Oscar Piastri- Period helper

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Requested by ilysmjdarezzo

Oscar is just home from a busy weekend away with f2, he had begged his girlfriend to be at his flat waiting on him, as he is due to be home in the early hours of the morning and knows she can't miss uni. Not for him.

He climbs the stairs and sees the familiar pink checkered vans at the door. He can't help but smile at her being at his home. She hasn't even made it to the bedroom and is curled up with one of the teddy's she bought him that you heat in the microwave.
He starts to worry that something is wrong. It's not like y/n to be on the sofa sleeping. Or have a teddy in her arms, he's usually the one who's  smooshy. He bends down and kisses her forehead, hoping that he won't wake her up. But he does.

"Oh hiya baby." Oscar smiles down at his girlfriend. But he grows concerned as she winces in pain. "What's up? You stiff from the sofa?" He watches y/n shake her head. "No." She groans out loudly.
Oscar kneels down beside y/n, in front of her on the floor. "What's up baby?" She goes to sit up and ends up doubled over, holding her stomach.
"It hurts so fucking much!!" Y/n moans loudly. Oscar jumps up beside her. He's never really seen her this had with stomach cramps before. "Ugh I hate being a fucking woman!!" Oscar can't help but laugh at his girl. Even when he knows he shouldn't. But he understands immediately what's wrong.
"Will we go watch a Disney film in bed?" Y/n looks at him sadly. "Only if I can steal shorts!!" Y/n says to him.

Oscar goes and grabs her some looser shorts, he throws her them as she walks into his bedroom. "Danke." Oscar rolls his eyes at her. Neither of them are Italian yet both stay in Italy and she isn't German. But she can speak four languages fluently.
She goes and changes into them. They end up falling asleep to wreck it Ralph.

But when y/n wakes up to Oscar not there and Disney+ off. "Oscar?" Y/n shouts as she gets up to go to the toilet and sort herself out. But he's not in, weirdly.
She heads back to bed and throws on monsters inc. She curls up and winces in pain, her periods have gotten worse recently. As her pain becomes unbearable again, Oscar bursts through the door.
"Oh noooo baby. What's up? Need painkillers? I got some. And chocolate and snacks and coffees... oh and heat patches."
Y/n looks at him, her eyes swimming with tears. "Where's the coffee?" She asks him. He passes her the snack bag and the pharmacy bag, then heads out and grabs her iced caramel coffee. Oscar can't help but smile as she sips it.
"Am I not just the best boyfriend or what?" He laughs settling back down beside her. Whilst looking for the painkillers. Y/n pulls out a box of tampons and a box of pads. Looking at him confused. "Thought you'd maybe want to keep some here and I didn't know what you use.. so got both options." Oscar laughs, but blushes too.
"So your not awkward with this at all?" Y/n asks him. But Oscar nods his head. "Of course but I love you and I know it happens monthly. So I best get used to it." Y/n snuggles into oscars arms as they watch the fox and the hound. Which isn't the best idea with her extra hormones, that send y/n sobbing when the fox gets ousted as the hound grows up. But he holds her and let's her cry.

"Maybe a happy film now baby... I can't deal with you crying. Everything else but tears." Oscar smiles at her. So she can't be mad at him. "Okay. Fine... pick something. Whilst I put another patch on."

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