George Russell- After Race Fights

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George sits in the hotel bar, with Lando, Charles and Alex. It's the first time this season that neither Charles or Alex has their girlfriends with them.

"Are you sure she exists George?" Charles teases him. "Yeah she does. I swear. She's just busy at the weekends." George goes on y/n's Instagram and immediately regrets it. She has posted photos from a night out and there is quite clearly a guy staring at her. "Best night so far in MK."
"Yeah she might not want the fans accounts to see that." Alex says out loud. "Just stating the obvious.. but is she cheating on you when your away or is she easy to contact?" Charles asks him.
"I'm going to my room guys..." George gets up and now isn't as excited to go home to his girlfriend. He's had enough of her excuses of why she can't come. Especially since it just seems to be, for her and her social life.


Walking into his own house, it smells like there has been a party in it. It's clean but there is just an unfamiliar smell to it. Y/n is on the sofa, watching highlights of the race.
"You missed it again then." George says out loud. "Of course not. I'm just rewatching the highlights." Y/n stutters. "What's wrong?" She asks George.

"Why are we together?" George bluntly asks. "You say you love me, yet never come and support me. How the hell do you think that makes me feel? Then you post a night out and some guy is quite clearly into you. Was he here?"

Y/n gets up off the sofa. Even once standing she is still a bit smaller than George. "What? Are you being serious? Luke the guy from uni that you've met briefly. And no he wasn't here with me. No one was. Not overnight anyway." Y/n says to George. But he can't remember him ever meeting this luke guy. Plus she's not at uni anymore so did he stay here? With her.
"Yes I'm being serious. Why wouldn't I be? You never come to the races or post anything about us." George can hear himself getting louder and louder. "What? Neither do you George. It's all F1 or topless selfies. Got to keep that female fan base happy right?" Y/n snorts at him.

"Y/n all I want is to keep us happy. But apparently we can't be happy together anymore. So what's the point in this? You go off doing your life and I'm away doing my job." George becomes more and more sad when he says it. The obvious.
"We don't make each other happy.."
"No George. Your wrong. We do. This is just a stupid fight." Y/n starts to cry, scared that she is about to lose the best thing that's ever happened to her. She watches George shake his head.
"It's not. I understand you not wanting to be apart of the F1 lifestyle but it's my life right now. I need support. Not someone who I'm going to constantly worry about when I'm not home. I'm going for a shower, can you please be gone when I'm out." He says to y/n, before walking away. "No. George.. please stop." But George keeps on walking away.

George himself turns on the shower and slides down the bathroom door. He didn't expect to feel this amount of emotion. He knew they weren't right for each other but still pursued it. He knew she was a party girl and always wants to go out and enjoy life, she's not all about traveling the world and watching him race. But then why does this hurt so much. "Alex what would you do.. would you break up or listen to more and more excuses?" George texts his friend.
"Ugh. I don't know. How is it at home?" Alex texts back. "Erm awkward. She was watching the highlights. Obviously missed the live race again... hungover again I expect."
"Mate don't listen to Charles. I don't think she'd cheat on you. You know that right? Y/n was all over you the last dinner we had with the girls. She might just find it awkward not knowing anyone trackside. Lily finds it hard."

Ugh Alex hasn't helped him. He turns the shower off without even bothering to pretend he's been in it. Y/n is still sitting on the sofa. "I thought I asked you to leave?" George can't quite get his voice to be the tone he wants it to be.
"I'm not leaving Georgie. Not without sorting this out." George sighs loudly. "Why can't you just leave like a normal person would." George moans at her. "Why? You got another girl coming over?" Y/n bites at him. "Since you think you can accuse me of cheating. You got another girl lined up."
George sighs. "No I haven't fucking hell. Why would you think that?" He asks her softening up. As he can see how distressed y/n is. "You accuse me of it. Why would I think any different of you." Y/n cries out. She pulls a cushion over her face and her whole body starts to shake. George watches her sobbing. Not knowing what he should do. Is this how he really wants it to end?
The girl he promised that he would love endlessly. Does he still trust her, yes. All she's ever done wrong is not come follow him trackside. Or tell him that this Luke guy even existed.
"Y/n have you ever dated Luke?" All he can hear us muffled sounds not even a proper word.
"George. He's more into you than me. He's gay." Y/n yells at him. George gasps. Feeling even more guilty. "Did he stay over?" George pushes for an answer. "No. He was here getting ready but not to stay. He didn't even get me back home."

George feels so stupid. Of course Luke loves y/n but not in the way he thought. "Come here baby.. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." George sits down in front of y/n on the coffee table. "I came down here to be with you. Just because I don't fly everywhere with you doesn't mean I don't support you. Or love you."
"I know. I'm sorry. Baby. It's just Charles put the idea in my head..."
Y/n glares at George. "Fuck Charles. You didn't have to come home and accuse me of something I've never done nor would ever do. That's such a shitty excuse." Y/n has moved the cushion from her face. It's all red, blotchy.. wet and puffy. George hates himself.

"Baby. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have said anything without asking about him in a normal way... baby. I'm sorry." George reaches out to hold y/n's hand. But she's not for it. So he moves beside her. "Come here. Please. Don't shut me out."
He knows y/n is stubborn and will close down and ignore him. George pushes a kiss into y/n. "I love you. Just please come to a race. You can hang by the pool all weekend if you want. But just come away one weekend with me. Will I run you a bath and order some sushi and Katsu." George asks y/n. Just trying to quickly smooth it over with her.

Y/n nods her head. She doesn't smile but he knows he forgiven. "Come here." Eventually George is able to pull y/n over into him. They snuggle for a while before George gets up and starts to run the bath for his girlfriend.
"It's ready. Babe."

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