekend.
Standing talking with his engineers, Mick isn't paying attention to anything else around him. He is in the zone.
Y/n sneaks up behind him and taps his shoulder. "Hey..." Y/n tries to sound confident, but she's not. She's nervous as hell. "Ah liebling.. you came!! I can't believe you came." Mick jumps off of his seat and wraps his arms around y/n. Mick smiles widely at her. "Ah y/n I can't believe you actually came!!" His arms pick her up and spin her around. "Argh Mick." Y/n squeals.
He goes out to have a look at the track from the pitlane, leaving y/n speaking to Guenther. "So are you two dating.. or whatever you kids call it these days." Guenther laughs. Y/n shakes her head.
"No. Just gym buddies. He asked me to come a while ago and I said I couldn't make it. But when work fell through I thought I'd surprise him." Y/n explains. But Guenther doesn't look too convinced.
"How sure are you on that?" He laughs, as mick walks back over. "Very..." She turns and smiles at mick. "What's very?" He asks, his eyes sparkling as y/n has shown up out of the blue. "That you two aren't dating... or whatever you kids call it." Guenther teases mick. Who instantly blushes. Before his eyes find y/n feeling the exact same way.
"No just friends. Aren't we y/n?" Mick asks her. Even though he wants her to be more, it's what they are right now. "Yeah." Y/n smiles at him. Even though the smile is half hearted."
Y/n excused herself. Debating, if she had made the right choice. Is this what she really wanted? Why couldn't she had just went on holiday and not following Mick here.
She refreshes herself in the bathroom and she senses that somethings not quite right.
But still y/n heads back out to the haas garage, filling her lungs with the smells of the pit lane from petrol to oil and hearing all the cars rev up and the noise of the crowds.
It's a beautiful day in Australia and y/n's shoulders are being kissed by the sun.
Mick has already pulled his overall on properly and is talking to a few people.
The closer y/n gets she starts to recognise them. She freezes between the Ferrari garage and the mclaren garage. Looking and feeling very awkward.
"You alright? You need help finding something?" Y/n hears an English accent shout at her. She shakes her head, but it's too late. He's by her side. The pretty face of Lando is standing smiling at her.
"I'm okay thank you... who's that. Is mick's family here?" She asks him. Lando turns around and looks. "Yeah looks like them. Weren't you just up there hugging him? Have you never met your in laws?" Lando laughs at her. Y/n shakes her head. "Nope. Never. And just friends family.. not everyone is dating if they hug... I don't know what to do." Y/n notices Mick looking around. Possibly for her. But his blue eyes soon lock on her. Watching her speak to Lando and then Daniel when he comes out to see the crowds.
"Wait I've never been down here to watch a race before.. what do I do? Where do I go?" Y/n asks Lando frantically. "Well up on roof.. or back of garage. Don't worry. You have this in the bag."
Y/n notices Mick scowl when Lando touches y/n's shoulder. "Good luck for the race." Y/n tells the mclaren boys, before walking away. Over towards mick. "Hey.." Y/n is as awkward as she feels when Mick introduces her to Gina his sister and Corrine his mum.
His mum starts to say something in German to his sister. Not realising that y/n knows some German and can pick up basically what was said.
"Mum. Stop. She knows German and Italian before you start." Mick bites. Y/n looks up at him. "Maybe I should go.. have a good race."
Y/n turns on her heels and moves fast. Mick is faster and ends up beside her as she goes towards the exit. "Y/n wait. I wanted you here. My mum will come around. She always does. Running away makes it worse believe me. Please just come back and we can take it from there? Yeah." Mick turns and looks at her. "Please. Y/n I'll be so upset if you leave." He holds both her hands, so she has to look at him. He cups her chin so his eyes meet hers. "Please." His voice sounding more and more desperate with each and every please he says. "Fine. But why didn't you say your mum was here?" Y/n asks mick. Who looks behind her. "Uhm. I know what she is like and how she would feel about me having a girl here to support me." Y/n shakes her head. "No she said something about my looks.. Or style." Mick grins at her. "No. Well yes. But she said you are beautiful. Now also thinks your a diva. So you'll fit in perfectly, in the paddock." Mick laughs.
Y/n feels stupid again. "So pretty much the opposite of what i am." He nods his head laughing. "Come here." Y/n pulls Micks head down and kisses him. "Since I'm a diva I might as well kiss you and leave you right?" She laughs. Mick smiles, her laugh is like a song that plays over and over again.
"Let's go back and introduce you properly shall we? Girl friend." He smirks at her.
"Ugh no. Only girlfriend if you finish in the points." Y/n nudges him as they walk back to the haas garage.
To restart the introductions.

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