Marcus Armstrong- First date surprise

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Y/n has came to a race to support her schoolgirl crush. It's the first race of the season and the boy in question is racing in his second year of F2 and second year with ART.
Marcus and y/n had been friends for as long as they could remember.

Y/n had never been to Bahrain before, or even had the opportunity to support Marcus in F2 before. So of course she jumped at the chance when his parents asked if she wanted to come, as a surprise for him.

She stands watching the sprint race on the Sunday. She had managed to hide from him the whole weekend. Which is hard for y/n.
He gets on the podium in the sprint race which is amazing. Considering the Prema cars just always seem to be better.
Y/n texts him congratulations.
"You watched? Will you still be awake after I do debrief? Would love to video call you."
Y/n smiles at his reply. No matter where in the world Marcus is, he still tries to keep in contact.
"Sure i will try to be."

Y/n heads back to the hotel and waits for Marcus to call. He does as soon as he is walking out of the track. Y/n loves seeing his little happy face beam out over the phone. "Where are you? Why you in a hotel freckles?" Marcus smiles but confusion comes over his face.
"Well I'm on a hotel. For another 2 nights at least." She tells him. He looks even more confused. "You on a dirty weekend and I've called you?" He tries to keep up his happy spirit. But inside he's a bit gutted. The older he's gotten, the more he wants a lot more with y/n.
"Nooo. Well it could be... but no. Jesus Marky." He looks at her even more confused. They sit and chat whilst he makes his way to the hotel and he goes to collect his key. He gets handed another key.. not his room key.
"Oh. They've gave me another key... should I go spy on it? Or should I just get my own key." Marcus laughs.
"Hmmm maybe you should go and check... might be a better room. Maybe an upgrade." Y/n suggests. Knowing fine well it's the other key to her room.

"Argh fine I might as well. Will I give you a tour? Or does lover boy want you to himself?"

Y/n stays quiet as she can hear him. "I assume it's a tour you want then." Y/n nods her head. He lets himself into y/n room and drops his phone.
"Freckles!!! Oh my good god." Marcus stops dead in front of y/n. "You came!! You actually came."
Marcus who usually controls his emotions well. Had been kicking himself after seeing y/n back in NZ over Christmas and new year and not doing anything. He thought he had missed his chance with her.
But he still doesn't click on what she had said to him. "So did you come to the track?" He asks her and she nods her head quickly. "Ah freckles.. I can't believe you're here. I'm lost for words!!"

Y/n cuddles into him, not that it is unusual for them to be seen cuddling. Marcus's hands seem to want to wander. So y/n looks up  and into his eyes. They share a kiss.
Their first kiss.
It is as every bit as magical as y/n had imagined.
Marcus doesn't want to let y/n go. He keeps going for more and more kisses. "Oh god... what did I do to deserve this?" Marcus whispers into y/n's ear. "It was only a matter of time I suppose." Y/n says. Making them both laugh.

"Will we have a night in? Room service..: drinks. Netflix.. more kisses." Marcus suggests to y/n. Who laughs at him. "More kisses. You know you could've kisses me at any point in our friendship and I wouldn't have stopped you." She tells him.
"Is that right? What about everything else?" He says whilst raising a brow. They begin to kiss again, pushing food and Netflix out of their mind.
Y/n pushes Marcus down on the bed and straddles him. "Oh. Okay. So that's a yes. To everything else." He says cheekily at her. It takes them no time in getting better acquainted with each other for the first time.

"So no going back to just friends then." Marcus can't help but tease y/n. She shakes her head, reading the room menu. For Marcus to call down and order.
"So is this our first date... technically speaking?" Marcus asks her. She nods her head. "Yeah in our own typical weird way." Y/n laughs.
They've never been normal together. So why start now.
"Ah well it's the best surprise I've ever had." Marcus turns over and pushes a kiss onto y/n's lips. "And I'm glad it's with you. I got back to Italy and regretted not telling you how I felt. But didn't want to do it over the phone. Freckles. I can't live without you and don't ever want to be without you. Especially after last year..." Marcus can't help but tell her. A bit late and doing everything in the wrong order. But he's done it now.
"I know. I felt the same. You come home like a whirlwind and leave again so quickly. I hate it. Especially when you leave and I've never told you just how much you mean." Marcus pushes kiss after kiss on y/n.
"So I suppose I should be the man and ask you out then freckles. Huh? Promise when I ask you to marry me... it'll be proper and romantic."
Y/n laughs loudly at him. Even asking her out, he is still over the top.

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