Charles Leclerc- Baby Leclerc

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Requested by ash92931

"Can you come over? Are you even in Monaco?" Y/n looks at her phone as it buzzed. She is worried as it's not like Charlotte to need her so urgently.
"Sure thing.. you need anything?" Y/n quickly grabs her keys and phone and heads out the door. She walks the ten minute walk to Charlottes apartment that she shares with her boyfriend Charles. The one and only Ferrari driver, Charles Leclerc. He's from one of the well known families in Monaco right now.

Y/n gets nervous pushing the bell to get in and walk up the stairs. Charles answers the door when y/n lightly knocks on it. "Heeey trouble." Charles says smiling. "Hi. What's up with Char? Where is she?" Y/n sounding worried. "Shes ran downstairs to her cakes and coffee... she'll be back in a minute."
Y/n and Charles haven't always seen eye to eye, but y/n had to get over it. For the sake of Charlotte... but y/n wasn't subtle with her comments she made about the whole way they got together behind her other friends Gi's back.
In a small place like Monaco, there was various other rumours about y/n being in love with Charles and that's why she hated them together... or that Charles had double crossed her with Charlotte and Gi. The joys of a small place.

"So what's new with you?" Charles asks y/n to break the silence. "Nothing much, I was just trying to finish off my thesis, when char text. What's she needing me so badly for? You not doing what your meant to be?" Charles looks shocked. "Always me Huh. Cant it be her that's  wrong for once?" Y/n shakes her head. "Nope. You know she's like my sister.. so she'll do no wrong ever. Not over an F1 driver anyway." Y/n says it all the time to annoy him. She even said to Max once and she wished she hadn't. He certainly wasn't the typical person she would usually speak too. But it was after a Monaco race and Charlotte had pulled her to the afterparty.

Charlotte eventually gets back. "Sorry there was a long queue.. is y/n here yet?" Charlotte yells. "Yeah I'm here char."
Charlotte puts the drinks and snacks on the table. "Aaaaah baby G. You look so pretty today. Loving the shorter hair."
Charles looks bored as he hears this every time they meet up. So he ends up looking at his emails.
"So what's so urgent you need me this afternoon?" Y/n asks. Charles gets up and leaves the room. He knows the news and not sure how y/n will respond.
"Well. I have news to tell you." Y/n looks down at Charlotte hands. But she doesn't have any rings on. Or no new ones anyway.
"I'm.. well. Charles and I will be parents soonish.. in like 7 months." Charlotte stutters out. Not used to being this nervous with her best friend of fifteen years. But she genuinely doesn't know how y/n will respond.
"What? Are you joking? Is it April already?" Y/n says in shock.
Charlotte shakes her head. "Uhm.. I don't know what to say. Congratulations. As long as you're happy i don't mind." Y/n says, taking in what Charlotte has said.
Both girls are in tears when Charles goes back in to check as they had went silent. But he realises they are just inaudible to him.

"Congratulations daddy.." y/n says getting up to embrace Charles who's confused. "Thanks. Thought you'd want to kill me." He laughs. Y/n shakes her head. "I don't hate you. Nor do I love you though." Charles smiles. "I'll take it ha." He jokes back at her.
"Will you stay here with me, if I decide not to go to the races with Charles? I don't want to be on my own." Charlotte asks y/n. "Of course... just let me know when and I'll be here for you. But I really need to get back to my thesis." With that y/n has to run and do her university work.

On the Thursday morning y/n wakes up to a missed call and a few texts not all from Charlotte. As she is waiting to hear back from a job opportunity, she calls the number she doesn't know first.
"Y/n.. it's Charles. Charlotte was feeling ill. So didn't come with me this weekend." In her head y/n is screaming, it's not the job.
"Okay. Need me to go stay with her?" She lays in bed, listening to Charles. Trying to not drift off again.
"Okay I promise I'll head over in an hour. Good luck this weekend."
"Thank you. I really do appreciate your help."

When Charlotte opens the door of the apartment, she is in her comfy clothes. The girls hug, y/n looks after Charlotte. Making sure she is drinking enough water and eating some dry toast.
"Thank you. Charles was so worried about leaving me, now that pregnancy sickness has hit me hard."
The girls rewatch gossip girls, curled up on the sofa fort that y/n made them. Charles calls Charlotte before he has to media. "I miss you not being here. How you feeling?"
Y/n busies herself making them food, ready to watch the press conference of the teams.

"Thank you for being there.. y/n." Charles shouts so she can hear him. The girls watch gossip girl all weekend, only stopping to watch
Charles. Even away from the race, Charlotte loves to still support him. Pregnancy won't stop her.
She shouts at the tv; watching Charles but keeps shouting go daddy instead of Cha. Like she usually calls him. "Getting used to what you'll be shouting by the end of the season?" Y/n can't help but tease her. "Yeah. I didn't think we would have a baby this soon. But I am so excited... you are for me too aren't you!" Char asks y/n who nods her head.
She'll love the baby as it's Charlottes, but she still needs to see more from Charles in regards to commitment with Charlotte.

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