Lando Norris- i said sorry

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Standing listening to Lando on the radio. He is furious at Lance and so I would I. He has just done exactly what he done in fp2 again in the actual race. So I would be saying worse words than Lando.
"Right Lucy when he comes off, he isn't happy. So try and calm him down a bit before media interviews okay?" I nod my head at the the team briefing.

But as soon as I see Lando, I can already see he isn't going to be easy to calm down. "Hey.. chin up bub. You done amazing." He huffs something at me, that I don't catch. But he starts stripping which means get out. "Come see me before media okay?"
I leave the room and can tell he's not going to be happy until he's left the track. I hear him speaking to himself, so I knock on the door. I'd much rather speak to  him alone, than with people around.
"Lando! Are you listening?" I ask him. But he stares into space. Wallowing in his own self pity.
"Fine Lando. Have it your way.... move let's go get this over with so we can leave." I bite back at his silence.
I walk ahead of him. I look at my phone, instead of our usual post race banter. I stand beside him recording his interviews. Zippo are my most hated interviews. The guy is sometimes rude and words questions in a certain way that can trip up even the most seasoned  guy on the grid. Which is why Kimi refuses to speak with him.
He makes a statement then asks Lando if he is talking. Lando looks at me confused. "Is that not a statement? Not a question?" He asks the guy. So he is sarcastic to the already pissed off lando. Who ends up biting and dissing Lance. "Lando.." I cut him off. He looks at me and I shake my head. "Oh? Okay... well sorry I'm not allowed an opinion am I Lucy?" He bites my head off, embarrassing me.
"No of course you are. But it's time for the next person..." I smile at the zippo guy.
I scowl at him, whilst waiting for the next person. "What's your issue?" He asks me. "Excuse me? You didn't want briefed so any of this is on you. Not mclaren... or me. I'm just a passenger in your shitshow." His blue eyes narrow at me. "What? My what? You on your period?" He barks at me, I'm sure people overhear him.
I am livid by time we head back to the hospitality station. I put my voice recorder away and I can feel myself physically shaking. I go and speak to Charlotte. "Sorry. But he's out of order today. He didn't want briefed and gave attitude to everyone. Including me."
I hear his giggle. "You for real Lou .. having a good bitch are you?" Charlotte looks up at him. "Lando. That's enough. Go cool off. We will speak tomorrow."
"What so I'm not allowed to be annoyed or fucked off that he ruined my race, my chance to get points. I'm not a fucking robot... or your fucking puppet Lucy." He spits at me. Not even Charlotte who had spoken to him. "Lando. I said enough. Go relax. Lucy is just doing her job. You are allowed an opinion or have feelings but so is Lucy. Right now I'm speaking to Lucy."
He laughs. "What a joke. So she's just allowed to bash me?" He moans. "I'm not bashing you Lando. How dare you ask me if I'm on my period. Who the fuck do you think you are! Embarrass me like that again and I will fucking punch you in the middle of the media circle. Maybe Lance should've hit you harder. I'm going now."
"What's her issue?" I ask Charlotte. "Is she allowed to speak to me like that?" Charlotte shakes her head. "No but neither are you allowed to speak to her how you did. You owe her an apology. I will need to let Zak know what's happened. Lando. Please just apologise."

I've not even made the hotel and Lucy has text me. "Sorry. I shouldn't have lost my temper at you. In work." I smile.
"Ugh. Your forgiven. But jeez your scary when you want to be. But it's also quite hot why you not single. Look on Instagram. I love you being my press officer."
I have posted the group photo that I always take for memory sake. "Today was rough.. I've never felt this crap after a race in F1 before, but it's no excuse for my own actions and words I used against my own team. Lu I am sorry and I hate that your not in this photo. So I edited you in."
It might have been the photo I find her most attractive in. "Aww mate you defo have no chance now 😂 I heard what you said to her. How did she not punch you?" George texts me.
I'm mortified by my own actions. She didn't deserve what I done and I can see why she would leave.
I send her a dessert to her room and a couple cocktails.
"Sorry.. I said what I did. Hope you enjoy your  favourite drinks and food. 💔"
She sends me a Snapchat of her and one of the cocktails out on her balcony. "Can I come over?" I ask her. "❤️"
Her usual signal for yes. "Yeah i need help to take a photo... it's for an ad."
When I go over I want to die. She's in a little set of undies. I'm sure my eyes are out on stalks cartoon style. "I need to the lounge ad for these." She tells me. "Okay... you look insane." I breathe out. She has literally taken my breath away.
"Aaaah why are you not single." I ask her. But she smiles at me. "Why? You wanting to touch this?" She literally purrs at me. I nod my head.
"I don't deal with little boys. That's why." I stare at her. "What so you are?" She nods her head. "I'm not a little boy.. Lucy. Cmon." I'm basically begging her. "We done with photos?" I ask her. She stands in front of me looking at the photos I've taken if her. I go to touch her, but she dodges my hand. "Nuhuh... little boys who can't apologise properly. Don't get to play."
I sit gnawing my lip, I feel like I'm on the naughty step. "Lucy I'm sorry. I let my emotions get the better of me..." she drops her phone on the chair and downs her drink. "Will I order more drinks?" She asks me. I shake my head. "No. I want to play.." I stand up and push kisses into her neck. I remember her saying that's her sweet spot, one drunken night. That was a fun night... truth or dares and a bottle of tequila.
"Uuuh Lando.. I said.."
I suck on her neck just where she told me too. Her sigh let's me know I've got the right place. "I know what you said but I'm a bad boy." It sounded better in my head, but her hand finds my dick, it's a familiar feeling. It won't be the first time we've been in this situation. I unbutton myself and let her do as she pleases. I gasp loudly as her hand tightens around my shaft. She grabs my hand and guides it, to her nerve endings. I take over from her and she doesn't take long, before she's growling into my shoulder. "You want too?" I ask her. "Don't stop... keep going." I push her on the bed, to use my mouth instead of my hand, to finish her off. It doesn't take long, as she is swollen and juicy. . Her hands in my hair, her thighs wrap around my head as her hips thrust up. She cums loudly.
I give her a second and start to guide myself into her, but she stops me. "No do me hard.. and deep." She turns around and I take her from behind. I take fistfuls of her hair, as I pound into her. She comes around my dick quickly. Just as I'm getting close to my own. She pushes me off. "I'm done...." she says. I'm shocked but stop.
"Huh? I'm nearly done... cmon Lucy don't be mean." I moan. But she smirks. "Cmon on Lu I said sorry. I'm sorry... I'm so fucking sorry. Please finish me." I wail as it's painful. I just want to finish and snuggle up with her.
"Tell me how you want to finish... since your a bad boy." She smirks at me. At this point I don't care. I know it won't take much. "Get down on your knees and finish me..." I say. She does as I say and I get to finish deep in her throat.
I can barely believe it. She goes into the bathroom and I can hear the tap on. But when she comes back out I can smell mint and she's in a long tee. "Did you really need the photos? Or just a ploy to get me to fuck you?"
She smiles at me. "If you look at Instagram, you'll see I needed them.. but we also had to get rid of the tension.

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