First date-pierre gasly

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Pierre is running late as usual. In his defence debrief ran over. So he now has to run out or meet his date in his alpha Tauri work outfit. Luckily for him today he's in jeans, a blue tee and a navy bomber jacket.
But he is annoyed that he got kept late. He didn't get the result he or the team wanted. But now he has probably ruined his chances with his date.
But when he gets to the restaurant he can see her waiting outside. "Y/n I am so sorry for being late. It was a work thing..." He starts to explain but y/n smiles. "It's okay. You don't need to explain anything. I seen the race today." He looks at her horrified. It wasn't his best race and not one he is proud of.
"Oh. I'm not always that shit. The car is usually better." He begins to explain the race and what went wrong but y/n takes his hand and guides him into the restaurant. Once sitting down, Pierre goes to explain the race again. But he gets worked up.
"So the car isn't good on straights or is it usually?" Y/n asks him. Even though she is very confused with the jargon he is saying. Straights, downforce, apex, race line.. the list goes on.
Y/n feel stupid not knowing what they all are, especially when he needs someone who understands his job and the talk that goes with it. "Am I boring you yet with my complaining?" Pierre asks y/n, she shakes her head. "No. But I don't know what the terms are exactly. Is it not just a car that goes really fast?" Y/n says feeling stupid. Luckily Pierre smiles.
"That would be a whole lot easier. No it is that. But to pass other cars you need a good downforce for speed." Y/n smiles at him.
"Can you tell I've watched it not understanding anything." Pierre nods his head laughing. "That's okay. I'm sure I can teach you." He grins a beautiful smile at y/n. She smiles back feeling more at ease with him. He's not as full of it as she first thought he would be. In fact he's the complete opposite.
The conversation flows easily, y/n feels as though she can tease him without there being awkwardness.
"So where do you want to go next time?" Pierre asks y/n. Her eyes sparkle and not just from the wine they have drunk. "Uhm.. I don't know. Depends if you will be late or not." Pierre laughs. "So you don't want another date?" Y/n pouts at him, before smiling. "Maybe... why did you want to speak to me? Over everyone else that must take your eye." She asks him.
Pierre starts to blush. "I seen someone tag you in one of my posts and I checked you out. I thought you were and are beautiful. Your smile is out of this world. But now here with you I see your more than the beautiful Instagram model and I'd like to see you more. Why did you agree to a date?"
Y/n goes silent. Wishing she'd never asked as she didn't know why she agreed. It wasn't in her plans to date someone 'famous' she didn't even really like the Instagram fame she had managed to get.
"Honestly. My friends made me come, you asked when we were having a girls night and Laura stole my phone. Messaged you and now I'm here." Y/n looks at him. Pierre looks gutted he thought y/n wanted to be here with him.
"It doesn't mean that I don't want to be here. I'm just rubbish at the whole dating, trying to get dates thing.. don't look at me like that." Y/n says to Pierre. She thinks about what she has just said and it sounds awful. So she pulls a face, feeling stupid. She likes Pierre, no doubt about it. His smile.. it makes her smile. His thick French accent, that sets off all sorts of tingling.
"That sounds awful. Doesn't it? Fuck. Sorry. I like you.. and I'd love to come out with you again."
They get the bill and head out of the restaurant. Pierre starts to worry about if they will see each other again, but y/n grips into his arm as they walk out onto the street. "Pierre.." He stops and looks at her. Her pretty face looks up at him, as her hand finds his. The most contact he has had from her. So he smiles.
"Wanna take a photo?" She asks him and he nods his head. Pierre takes out his phone. He bends down so he can get into the same frame as her. She nuzzles her nose into his cheek and kisses him. As he goes to take another photo, she pulls his head closer. He turns his head around properly and kisses her on the lips. Gentle at first to test her. But she initiates a more forceful greedy kiss.
Her green eyes flicker up to his and she smiles. "Told you I liked you." Y/n whispers to Pierre. His lips brush hers again.
"Ah. Tomorrow? You free? Or are we going to go somewhere else now." Y/n asks him. As they are now just kissing in the middle of the street and they are getting more and more passionate.
Pierre smiles at y/n. "At least I know you like me now." He says before kissing her again. "Of course. Now make a choice. Second date or.. somewhere private..." He pushes another kiss onto her lips. "Both. I want both..." He takes her hand and pulls y/n in the direction of his hotel.

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