Lando Norris- Jealousy

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Requested by wondxrwxll

People often mistake Lando for the lovely genuinely happy funny guy that he mostly is. His girlfriend knows a whole different side to him.
Now the ugly ogre side doesn't often come out, only when it's really bad.
But now y/n needs a date to a work event, she is nervous to ask Lando. She was even hopeful that he's be away testing or something, but he's not.
"Lando.. want to come to a work charity event? You don't have too if you don't want too. Just everyone else is taking their partners." Y/n asks Lando as he is setting up for a stream.
He looks up and smiles at her. "Sure if I'm not working or out of the country babe." He pulls her over and kisses her.
"Cool. It's Saturday." Y/n says to him, ink wound he hates last minute plans as he gets anxious. "Then I'm definitely home.. what you doing whilst I play?"

Whilst streaming Lando gets a barrage of comments about y/n and some random guy being spotted out having 'coffee dates.' Lando is confused. He knows she's been seen out with girls and guys from her work, but doesn't recognise the one name that keeps coming up. "Like I've said guys, she goes out with clients to lunches and dinners with work to secure deals.... she doesn't need to work if she's dating me? Haha.. nah she likes to keep her brain occupied and she wants to have her
own business someday." After his stream he feels deflated, he's never asked y/n if she is or if she ever would cheat.

She is fast asleep in bed, with her laptop on his side of the bed. He can't help but be curious at what she was doing.
A spreadsheet and answering work emails. One takes his eye immediately. The new guy at her work, as he's never seen his email before nor as y/n mentioned him. Lando can't sleep at all, he tosses and turns all night until he can't take it anymore and he takes her phone and uses her passcode.
He looks for this guy, on her socials and in her emails. But he has slid into her DMs a lot. "So at this event... are you down for getting naked wasted?"
"Come on y/n I know you're reading these... you know I can't take my eyes off of you in the office. Plus I'm sure I'm better looking and better in bed than your innocent lame boyfriend."
"Will you please stop. I don't care what you think about yourself. Or how highly rated you are in the sack. My Lando is closer to perfect than you will ever be. Plus egotism is the least sexy thing you can ever be. Bye."
Lando feels instantly better, she has put him in his lane.

But it doesn't make the nerves any easier on the way to the event. They get an Uber to the hotel, that it's taking place and Lando is beyond anxious. He's worried he'll embarrass y/n with his jealousy. Especially if he sees the guy speaking to y/n. Y/n is sitting looking beautiful next to Lando, all dressed up and glamorous.
Lando sits fidgeting, making it very obvious he's anxious. "What's up? Lando.." y/n grasps his hand, it's all clammy and he tries to wriggle away. "Nothing. Honest. So is there any new people at the firm?" He asks y/n. She nods her head but doesn't delve into too much detail about them or just that one guy.

When they get to the hotel, it's all glammed up, for the event. Lando is used to all the glitz and glamour of FIA events and big sporting ones. So a little business firm one won't be too hard. Right?
Lando recognises the guy who seems to want his girlfriend and it's a whole new feeling for him. He grips onto y/n's hand, tighter than usual. She looks up at him and smiles. "So Lando this is Tom.. new sporting lawyer." Lando can't help but roll his eyes. Of course he is the one in sports. The one he'd have to use if needed.
"Oh someone not a fan already?" Tom jokes with Lando. Y/n looks around at Lando, who fakes a smile.
"What's up Lando? Don't you like intelligent people speaking to you? I know you racing lot love a good chat about hot girls."
Lando drops y/n's hand and heads to the bar, even though he doesn't drink.
Y/n is left standing like an idiot wondering where he has went. "So does he treat you like this often?" Tom asks y/n.
She shakes her head. "No. He doesn't..." She looks around the room and spots Lando. "Hmm speaking to another girl I see. Does he do that often and how crazy does it send you?" Y/n furrows her brow and walks off. Or at least attempts too, but Tom grabs her. "Where do you think your going don't run after the pathetic little boy." He sneers at her.

As Lando looks around the room after speaking with the fan. He sees y/n being openly touched by Tom. So he heads over, furious. He pulls y/n into a hug and away from Tom. "Whats up?" Y/n asks Lando looking up at him. Lando pushes a hard, forceful kiss onto y/n's lips. "Just wanted to show you how much I want you right now and stupid fucking idiots like him need to stay away and out of your dm's." Tom smirks smugly at Lando. "Oh the poor little lad is jealous... that's what happens when you go for a girl who wouldn't look at you twice usually."
Lando sees red. Turns around and punches Tom, in the face. "LANDO!!" Y/n squeals at him. Not sure if she is furious or not. "He deserves it... I'll be at home waiting for you." Lando gives her one more kiss and walks out.

It takes a few minutes for it all to sink in to y/n. Lando punching someone is the most unexpected thing to ever have happen. He is jealous. She gets jealous too but would never punch anyone, so has no clue if she should be mad or glad.

"I know you'll be mad at me, but that guy is an asshole. I'm sorry, like so fucking sorry that it happened and you seen it. I love you. ❤️😘"
Y/n gets Lando's text and smiles. She's just downed a couple shots and texts him back. "Ugh, you home yet? I should've came with you and your jealous ass."
Lando who's not even booked an Uber yet, stands smiling like an idiot at his phone. "I'm outside.. didn't have the heart to leave you here alone. Want me to come back in or can we just go home and have an Chinese?"
Y/n heads to grab her bag and jacket and walks out of her works charity event. Not caring what the outcome will be.

Lando is standing in the rain... waiting for his love. "Come on you.. will we go grab a hot chocolate whilst we wait for the Uber." Y/n takes his arm and they walk into Starbucks overdressed for it, but not caring as they are together and not fighting.

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