🎄Lando Norris Fairytale in NY🎅🏼

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Lando had hired a private plane to whisk away his girlfriend for her birthday that just so happened to fall on Christmas Eve. It is her 21st birthday and Lando just knew he wanted to make it special even if it meant not seeing his own family for Christmas.

"Where are we going? Will I be jet lagged when I get there? Is it cold or warm?" Y/n squealed at him as she tried to figure out where they are going. But for once Lando was giving nothing away. "Get some rest. Is all I'm saying." Lando says.

Once they land is becomes more obvious. Lando has even booked them into the plaza so y/n can live out her home alone lost in New York fantasy. Close to the Central Park and close enough to the Statue of Liberty.

"Oh my god Lando!!!" Y/n squeals as she looks out the hotel room window. It overlooks the Central Park beautifully. "This is too much!!" Lando goes over and cuddles her from behind. "Nothing is too much for my beautiful girlfriend." He pushes a kiss into her temple and smiles at her reaction. "Can we go explore? How long do we have before sundown?"
They get wrapped up and head out for a wander. They grab a hot chocolate as they pass a cafe, as it's a lot colder than expected and darkness is coming in quickly.

But they mange to get into the Empire State Building, as someone recognises Lando. Just in time for full on sunset pictures. "Ah I love you Lando." Y/n says as she takes photos of him. "My beautiful human." Lando starts to giggle when he's called beautiful. "I love you too baby." Lando says as he pulls y/n close for a photo. He pushes a kiss to her cheek in one of the few she takes. "Will we go see the rockafella tree and Times Square since it's basically dark now." Lando asks her.

Lando holds y/n hand whilst walking around Times Square. Taking in all the neon signs and tv screens. Even whilst taking photos Lando keeps a hold of y/n's hand. Being a bit of a wuss, he likes to know she is beside him.
But at the tree y/n is like a big kid. She stands under it for photos.
"How amazing would it be to her proposed fo here?" Y/n says. Without thinking. "Don't get ideas babe." Lando laughs glad it's dark as he's blushing. "Can't a girl hint" y/n teases him. "No. It's way too soon. I love you.. but that's a huge commitment and you've not been to a race weekend yet." He says. She pouts at him, but knows he's right. They've only really started to be in a relationship. Even though they've known each other since they were both eleven or twelve.

They have dinner in the hotel and snuggle up. Neither of them being massive drinkers and restrictions mean it's easier to stay in the room. Resting for the next day. Y/n's birthday. Lando has sorted out all sorts of treats. All mainly in Central Park. The zoo, the ice rink... a horse and carriage ride and a romantic dinner for two.

Waking up and getting ready to head down into the hustle and bustle of New York on Christmas Eve, y/n and Lando go visit the toy store from the home alone movie and then have some breakfast. Before heading into Central Park for the ice rink first and then the zoo. Y/n loves animals and gets excited when she sees one that's not easy to see in the uk. Or her local zoo really.
"Easily please you are." Lando teases her. "Huh?"
"Happy birthday baby." Lando says as he gives her a squeeze. "Ah this is the best day Lando!!"
He pulls her away from the zoo and they head to get ready for dinner and a evening horse and carriage and carousel ride.

As they sit bundled up in the carriage under a faux fur throw, y/n squeals. "Lando!!! Snow!! It's snowing." Lando rolls his eyes smiling. Truth be told he hates being cold and wet. So this is worst nightmare.
The snow gets so much thicker and deeper when they leave the restaurant for the ten minute walk to the hotel. In the foyer, Lando is sure he recognises someone but doesn't believe his eyes.

As y/n and Lando order snacks and hot chocolates for their film night. He sits posting photos onto his Instagram. "Will I tag you?" He asks y/n. "If it's wishing me happy birthday then yeah." Y/n laughs.

Of course Lando uses an old old photo of them. Probably one of their first ones ever. That one of the mums had sent him and the one from the Empire State Building. "Happy birthday to this absolute beautiful human. I hope 21's not too bad for you. I love you."
Of course both their Instagrams go crazy so they ignore their phones for the night. Lando's ruined Christmas for so many of his fans.

They get woken up by someone knocking on their room door. Y/n goes and answers in and squeals. "Lando!!! Come here!!" Lando wanders to the door in his shorts. "Mum.. dad. What are yous doing here?" Cisca and Adam go into their room. "Well. Dad thought yous are still too young to be on your own at Christmas. Both families are here. We flew in yesterday afternoon... merry Christmas." Cisca says to him smiling.
"Happy belated birthday darling. Your photos Lando sent me look amazing... both of you get ready we have ordered some breakfasts for everyone downstairs. Christmas is about family. So we all really couldn't be together."

Both Lando and y/n can't believe it. They had been happy with it just being the two of them. Pigging out and watching films all day. But now it's even better with their families joining them in New York for the Christmas. "Did you plan this fairytale?" Y/n asks Lando. Who smiles at her. "I wish baby... but it really is a fairytale." He tells y/n as he pushes a kiss into her temple.

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