Mick Schumacher- Pamper to make it better

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Requested by WilowSmit

Standing looking into her cabinet of lotions, potions and masks. Y/n realises she has barely seen her other half, as he gets himself ready for the new season. Y/n doesn't mind Mick working so hard and not seeing him often. But worries he will hit a wall soon enough without any rest or relaxation. Or somethings not quite right and he's off somewhere else with someone else.

Y/n waits up for Mick to come home. Even though she is struggling herself to stay awake. But she feels she just wants to see him.
"Oh you're still awake baby... was expecting you to be sleeping." Mick slips down into the sofa next to y/n.
She looks at his weary face, if she didn't know any better, she could've easily accused him of cheating. He went out early and wasn't home until late.
"We need to move closer... this traveling is tiring." Mick moans at y/n. Even though he knows they live in between her uni and his work. So it's unfair him just assuming they can move closer to his work.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to do a date night.. but it's okay. I can see your being your usual selfish self." Y/n says hotly at him, moving away from his hand thats resting on her thigh. "Baby.. don't be like that... I'm just tired that's all. Surely you feel the same with all the traveling..." His blue eyes search for her eyes, but y/n keeps moving her head. "Yeah I am. But I don't complain about it. I moved here so I could see you as much as I could. But you aren't even bothered if I'm here or not.." Y/n says, as Mick winces at her words.
"What do you want to do for date night? Come on.. I'll have some coffee and wake up a bit. Will I run us a bath? Isn't that why we chose this house? The size of the bath?" Mick says, knowing full well that it was y/n that wanted the flat with the big bath in it and hoping that it will get y/n out of her mood.

He gets up and puts the coffee machine on, to make himself a large expresso. He goes and switches the taps of the bath on and throws a few different things he knows she loves in her baths. After grabbing his coffee, he checks on her, still sitting in a huff. "Come on.. bath is nearly ready..." But y/n sits pouting at him. "What do I have to do to make it up baby..." He pushes a kiss into her head. "Face mask... paint my toe nails?" Mick rolls his eyes. Her usual thing for him. As much as y/n loves to be pretty and have the whole perfect nails and skin. She always wants him to do it with her.. he even won the f2 championship with pink nail varnish on his toes.
Not that he cares. He'd do anything to make her smile, her course is just as stressful if not more than what he is, with his impending F1 debut.

He downs the coffee and picks y/n up and carries her through to the bath. "Come on baby... let's get you undressed and I'll grab us a mask." Mick stands and starts to unbutton y/n's blouse open. His eyes nearly pop out when he realises she has on her sexy underwear on, that she bought herself for his birthday. "Mmm fuck.. you really are testing me now baby." She looks up at him through her dark make up coated eyes, biting on her red lipstick stained lip.
"Well I thought I'd make it romantic for us... but you never want romance or me anymore..." y/n says. Mick groans. He's been working himself so hard, he's just not been interested in any extra curricular activities, not realising how it was making her feel. "Baby... you are always my number one, I promise. You know I'm not you know.." y/n shakes her head. "No I actually don't know if you're cheating or not. I'm surprised you remember I'm here at times." It stuns Mick that she says it. "Is it what you think? I'm cheating?" It breaks his heart a little when y/n shrugs her shoulders.
He picks her up and puts her in the bath gently, his eyes prickling with tears.
"I'll go get us a mask... any preference?" He says as cheerful as he can muster.

But she's not up for speaking now. He's not actually said if he is or isn't. Just left the whole idea of cheating open to interpretation.
He undresses himself and jumps into the bath around y/n. "Let me do this..." he uses an old foundation brush to put on the face mask. "Do me?" Y/n turns around and quickly does Mick's face.
She turns around quickly after doing it. Mick puts his arms around y/n. "Come here baby." Mick starts to rub the tension out of y/n's shoulders. He pushes kisses into her neck and he feels her tingle under his touch. "I love you baby... I promise you. I've never cheated on you, nor would I ever. I love us together... even fighting and trying to make it up to you, there is nowhere else I'd rather be. Now will I use that new scrub on you?"
Mick knows the way to y/n's heart too easily, a pampering session that he's meant to be relaxing too but only too happy to help y/n relax.

A few races into the season, mick starts to feel the effects of the traveling and non stop media. He decides to do a little face mask and chill on the hotel bed. Mick sits dreaming about when he will be able to hold y/n again or when he'll be able to have a coffee on their balcony with y/n.
Just as he puts it on, his hotel door gets knocked at. He gets up and quickly opens the door. Hoping it's not a fan or worse the media again.
"Baby!!! What are you doing here?" Mick grabs onto his girl. "Nice face babe." Y/n teases him. "Ugh.. I just wanted some normality... I've missed you. I wanted to pretend you were here..."
Mick picks up y/n and grabs her suitcase, to pull her into the room.

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