Lando Norris- Loyalty

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Lando agreed to going to a friends birthday night out, but with him not drinking and away so often, he wasn't actually sure if he could make it.
"Change of plan for my birthday. Lou is having a gathering at her parents country house. It's next weekend, she sorted it out so you could actually make it. You can bring someone with you, if you want. But I'm sure she'll be inviting some of her friends."

Lando hated not having an excuse not to go now. As much as he likes seeing his friends but this type of meeting up gave him anxiety. Will he be able to get home or sneak away when he's had enough. He decides to go early with his friend and his girlfriend. Proper third wheel style. But he didn't know if he wanted to stay for the party.
"Oh y/n is meeting us there. She has your cake and other sweet treats she's baked." Lou tells her boyfriend." She is on loudspeaker as Lando drives himself and his friend to the house.

When they arrive the girls have music on, decorating the house in balloons and normal pretty decor. "Can you two sort out the bbq?" Lou asks them as they walk through the door. "Lando.. this is y/n." Lando blushes as he looks over. She is beautiful. Long pastel pink hair, her short shorts show off leg tattoos and she has a few piercings that he can see. Not his usual type but he just smiles and stares at her like a little boy in school. He follows his friend outside to get the bbq on.

"So how do you know her?" Lando asks. "It's lou's best mate. Had a bad break up a while back, then one day she turned up for drinks with bright pink hair, nose piercings and a lip piercing. She's always had tattoos, but used to be fake tanned, dark hair. You like her?" They look into the house where both girls are dancing around the open plan kitchen diner. "Mate I wouldn't be surprised if she's only invited you two. Think she's trying to set y/n up. But it's fine you don't have to do anything."

A few hours pass and Lou has the hot tub on, fire pit on and plenty of wood chopped near by. The girls go get changed and more people arrive. Lando notices he knows more people than he expected but y/n seems to be more introvert than her appearance seems. "So you okay?" Lando asks her, watching her pour herself a drink. Y/n nods her head. "Yeah I think so. Just don't know a lot of these guys and it makes me kinda nervous." Lando doesn't know why, but he pulls her outside and up the garden away from everyone else. "Breathe. You don't need to be nervous. It's just people who you don't need to worry about." Lando tells y/n. "Sorry I didn't get a chance to speak much to you before everyone started to come."
Y/n sits on the old child's wooden swing hanging from the tree. "You look beautiful in your dress." Lando tells her, watching her swing a little. He catches a little smile from her.  "Do you know Lou is trying to set us up?" Lando asks her. She looks shocked then laughs. "Erm yeah kinda I joked about it a while ago. Then this happened. My little brother watches your twitch stream." Y/n blushes a little. "Why? Jusg purely based on my average looks? Or my screaming when I lose a game." Lando teases her.

He watches her as she thinks about her answer. "Honestly wish I had a answer for you. It's just I dunno actually. You just seemed uplifting, happy. Genuine. Average? Where are you average about?" Y/n laughs, as Lando points to his face. "That's far from average. If I had more Dutch courage in me... I'm sure I'd be flirting more." Y/n blushes. "Why be drunk for it. You're by far the most beautiful girl here." Lando tells y/n and not just because he knows Lou is trying to set them up.

Lando pulls y/n up off of the swing, she stumbles as he does. But he catches her before she falls. "Oh my god. I'm such a clutz." Lando blushes at her, his own mind racing. "Would it be weird if I kissed you right now?" He asks her. She pulls his head down to meet hers and he does the kissing. "That's a no then?" Lando stammers as they break apart. Y/n shakes her head smiling.

They walk back down to the party, holding hands. But as soon as y/n sees her friend, she drops his hand. It's not really her friend more like fiend. She broke y/n and her ex up. But y/n has a think to herself and makes out she had an itch. Then grabs his hand again. "Really? Hun.. him. Didn't think you liked babysitting that much"
Lando pulls y/n away from the girl. "Who's she?" He asks innocently. But then realises y/n doesn't want to talk about her. She jumps on the counter top in the kitchen and pulls Lando in for more kisses. Which he is happy enough to oblige with. "Oh fuck... it's true. Ha." Y/n glares at the person who said it. It's her  she jumps down and pulls Lando after her. After spending summers there as a teen, she knew the house well enough to know which room to go too.
"This your game is it?" Lando teases y/n, wrapping his arms around her waist. "What game?" Y/n asks him. Confused. She's not innocent and knows what it looks like she wants. She wouldn't say no to it, more so now that she knows her ex is downstairs with the girl that broke them up.
They lay on bed together, throwing the tv on, so if someone was to try walk in. They'd hear it. Lando starts to get nervous when he's not sure if she wants sex or not. Is she wanting a one night thing? As he's not that type of guy. But feels like he is so anxious that he can't say.
The kisses get deeper and deeper, Lando relaxes into them and he finds his body doesn't agree with his brain. He's sure his body is responding more than what y/n is. "We don't have too if you don't want too.." Lando says between kisses. Purely because his cock is becoming more and more obviously hard and sensitive to even his trousers brushing it. She bites his bottom lip and he moans loudly. "Think you definitely want too." She teases him.
"I do but I.. I don't do ah one night things." Y/n smilies at a stuttering Lando. "So your asking me out already? Huh? To have sex." Lando blushes. He didn't think through whag he said.
"Okay. I'm okay with it. Just don't expect me to be normal..." y/n smiles. Lando pushes another kiss onto her lips. "Lando... please just   Fuck me right now. I can feel this and I think he needs released before your jeans pop." He hand brushes deliciously over the length of his cock and Lando can feel a familiar sensation. He lets her unbutton him and get his cock out. With her other hand she guides one of his under her dress.
She is already wet, with wanting him. But he slicks up his fingers and brushes her clit gently to see what sort of noise she would make. "Fuck... Lando." She moans at him. Her hand is going up and down his shaft and he knows he needs to calm down or it'll be game over before he's even in y/n.

He nudges y/n opening and she gasps instantly at how thick he is. "Ah Lando.." With every thrust he can feel her walls tighten around him and she gets more and more wet and she gets louder and louder. Lando pushes kisses on her lips. But she moans loud into them. Making him smile. He's never had this sort of appreciation for him before during sex. "Are you close?" He whispers, not sure if she can hear him over her moans. Lando knows wirh her tight contracting core, he won't last long.
Suddenly it gets tighter without her answering him. He pulls right out and slams back in. Y/n's whole body shakes and a noise leaves her. His back has her nails deep into it and he cums deep into her. Lando hisses y/n as he does. Y/n pushes a kiss into Lando's parted lips.

They readjust themselves, Lando watches y/n reapply her lipstick, before walking out together. "So you don't just do one night stands do you?" Y/n asks Lando. He shakes his head. "No I don't do them. So I need to take you out on at least one date."
The rest of the night is a blur of watching people drink and get louder and louder. Y/n decides to not drink since Lando doesn't drink, but has a great night spending it with him. His shyness has completely disappeared and he openly holds y/n's hand. More so when her ex is around with his new girlfriend.

Lou eventually comes over to them. "I'm sorry I didn't think she'd come and bring him... I'm so sorry y/n." She looks at her friend and Lando. Sharing looks between themselves. "What have I missed with you two?" Lou's eyes narrow and dart between them. "Your not even drinking and pretty much fucking Lando with your eyes."
Lando laughs at the analogy. "You haven't already? Have you? Y/n I know you have your own room here... but really?"
Lando's hand tightens on y/n's thigh. "Yeah we have. Why did you invite someone who broke up your friends relationship? Even if you thought they wouldn't come. Where's your loyalty at?" Lando can't help himself. He knows they've been getting funny looks since they came back downstairs from a couple of people.
L/f/n comes over after hearing Lando raise his voice. "If you don't even have your own friends back then you two are doomed. I'm leaving... Y/n you coming?" He looks over his shoulder and his demeanour softens with her. She smiles and nods her head.

"You're actually leaving because of them?" Lou moans at y/n. Y/n shakes her head. "No like Lando said. Your loyalty sucks. We've been friends since nursery and this is how much it means to you.. see you later."

Y/n laughs as Lando carries her bag to his car. "Of course you have an orange mclaren" she teases him. Lando smiles at her.
On the drive they have car karaoke to keep themselves awake, as Lando stays a good two hour drive away. But it keeps her mind off of the texts she's getting from Lou. Y/n keeps looking at Lando, she can barely believe they just walked out of a party and now she is heading to his.
She takes a sneaky snap at the red lights and sends it to her brother. "Why are you with Lando.. happily together with him. Lou phoned mum saying you stormed out of the party and saying she's worried about you. Will let Mum know you're with Lando."
Y/n is furious. But soon forgets it when Lando stops the car at his home and they go inside. Maybe to sleep... maybe for round two.. three four.

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