Robert Shwartzman- Another first date

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After speaking online for a while. Robert and his new female friend had already met once in maranello at a Ferrari event. Then decided to go out to keep the party going. Alongside some of the other Ferrari academy drivers.

Y/n woke up in his apartment, both of them hazy headed. Everyone who was there seemed to have a photo of them together. Arthur teased Robert mercilessly, as in every photo they were touching or kissing. Robert was hoping that y/n lived close by, but she didn't. She was over for the event with her family.

They speak for months back and forth on Instagram. Both of them scared to admit that they like the other one. So kept it all online. "Come to Silverstone? For the week if you can. I'll be there for 10 days."
Y/n looks at the dm, whilst finishing off some uni work. "When is it? I'm heading off soon with the girls to go explore the Greek islands for the summer."
Robert couldn't help but feel a bit gutted when he saw that she was most likely going to be away.
"I will be in England from the 11th.. when do you leave? Sure you can't come and see me first?" His heart starts to hurt a little. He'd usually go to his dad for advice with this sort of thing. But can't. "I'll think about it. See what's happening with the girls."

Of course y/n arranges her trip around Robert. Ending up bumping into him, at a track close by. After she dropped her little brother off to Karting. "The Russian Robert guy is here.. the f2 driver. Is that the one you were telling mum about?" She hasn't even started the car to leave the track, when she reads his text. She grabs the first thing out of the car that belongs to her little brother and sets out to give him, his jumper. Even thought England is going through a heat wave.
"What are you doing here?" Her brother hisses at her. "Is it him you were on about?" He grabs his jumper and pushes her back towards her car. "Y/n.. I didn't know I'd be seeing you here today?" Robert has noticed her, much to her little brothers annoyance. "Yeah.. just dropped my brother off. Didn't know you were holding a karting seminar thing." Y/n twiddles her hair and bats her lashes. Feeling stupid. It's not how she usually gets guys.
"Are we still on for later? Here for a one on one race?" Robert cheekily asks her. Even though they had arranged to meet in a restaurant, that does good cocktails. "Don't think my outfit matches a race." Y/n laughs. But Robert pulls a sad face at her. "So no karting." He asks y/n again. She shakes her head. "I best go. See you later."

As y/n walks out and away from all the teenagers that saw the encounter. She is embarrassed. But Robert runs after her. "Hey.. y/n." She stops at her car. "Yeah?" She turns around and looks at him. He engulfs her in his arms. It's nice to cuddle him again, y/n thinks. "Thought I'd say bye properly.. or hi properly." As he lets her go, he looks down at y/n and they can't help but share a kiss. "Ugh.. right go back in and I will see you later." Y/n barely manages to get out.

She heads home and gets ready. Her mum had convinced her that maybe an innocent karting race with Robert would be better than dinner and alcohol. So y/n texts him that she will meet him at the track.
"You're back then.." Robert smiles at y/n. Who nods her head. "Yeah. Thought I'd maybe give you a run for your money..." she raises her brow at him. "Everyone has gone so it's just us.. if you want to."
Y/n smiles at him. "Mmmm you in your race suit.. it is then." Y/n bites her lip. They are still very much comfortable with each other, even without alcohol. Robert pulls her into his arms and kisses her.
The kissing becomes more passionate, deeper and harder to pull away.
"Right let's go karting..." Robert eventually pulls away enough to say. Even though it is very much the last thing they want to do.

Robert pulls her into the track. "Remember your helmet.. babe." He says unsure if he wants to call her babe or something else. "Okay boss!! I do know how to race. Remember I've came to kick your ass." Y/n teases him. As she is jumping in the kart, ready to go.

She is better than Robert is expecting, more daring too. They both end up laughing and screaming a lot at each other. Of course Robert wins but only just. He pulls her out of her kart and they tidy everything away.
Robert pulls y/n into his side as they walk out.

They walk to the restaurant, that they had already booked for dinner. Dinner is even less impressive as y/n is annoyed he didn't let her win. But the chemistry between them is so obvious. Between the hand holding and looks.. it's obvious to everyone.
"are you glad that you stayed back from your trip?" Robert asks y/n. "Maybe..." Robert gasps in surprise. "Not a yes?" Y/n shakes her head. "Not yet."

When they leave the restaurant, it's raining and neither of them have a jacket. "Aaaah. It's been so nice as well." Y/n wails out. But the pair of them end up laughing. "My hotel is close by.." Robert starts to say before y/n jumps in with let's go.
Once there y/n jumps straight into the shower. "Sorry but I feel horrible from being damp." She yells out to Robert. "Can I come in?" Rob asks her. "Yeah.. you joining?" She sticks her head out to watch him stripping off. They share another kiss before Robert even gets into the shower.
But one thing leads to another. Deeply intimate slippery sex. Robert carries y/n through to the bed, where they carry it on. Neither of them care about how loud they are being. Y/n steals one of roberts T-shirt to sleep in.

In the morning Robert orders up food and coffee. Lots of coffee. Even though they didn't drink as much as they have done. But they sure had fun, on their second first date.

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