Marcus Armstrong- Under the stars

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Requested by sabzthebest

Y/n had known Marcus for as long as she could remember. From family holidays to watching him karting.. before watching him head off into Europe to experience the world and f3 and f2 respectfully.
Before covid was a thing and people couldn't hang out or hug. Y/n always promised to go to at least a couple of his races. She loved seeing him race and watching him gain confidence and do stupid things with the Prema boys.

In between 2019 and 2020 they made a pact to meet on the very same beach that they had their very first kiss. The very next year, regardless of what happens during the year. You'd forget that these two are adults, nearing 21 years in the coming year.

The week of Christmas, y/n and Marcus see each other at a family gathering. Y/n has become stupidly shy with Marcus. It's been the first year she hasn't had much to do with him and being stuck in studying all year. Watching him smile and joke around with her brothers, her heart swells a little but also the jealous pangs come in. Marcus does wonder what he has done, as in the past ten years of friendship. This is most distant y/n has been with him.

"We still meeting under the stars at Avon beach? I've missed you. ❤️" Y/n sneaks a look over at Marcus, who is deep in thought looking at his phone. "Girlfriend problems?" Y/n hears her own brother ask him about his sex life. "Girlfriend issues. Don't think she'd like us meeting up.. 💔"
Marcus gets up out of his seat. "Y/n.. come for air." She follows him out onto the balcony of the restaurant. "What?" Y/n instantly gets defensive. "What girlfriend you donut." Marcus smirks at her. Moving more out of view of their families. "I was waiting on you replying, since you don't seem to want to chat."

Y/n walks further away, beating herself up and not knowing what to say. "Uhm. I dunno. Just doofus said girlfriend problem and you said nodded." Marcus smiles at her, making her heart melt. "So girl friend.. we do have an issue it seems. " He takes a deep breath to accentuate the space between girl and friend. But also can't be serious, so stands giggling at the thought of him and her. Not that he hasnt thought about it this year. "So are we doing Avon this new year? Or you ditching me for your girls? Like you used to always do." He smiles over at y/n.
She smiles back at him. Suddenly gaining her sassy confidence back. She walks up to him and pushes a kiss onto his lips and walks back into the restaurant making him figure it out himself. He goes back into the restaurant and they don't speak again until they are saying goodbye.
"Under the stars?" He asks her as she hugs him. "Yeah. Always."
"You two just need to hurry up and get together... your mother's want a wedding." Y/n' dad pokes fun at them. But they look at each other and smile. Marcus gives y/n's hand a squeeze before he lets her go.

They don't see or talk to each other before NYE. "Aren't you overdressed for a night of films?" Her mum yells as she gets spotted leaving the house to go meet Marcus.
The beach isn't far from his house, so at least there is only one car there for them.

He smiles as he spots her. "You came then.. thought your dad put you off." Y/n shakes her head. She walks over to the water edge and slips her shoes off... "Take a photo... it can last you another year." Marcus starts to giggle. "We didn't exactly plan this year well did we?" He asks her. Y/n shakes her head. "Not that it was our fault that Rona happened." Marcus grins stupidly at her. It's weird them just being the two of them. The beach is usually full of people waiting for the firework display and people having beach parties to bring in the new year. But without proper distractions, Marcus gets to appreciate y/n. Her big bright green eyes, her long ginger hair, her full lips.. The way she sits  close to him, but not touching him.

Marcus sighs and throws his arm around y/n. It's been a while, a very long time in fact since he got close to someone. She places her head on his shoulder, glad that the beach is deserted. They watch the sun set, just like they have always done together. Both waiting on when the kissing and touching is going to happen.. "will we go watch a movie then come back down before midnight and pretend we actually met up at the time we were supposed too?" Marcus asks y/n who nods her head. "Yeah since the stars are still sleeping." Marcus laughs and rolls his eyes. "God you're lame.." Y/n pouts at him.

They hold hands as they walk up to his parents house. But Marcus keeps nudging into y/n like a child. But before they head into his house. He stops dead and engulfs y/n in a hug. "I'm glad you waited.." He looks at her face and gets lost in her eyes. "Ugh. Why do I love you so much." Marcus whines. Y/n smiles at him, trying not to laugh. "What a way to tell a girl you love her Marky boy." She nudges him. He scowls at her. "So you don't feel the same?" He asks her hurt. "Of course I do. But I wouldn't ask you why do I love you so much... you should know why you love me or why I love you."
"Well I do. But jeez I want you so much." He says. "Come here then idiot..." Y/n pulls him into her and kisses him. "Not quite under the stars but it's been long enough." She laughs as they pull away.
Marcus goes in for another kiss, not wanting to laugh like she is. "So what is this? Are we dating or you going to ask me out? Or what?" Y/n asks him.
Looking down at her, Marcus gets nervous. "Would we work?" He asks her. She nods her head. "We'd make it work. I'm on summer break and then this time next year I'll be graduating... then I can be wherever you need to me to be."
Marcus can't even hide his grin. "Okay... will you be my girlfriend y/n. Even though I know the answer." She nods her head.

They sit out in the garden waiting for the stars to come out. Between giggling, kissing and their general weirdness together, they bring in the new year sealed with another magical kiss. One that's doesn't have to wait a year for again.

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