Preference- telling him you're pregnant

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Heading home from his maiden world champion race win

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Heading home from his maiden world champion race win. Y/n had sorted out a surprise for Charles.
They walk into their Monaco home, Charles goes straight to the bedroom to take off his coat.
Y/n goes into the kitchen/ diner to make sure everything is set out, before letting his family and a few of their close friends in to surprise him. There is loads of balloons, snacks and a cake to celebrate his win. But also a sneaky non alcoholic bottle of fizz for y/n to drink. She is yet to surprise him with another life changing thing.
She found out after a dizzy spell at his mums house and they found out together. Which was a special moment for the two special ladies in his life. Y/n had been desperate to tell Charles as soon as she found out, but Pascale had told him, that y/n had stayed over in her home for some girl time, instead of the hospital where she was.
Even when she was noticeably more emotional than normal at his podium and gripping her stomach no one asked or noticed.
Y/N goes and gets Charles for his secret celebrations. "Can't we just snuggle and have some alone time.. you made me a promise as soon as I got a world championship, we could start to try." He whispers into her ear. "Yeah. I did... so suppose I can Chuck these out now can I?" Y/n goes to her bedside table and grabs out her contraceptive pills. He nods his head smiling. They hadn't been together overly long, but grown up together. So they knew it's what they wanted.
"I told my dad that I'd start to settle down properly at 25... what better way than trying for a baby." Charles grins at y/n. Who smiles back. "But im hungry. I need food... and celebratory fizz." She laughs. He scowls at her and agrees that he's hungry too. So follows her through to his own party.
"What the hell." He yells as he's attacked by streamers and confetti. "Was this you..." He wraps his arms around y/n's waist. "Yeah... of course. Just wanted to show you how much we appreciate you."
She turns around and kisses him. Placing his hands on her stomach. She knows he has noticed she is more bloated in the evenings, just too polite to mention it. But he smiles. "We? Are you serious?" He whispers.
Y/n nods her head. "Yeah... look." She grabs an envelope off the counter. Charles soon forgets that people are watching him. He looks at the strip of photos that are inside the envelope. "Baby... Y/N." He eventually tears himself away from his girlfriend and looks at his mum. Who is in tears watching him. Proud that for everything that he has overcame to get him to this moment.
Pascale comes over and hugs her boy. "Congratulations darling. You will be every bit as incredible as your father was."
Seeing everyone else look very confused. He looks over at y/n and she nods her head. "Y/n is pregnant. I'm going to be a daddy." He shouts as every looks in shock before rushing over to congratulate them.



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