First date- Daniel Riccairdo

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Daniel starts to worry about y/n choice of date. 'Wonder if she knows that not all Aussies know how to surf..' He thinks as he picks out what shorts to wear to the beach. Never one to not stand out he puts on his try hard co-ord shirt and shorts. 'God I look like a try hard...fuck.' He sighs out as he watches himself. He's known y/n for a while. Being fuck buddies for near enough six months. Daniel often wondered when she would just stop turning up, or replying. His work often made it difficult for relationships and he thought he had found the best way around it. Until he started to get feelings.
But he will be late if he has a dramatic change.
Daniel walks down to the prom, looking to see if he could spot y/n walking down to where they said they would meet.
'Should've just met her somewhere more obvious. Damn Daniel.' Daniel keeps putting himself down as he wanders. 'Is it too late to cancel?' Daniel has no clue where his self doubt has come from. He's usually so positive and upbeat.
He spots y/n eventually. Standing in a bikini top and denim shorts. She is playing on her phone. Maybe she is as nervous as him.
"Hey.." Daniel eventually says to her attention. "Oh hiya." Y/n embraces Dan. "How are you? That is some outfit! Did a toddler puke up on you?" She teases him. Dan shakes his head. "No. Just thought I'd put your basic ass to shame." He teases her back. She pouts at him. They have been basically fuck buddies, but Dan wanted more. Hence the date.

"Ah so we surfing? Or chilling in the beach bar?" Y/n asks him. "Bar? Or do you really want to go to the surf school?" Daniel asks her. "Aww but Dan. I can surf. Badly but I can do it." They stand debating where and what to do.
But y/n wins. Like always, as Daniel likes to keep her happy. But they end up just paddling in the water rather than surfing. Y/n gets more and more affectionate the more cocktails she has. Especially at lunch.
Y/n sits with her legs over Daniel, as they watch the boats Bob about the water. Dan's hand is on her thigh and she happily grabs it. She is taking a photo. But Daniel is unsure what of. They are both skirting around the fact that they want more from each other. Y/n posts the photo on Instagram and tags him. Their hands holding and their tattooed thighs. "🤴🏽👸🏼"
He grins at her. "What?" Y/n asks him. She nuzzles into his salty shoulder. Pushing kisses into it. "Y/n what are we?" Daniel asks her, but doubts himself as she moves away slightly. Well moves her legs. His eyes dart over to the sea, to focus on something as she debates what to say.
"I like you. Obviously..." y/n starts to say. Daniel keeps his eyes locked in on a boat in the distance. "Daniel. Look at me. What do you want?" Y/n nudges him, to break his thoughts.
It takes him a while but he realises she's ordered more drinks. "Dan. What's up? Why won't you look at me? Am I that hideous?" Y/n says.
"Nah. You're not. I just hate being serious. But I want more from us. I always think your out of my league.. that there will be one day you just don't reply or show up when you say you will do. I'm getting older and still feel like I'm playing around like a 23/24 year old does." Daniel tells her. She strokes his arm. "It's okay. I get it. I'm not out of your league. I'm here aren't I? I always come by when I know your home after a race. I check in on you more than a typical FB." Y/n grabs his arm and pulls it around her. So she can lean into him. "Better?" She looks up at his face, smiling. Daniel pulls her over more. "Yeah. Now is perfect." Y/n is basically laying down on him. "Oh you want me this close to him do you? With people around."
Dan blushes. "No. I don't.. don't do anything. Remember my job." He laughs heartily. Y/n stretches her arms out and catches Dan's head on the way back and pulls him in for a deep kiss. Breaking away Dan can't help but smile.
"So mine or yours?" He sighs into her.

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