🎄Mick Schumacher- Merry Christmas baby🎅🏼

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Requested by WilowSmit who read my mind and wanted a bit of snowy Christmas cheer.

"Baby... I got the tree." Mick calls as he walks into the chalet, he has rented for Christmas. It would y/n and his first Christmas they are spending together.
Mick was making sure it would be an incredible Christmas as it's y/n first one not being surrounded by her own family and he was nervous that it wouldn't live up to everything he had wished it would.
For once Switzerland is waiting on snow. It's usually started by now. But still there is none on the ground. Who doesn't wish for a white Christmas.

Y/n walks into the kitchen past the tree, to go hug her boyfriend. "Where we putting it? I managed to get the fire going. It was feeling chilly." Mick smiles at her, curling his arms around her and pushing a kiss into her forehead. "Will we do the tree?" Mick asks y/n. She nods her head. "Yeah. Will I make hot chocolate? Whilst you put the tree where we are putting it." Y/n smiles at mick. He nods his head. "Living room? Or hall?"
Y/n makes hot chocolate and squirts the whipped cream on it and carries them through to see how mick is doing with the tree.
It's set up in the corner between the window and chimney. "Here you go." The decorations are all set out ready to put on the tree.

As he sips the hot chocolate, mick sits and watches y/n get annoyed that she can't get the tree perfect. "Baby. Come here... need help? That big one should be down the bottom. How about here?" Mick offers help. But y/n groans. "Baby. Relax. It's just a tree." Again y/n groans. "It's not. It's our first Christmas tree babe. It's a special one. I even have us a special bauble." Y/n grabs the tissue wrapped bauble and shows him. It's two little elves with mick and y/n names on it. Mick smiles.
"Ah okay okay. So it's a special one.. but we have years of them in front of us. This tree is just our first one.. the beginning. It'll get more special as the years go by. Let's just put them all on and then you can tweak it." Mick says rubbing y/n shoulders.
He gives her a hand by doing some of the top branches, y/n hands him up all the smaller decorations. Every time he takes one, he pushes a kiss somewhere on y/n's face. "Mick... concentrate and not on me." Y/n pulls Micks head down and pushes her lips onto his. "I love you." She breathes out as he lifts her up easily.

A few hours later...

"Will I put it on now?" Mick grins at y/n. She is finally happy with how the tree looks. "Yeah.. then do the lights." Y/n grins at him.
She sits curling her toes, in excitement. Mick smiles at her whilst turning the tree lights on. "Yaaaaaay!!!!" Y/n squeals.
She stands up and jumps on Mick. "Happy then baby?" He laughs, as she squeals again. "Let's take a photo." Y/n says, as she goes and gets her phone and the tripod to take a hands free photo.

Mick can't help but feel more and more gutted that y/n won't get her special white Christmas that he had promised her.
She curls into his arms, as they turn on the first of many Christmas films.
Starting with the grinch, the old one that's not animated.
Then polar express...
Home alone one and two and finishing off with Elf. Their favourite one.

As they head to bed, the sky looks full of stars and y/n can't get over how beautiful Switzerland is. She is very content with snuggling into Mick even without snow, spending it with Mick will be special enough.
Mick wakes up before y/n, as his bare arms are cold. He goes and looks out the window as it's a lot colder than when they went to bed.
It's snowing.

He debates waiting or waking y/n up. But he knows how much she has wanted it to snow since she got here.
So he goes and gently nudges her. "Baby. Baby. It's snowing!" Y/n opens her eyes looking at the bright screen of her phone. "Mick it's 4am!! What's up?" She groans. "It's snowing baby. It's actually snowing."
Y/n bolts up and runs over to the window and screams. Mick laughs at how excited she is. Remembering why he loves her so much, the joy she finds in the simplest of things. "Oh my gosh!! Mick it's actually snowing." He watches her pull on socks and her Hunter wellies. She then throws on her jacket and hat. "You coming out?" She asks him. He groans as it's much too early for them to be up. But suppose it was his own fault.
He gets himself ready and follows y/n outside. She is already looking up and enjoying the cool flakes hitting her face. Mick wraps his arms around y/n as he wants her warmth. He loves watching her enjoy the snow and act like a little kid.
"I'll be back.." He tells her as he pushes a kiss onto to her lips. He goes in and retrieved the special little box, that his parents had helped him pick out for y/n and he makes a quick hot chocolate.
He collects his nerves as he heads back out. Now he has the snow. He is more nervous than ever. He was happy doing it in front of his family. But now her favourite thing is actually happening so he has to do it.
"Baby..." Y/n turns and smiles at mick. "You okay? You look like you've done something wrong."
Mick just drops to one knee... forgetting everything that he had wanted to say. He's even forgot the question.
"Mick.. what you doing you'll get wet." She laughs.
Mick takes a deep breath and nods his head.
"Y/n will you marry me?" Micks bright blue eyes are full of worry when he looks up at y/n who is in shock.
"Yes!!! Mick! Oh my god." She starts to cry as she falls to the ground beside him. Rather than him standing up and whirling her around, like they've seen in films.
"You mean it baby? You want to marry me?" Mick asks as he is shocked. Y/n nods her head and kisses him.
They eventually go back inside once Mick has recovered enough. Y/n pulls the duvet off of bed and brings it to the sofa, so they can curl up with hot chocolate and the Christmas chronicles. Until it's a normal time to wake everyone up with their news.
"Oh merry Christmas baby!!" Y/n beams at Mick. "Merry Christmas Mrs Schumacher to be." Mick kisses his new fiancée.

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