Mick Schumacher- secrets

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Y/n started her new job, with F1 Haas team. Being accustomed to social media jobs, this should be a breeze. Or it would've been, until the new signings were announced.

But even with the new signings not being what y/n had wanted. Meeting the two new drivers, was okay. Mick being friendlier than Nikita.

But afterwards typing up various things for the pwebsite and sorting through photos and statements for instagram posts. Flicking through her own Instagram, she is surprised to have a message request.
"Hey, sorry I never got to say bye to you earlier. But it was lovely to meet you and I can't wait to work with you."
Y/n sits, debating if she should reply. "Ah it's okay, it was nice to meet you too. Hope you are enjoying your evening."
They sit and send messages between working for y/n. It's a nice way to spend the evening.

During testing and the first few races, media is crazy for Mick and Nikita. Due to their reputations and Mick being the son of the legendary Michael.
Y/n is just starting to doze off when her phone goes off. "Huh..." she mumbles. "Sorry... did I wake you?" Mick sounds panicked.
"Yeah but it's okay. What's up? Are you okay?" Y/n asks him.
"Shit sorry. I'll leave you..."
"Mick what's up?" Y/n asks him again. "Can I come over..."

Within minutes Mick is knocking at the door of y/n hotel room. "Hey.. Mick. You're grey." Y/n quickly gives him a hug. "Ugh. Have you seen Lthe new news on Instagram?" Y/n shakes her head. "Why? What's being said?"
Y/n watches Mick get something up on his phone. "This.." y/n looks at a rumours page on Instagram. Plenty photos of her and Mick. "Oh... it's nothing to worry about. These things happen, it's just a rumour right? You're not flirting with me, are you?" She asks him. Mick starts to blush.
"Oh. Okay. This is new." Y/n mumbles. She takes his phone and reads through many of the comments. Rumour after rumour... "do you think they will announce it soon? Like it's pretty obvious they are both into each other." The comments go on and on.
It doesn't help that Mick likes to touch y/n, whilst listening to her and y/n being barely over 5 foot, she has to look up a lot to him.

"So what do you want to do?" Y/n asks Mick. "Kiss you." Y/n looks at Mick, trying to not sigh. It's not so much as she doesn't want to kiss him. But work. She is very work orientated. "It can be our secret. Right?" Mick asks her. Getting closer and closer to y/n. She stands on her tip toes, allowing him to kiss her.
"Our secret. Yeah." Y/n says. Mick smiles, kissing her again.
"So will we, meaning you make a statement tomorrow?" Y/n asks Mick.
"Mm do I have too? I'd much rather say yes. But I know you want me to say no." Mick moans to her. "Yep. We need to keep quiet or this can't happen again. Gunther will sack me, remember I'm easily changeable." Y/n says meekly to him.

Mick ends up falling asleep in the bed beside y/n, he didn't mean too. But it's even harder now.
Y/n's door goes, as they both waken up. "Ugh. Go hide in the toilet."
As y/n opens the door, one of the press officers come bustling in. "Oh my god!! Have you seen the rumours? Mick is dating someone."
Y/n looks at her workmate, not knowing what to say. "Yeah? Is he? That's nice for him. Two secs I need the loo." She heads off to the toilet and right to mick. "You need to leave... she knows you are with someone." Y/n whispers. But Mick bends down and kisses her.
"Okay love.. I'll see you at the track. Later... rather than having some fun now." Y/n pulls his head back down and kisses him one last time. He leaves as y/n goes back into the room, leaving the bathroom door open.
"You okay?" Y/n nods her head.
"Just feel queasy. So who's he dating? I seen a rumour about me last night."
The work friend starts to laugh. "You and him.. that's crazy. You're like me nearly double his age."
Y/n gets mad. "Uhm. No. I'm 24, nearly 25 but thanks for the confidence. Let's guess it's some model?"

Y/n doesn't see Mick again until he's getting into his car for quali. Both of them drop eye contact quickly, no smiles or anything. "So did you find out anything?" Y/n looks up at her friend. "About what?" Y/n asks innocently. "Mick. His girlfriend." Y/n shakes her head. "It's nothing to do with our social media. My captions are staying out of his private life. We only have to address his stupid fucking rumours." Y/n says as Nikita walks past. He raises his brow at y/n. "Sup with you?" He bites back. "Nothing. Good luck Niki." Y/n tries to remember she is in work and not with her actual friends.

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