Lando- surprise guest

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Are you sure? Amelia asked again. She had been asked to be a plus one on a blind date. It's mid December and it would include traveling to Dubai. "Yeah. Come on. You'll love him I'm sure... plus it's obvious who it's with. Amz. Think about what is happening in Dubai. It's a farewell to Mclaren for Carlos." She stares at her friend Isa. "Lando? The kiddo who's teammates with Carlos. Ugh." Amelia is frustrated. Bored of being the only singleton in their group.
"It'll be fun. This year has been horrid. Plus you can fly home with him.. well nearly home." Isabel keeps trying. Amelia sighs again. "Fine. But only be cause I want the break away before heading home to the freezing shores of Edinburgh." She laughs. Not that Madrid was much warmer than her native Scotland.

The flight to Dubai was not far away. The girls had to dash out and get special dresses. Carlos had sorted out passes and a hotel room for Amelia. Who was confused by the whole concept. "I understand why they race... but why does it take 3 days." She asks Isabel again. Whilst heading into the paddock of the yas marina circuit. They had to go straight to get covid testing done. Carlos was strict on it. Amelia wasn't fond of the orange face mask she had been given by Carlos. She had various silk ones which she preferred. This one showed awful bumps at her nose rings. The girls go find Carlos. Who had the text saying both were negative for covid.
"Thank you for coming Amelia! Lando is going to love you..." Carlos tells her. But Amelias eyes are wandering watching the other guys in the paddock walk around. She already knew that she loved the monegasque and the French drivers. But couldn't tell Isabel. Even though she had already spotted them both out talking to each other.
But I stay with Carlos and Isa. Who are yet to introduce me to my date for the weekend. "You look bored." Isa comes over to me. I look out at the empty track. "Hmm. Kinda." She follows my gaze. "I'm sure one of them is happily taken.. and I'm not telling you which one. Carlos has said we've to do the track walk with him... you might even meet your lover boy for the weekend."
I roll my eyes at Isa. Why can't I just not exercise.. "walk? It's like miles long!" I moan at her. She laughs at me. "Come on.. stop being boring." She links arms with me and pulls me along with her. Carlos talks about corners, apex's and other random jargon. "Amy! What is an apex?" He asks me. "Uhm. The part of the corner you want to aim your car at going into the drivers line of the corner." I smile sweetly at him. "Damn. So your more than a pretty face.." he teases me. "I hate you Car."
He walks up to one of the corners and asks me where he should aim for. "Dude how the hell am supposed to know?"
I point to a bit that looks right to me. Carlos does his loud obnoxious laugh. "What am I right?" He nods his head. "Your a right weirdo you are." He chases me around some of the track. Much to my annoyance, so I end up screaming.
"Are those two always like that?" Tom asks Isa. I see her nod her head. "Yeah. They are. They've now just been photographed being absolute idiots together. Carlos walks back up to the group with Amelia over his shoulder.
He puts her down at the feet of Tom. "Carlos focus..." Amelia holds Isa again more out of breath. "LAAAAAAANDOOOOOO" Carlos yells over everyone. When he sees his teammate, for the last ever race. "CAAAAARLOOOOOOOS!!" Both Isa and Amelia jump, at how loud they are. The girls speak in hushed voices but in quick Spanish. "Come meet the date I promised you... Amy Amy Amy!! Amelia." Amelia eventually looks up at Carlos. "Yeah? Hiya." She aims at Lando. "Amy. This is Lando. Lando... Amelia. She doesn't like Amy." Lando can't take his eyes off of Amelia's legs, that are tanned, toned and have tattoos.
She is the perfect mix of Spanish and Scottish. Her arms and face have a noticeable splashing of freckles and she is a few shades lighter than both Spaniards beside her. Her eyes are somewhere between a blue and green. Lando is almost instantly smitten when he looks into them. "Uhm hi." He's glad he has a mask on covering the majority of his face. But it's still noticeable red. "Aww Lando's embarrassed! Is she too much?" Carlos laughs at his friends shyness. "Carlos.. leave him be. Not everyone is obnoxious like you!" Amelia comes to Lando's defence. "Awww how cute... Amy!" She rolls her eyes at Carlos. Who grins at her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. He says something to her in Spanish so that Lando doesn't understand him.

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