George Russell- Wolff's Daughter

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Standing at the back of the garage y/n is watching the horrific second Bahrain race. "Ah fucking hell" her dad yells at the end of the race.

Y/n pulls a face. It's painful watching. Twice. Twice how could they fuck it up. Both George and bottas are furious at their own races. George hides out in his drivers room away from everyone. "I'll be a minute.. I'll text if in coming with you." She hugs her dad Toto and makes a beeline for George's room. She gently knocks it. "Yep?" George shouts. "Just me. You coming to the hotel?" Y/n asks George. They'd known each other since he became the Mercedes reserve driver a few years back.
George nods his head. "Yeah. Suppose I best leave here Huh." He asks y/n. She nods her head at him. They walk through the near empty paddock, George wraps his arm around y/n. Which isn't unusual for them. But y/n is seeing someone, so fights with what to do. "It's only a hug. He needs the support right now." Y/n says to herself. It doesn't need to end like it has before.

Until they get to the hotel, they don't stop talking. "You coming up? Come cheer me up y/n... Your Georgie boy needs help." George purrs at her, gently biting her ear lobe as he does. Y/n melts at how his English accent sounds saying her name. "Uhuh.." She doesn't need asked twice to George's room. Obviously she glances around to see if anyone is taking photos of him. Even though it's late, the foyer is busy of the hotel.
"Ah George! Mate I can't believe it. How are you?" Lando stops him. He's with his dad y/n assumes. They speak with the same accent. "Aw this is Adam Lando's dad, Adam this is y/n Wolff." George introduces them. "Nice to meet you." Adam says to y/n. "Likewise. Congrats on managing points Lando." Lando blushes as he usually does with y/n. Ever since she overhead him saying her dad sounds like the terminator. Not that she minded, she has heard it so often. It's like water off a ducks back.
George finally says goodbye, just as y/n was going to make her own escape. As if he could sense what she was feeling.

In the elevator together and alone, George plants his first pouty kiss on y/ns lips. "I've missed this." He whispers between kisses.
Clothes done last longer than the door of the room. As soon as his bag is down, he is stripping off and pulling y/n's dress over her head. It's a quick messy affair. George makes sure y/n is finished before he cums deep inside of her. Not thinking he's not using protection.
Y/n slips away before George wakes up, unsure on how she felt about the whole evening. She then heads home to Austria, whilst the teams head to the last race.

It's not long to his birthday , when George receives a text from y/n. He had forgotten all about their quick one time in Bahrain. "Is this still your number Georgie?" He looks at the text and facetimes her.
Of course he is sitting topless. "Hey darling. Whats up? You single now Wolfie?" He teases her.
"Yes.. but it's not why I'm wanting to speak to you. Remember Bahrain? That one night?" George looks at her confused. "Yeah. Kinda why?" George's smile is gone, as he slowly remembers. "That one night we didn't use protection?" He frowns whilst y/n nods her head.
"Right what about it Wolfie. Do we have an issue? Is your dad going to want to kill me?" She nods her head at him biting her lip. "Are you at your dads? Can you come here and tell me rather than over a call!!" George quickly says before she can say anything. He hangs up and texts her an address. Kings Lynn. His parents house.

Y/n drives to him. She stops at a service station and has to both compose herself and sort out her make up.
Driving up to a random house in a place she had never been before. It's quaint village. She texts George. "Come out... I don't even know if I've came to the right place."
George sits on his bed laughing. He has already spoken to his mum about the potential of him fucking up. He heads outside. "Yeah it's the right house... since when are you shy?" He teases y/n. As he opens her door. As nervous as he is, he's trying to act normal. He engulfs her into a hug.
"You look beautiful." Y/n scowls at George. "Really? You make me drive all the way here. Pregnant. Two fucking hours George." He looks at her. He wasn't expecting her to be that blunt. "Yeah. Thought you'd like to join in with birthday celebrations.. early ones obviously." He gulps as he can see how furious she is.
"Do you need to use the bathroom? I remember my sister needed loads when she was pregnant." George acts as if she hadn't just bit his head off. "Yes. I do. Thank you." He shows her where it is. As his mum pops her head out the kitchen.
"Is she?" She whispers to him. Her little baby of the family. He nods his head. "Toto is going to freak." George says before he pushes his head to the toilet door. "Y/n you alright?" George shouts through to her. She unlocks the door and he goes in with her. She is sitting on top of the closed lid of the toilet. Her head in the nook of her arm crying. George bends down to speak to her, he holds her other hand. "What's up? Apart from the obvious, I mean." Y/n's sobs cease for a minute. "I'm 19 George. This shouldn't be happening. I'm usually safe. But no. Here I am. Near enough ten weeks pregnant."
George looks up at her. "Come on. It's not that bad. It is happening and obviously you want to have the baby otherwise you could've just got rid of it and never mentioned it again. Will we speak outside rather than in a little toilet." Y/n nods her head. George stops before he opens the door and wipes away y/n'a mascara lines. "Why are you being so nice George?" Y/n asks him. "Just because I want to be. Does your dad know your here?" Y/n shakes her head. "Give me your phone... I'll text him. Well need fo go out shopping for you to get an outfit for dinner." George tells y/n as he texts her Papi bear, as she has him in her phone.

They get into his car as they go to the shops quickly. George doesn't let her pay for anything. He even spots her looking at baby clothes. He goes up behind her and holds her close. "What will we get?" He whispers to her, his hand slips down to her very little bump. Y/n heart flutters at him. He pushes a kiss into her temple. "What about this?" George points to a little white onesie. "Welcome to the world 2021." Printed on it.
"We can worry about everything else later yeah? I promise i will look after you and baby." George is surprise when y/n shows him some open affection. Turning around and hugging him, before they share a kiss.

"Williams driver out with girlfriend.. shopping for baby clothes. Russell could barely stop touching his girlfriends little bump as they kissed and hugged in store. George Russell 22 nearly 23 has gave himself an early birthday present it seems."
Y/n wakes up with a link to the story in the paper. If she didn't feel sick from the growing baby she certainly did now. "Uhm. I'm only about 10 weeks. And I'm. So so so sorry. Also only just found out."
Y/n nudges George. "Look." She hands him the phone. He groans loudly. "That's not what I need right now." George looks at his own phone and has a similar text from his boss. "Care for explain??" George can feel y/n start to cry again. "Remember what I said. I want to take care of you both. Y/n, be my girlfriend.. not just my baby Mama. Let's prove to your dad that we can do this." Y/n looks at George and looks deeply into his eyes.
"Will I book another scan today and I can comes. Or will we just use the one you have?" George asks. "Let's go get another one." Y/n eventually says. "You announcing it?" George nods his head. "If it's okay with you." Y/n smiles.
They arrange lunch with her dad after the scan. George was nervous for the scan more  than Toto.

Once sitting down with them. Toto softens up as he can see the typical George. Gentle, loving. Toto has seen him with many girlfriends and obviously worried but can't air his own worries to George in front of his now pregnant girl. "Just make sure it's what you both want." Is all Toto says to them. As protective as he is about y/n, there is only so much he can do now.

"Since it's already been revealed and to stop rumours. Myself and Wolfie are expecting our very own little cub. Best birthday present I could've ever wished for, thank you Wolfie. I love you." George has posted a photo of the scan and the little onesie they bought.

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