Mick Schumacher- Want to watch with me? 2

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Requested by LaaSports

Y/n is on her way to go support Mick again. Since their first kiss.. date... Daily texts and calls, between the two of them happen.
It's fair to say Mick is smitten.

Y/n stays in hospitality doing university work whilst Mick is away doing media and the typical sky conference. Walking back to the Haas hospitality, Nikita decides to talk to him. "You should watch yourself. Heard she was a big fan of your dad.. maybe just one looking out for herself and fuck you and your fam."
Mick looks at Nikita and he is doing his usual smug smirk.
"Just letting you know, to make this year easier on us.. since we are team mates for this year at least."

As Mick walks into hospitality, he catches how cute and innocent his girl looks. Table covered in books, papers and both her laptop and iPad out. Y/n is deep in concentration, she doesn't even notice when Mick sits down beside her with a coffee. "Hey beautiful." She pulls her eyes off the screen, thanking herself from not bothering with make up and she can easily run her eyes without worrying.
"Thank you boo. Just let me save what I have then I'm all yours." Y/n says, quickly doing just that and switching her devices off.
"You look adorable.. quite clearly you shouldn't be here if your paper is due." Mick says, pushing a kiss into her head. She shakes her head.
"No. I'm allowed breaks you know. You're just lucky I can do it. I know people are struggling. And you said your family wasn't coming out to these ones." Y/n smiles at Mick. Making his heart skip a beat. The pair share a more a passionate kiss, than they usually do in public.

With her heavy work load, y/n had promised to make it work. Do work and then nip out and watch Mick do his thing from the garage. Between fp3 and qualifying, she spends a little more time in the garage with him. When they aren't expecting anyone to see them. Mick pushes a needy kiss on y/n. Holding her head in both hands and deeply kissing her. Over and over.
"Mick Schumacher... Hello sweetheart." Mick instantly drops his hands from y/n. Confusing her in the process. After only seeing his family in passing at Prema events. Y/n had no clue who's voice that's speaking and doesn't dare look at the woman it's came from. "Mama..." mick eventually says, confirming it for y/n.

As she dares to look around y/n is surprised by both his sister and mum standing there. But mick has frozen. "Hi... I'm y/n. Nice to meet you." She ends up getting hugged by his mum which she wasn't expecting. "I recognise you. Did you ever have a thing with another Prema boy?"
"Mama!!" Mick wails to stop her from asking. "Or girl... then." Corinna says to y/n. "No, no. Not romantically. I am friends with a few of the old Prema guys and Robert."
Mick watches his mums face change as she tries to remember where she knows y/n from.
"So you are close with Robert? Oh is this one the two of you thought you'd see who could date her first?"
Mick's face contorts as he knows he did, once upon a time. As y/n stands looking confused. He nods his head. Then hangs it in shame.

Just as Nikita, pops by. "Oh. Mrs Schumacher. What do you think of Micks new love? Sure she'd prefer a Russian. Ha." He laughs at himself. Making it more awkward than it has to be.
"Bore off Mazepan. Just like the F1 fans want you too." Y/n quips in before Mick can say anything. "Oh she dare speaks to me. British girls don't do it for me sorry." He smirks.
"Haha. I'm glad. British girls don't like little boys like you." Y/n has tendency to speak before thinking. Within moments, of course Nikita is up in her face, trying his best to intimidate her. Which he does. It's not everyday she would get a Russian in her face. But y/n stands her ground, not daring to blink.
"Excuse me. I'm sure she asked you to leave. Now back off." Corinna shouts.

As he leaves. Both Mick and Corinna are making sure y/n is okay. She nods her head, but it's obvious she isn't. "Will we go grab a coffee?" Mick says to her, pulling her out the back of the garage.
His mum and sister follow them, to hospitality where y/n set up still is. "Still studying?" Corinna asks her. As Mick and Gina go grab drinks, y/n and Corinna speak about her course and how much Mick has liked her since Rob introduced them a while back.

"I'm sure you'll be good for him. You have a rough edge about you. But he needs that. Especially when dealing with people like him." Nikita walks past smirking thinking he had got to y/n. "You think? We've only really been sort of together two weeks." Y/n says blushing. "Yeah I know it. Yous remind me of how Michael and I were like. It's really special to see for me."
Y/n is taken aback by Corinna's comment. "Thank you. Honestly. You've made me lost for words." Mick sits down beside y/n smiling at her. Even though she is rather emotional. "You okay?" He asks the both of them as Corinna isn't much better.
His mum nods her head. "Yeah baby... you got a special one here." Mick looks at y/n and pushes a kiss into her forehead. "Let me take a photo of you both. Dad would love to see." Even though she had already taken ten sneaky photos of them. But a proper posed smiling one Micheal would love. Plus when y/n looks up at Mick smiling it's just so genuine and the love radiates from them already.

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