Charles Leclerc- Suit

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Charles can't stop smiling at his favourite little Ferrari fan. "Mama!! Take a photo." Charles looks up and over at who the little boy is shouting at. "So Leo how old are you?" Charles asks him. "Four..." Charles smiles at the little one beside him. "You going to take my job in a few years?" The little boy nods his head. "Of course!"

——————— skip a few months—————

Charles walking into the Australian GP. In a few small months, Charles has became quickly infatuated with Ethan's mum. But it was obviously mutual otherwise they wouldn't be in Australia with him. Ethan holds onto Charles hand, so he doesn't get lost. Charles can't wait to her both y/n and Ethan to his drivers room as he has a surprise for Ethan. He is almost skipping to the room and Ethan is nearly running to stay up with him.

"Charles slow down!!" Y/n says. But Charles turns around and smiles at her. "No... well I could but I'm just so excited." He grins. She couldn't fault him for wanting to do something special for Ethan. Who'd have thought that her little boys love for racing and karting would actually bring her some love and luck.

"Wait here... let me be sure it's here." Charles opens his door and looks inside. Before sticking his head out, barely able to contain his excitement. "Aaaah you're going to love this. Will we make mummy wait outside and we'll get ready?" Charles aims at Ethan who seems to be in awe of everything. Ethan follows Charles in and they peek their heads out at her.
"Mummy come see." Ethan bellows at the top of his voice.

"Oh my heart." Y/n says looking at her little boy and boyfriend. "Awe Charles you really didn't need too." Y/n says kissing his cheek. "I wanted too." Charles had got Ethan his very own ferrari race suit and boots, matching his. "You look very handsome little man."
Ethan beams up at his mum. "Uhuh. I do. I look like daddy Charles."
Y/n is about to tell him off for it, but Charles lifts him up high above his head. Not batting an eyelid at the fact he'd been called Daddy. "It's okay.. he's called me it for a bit." Charles tells y/n as they walk to hospitality. "You didn't correct him?" Charles smiles at his girlfriend. "Well I would've. But I figured we'd have kids one day and it's easier them all saying the same thing."
Y/n looks at Charles. "We've not been together that long... and you're thinking about us having babies." Charles nods his head. "Yeah. I love spending time with you and Ethan. I think I'm ready to have our own babies and make Ethan a big brother."
Y/n smiles and nods her head at him. Shocked as it's barely been three months and Charles is wanting kids.

"I'm going to take Ethan down to see the car. Want to come?" Charles breaks into y/n's thoughts. She nods her head and follows them down.
She watches Charles carefully as he explains the car and all the different buttons on the steering wheel to Ethan. It melts the mamas heart, watching them.
"Mummy come see..." Charles lifts Ethan up and puts him in the cockpit of the car. "Aw wow! You going to drive for Ferrari when your older are you?" She can't help but ask him. Ethan smiles and nods his head.

"Can we take some photos?" Charles looks at y/n as he doesn't want to say yes and it not be okay. She nods her head and he quickly pushes a kiss into her temple. "I love you. I really do." Charles grins at her. "Does Mum want to get in too?"
Charles holds y/n by the waist and smiles. Proud that he has his own little family unit.

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