Charles Leclerc- Special memories.

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For Bluelittledream20

As the day drew closer and closer. Y/n often felt numb on the week running up to certain dates. The day they met almost 25 years ago, the day he told her he loved her for the very first time, or when he proposed, or their anniversary or the day of his accident. Or the day he died... that day half of her heart stopped beating as fast.

Y/n would love to pretend that they grew old together. Or had kids. But the boys that they held close to them, are now 21 and 23. Not even a decade older than then. Y/n often called the Leclerc boys, her boys. Just like they were Jules's boys. Y/n often smiles at an old photo of Jules, herself and Charles. Charles of course in a kart, in front of them and Jules and her sitting on the fence behind. Summers often meant being trackside to watch the boys go round in their karts.

Charles forgets that he should maybe call in advance. It's been five years and he still forgets that maybe y/n will have moved on. But she doesn't seem to have, she still has her ring on. He's in Nice, so decides to just head to the house.
"Charles.. how lovely to see you sweetheart." Y/n wraps her arms around him. She is dressed up.. "oh you heading out?" Y/n nods her head. "Yeah. But I can cancel... how are you Mr Ferrari." Charles blushes. He loves y/n like an older sister. "No please don't cancel for me.. I'm in town a few days." But she smiles and declines, to not cancel. "I'll be two minutes.. make yourself at home. I'll change out of this."
Charles smiles at y/n. "You know he'd love you in that. He loved when you dressed up and played the piano." Charles smiles, feeling a little sad at having to use past tense for Jules. Y/n smiles at Charles, nodding her head.

She perches on the piano stool and opens the lid. She starts to play, a thousand years by Christina Perri. "Ah your wedding song." Charles smiles, before starting to sing the song.
He stops singing and let's y/n sing and play. Jules loved watching her play piano and listening to her sing. Charles starts to film for Instagram. He knows how much Philippe likes to know that y/n is still playing. "Beautiful!!" Charles catches a glimpse of the wedding photo, Jules and y/n look so happy and in love. Both Charles and Arthur are in the photo smiling away. Charles remembers that day as if it was yesterday. Being Jules best man, meant the world to Charles. One of his greatest achievements outside of racing. Charles remembers his conversation with Jules on the day really well.
"Jules was so nervous. Not because he was getting married but he was scared he was going to cry. So I teased him senseless but he told me I'd understand it more when I would marry the love of my life."
Y/n smiles at Charles remembers Jules. "It was a special day. I'll definitely never have another day as special as it without him."
Charles looks sadly at y/n. "You might do. You should do." Y/n shakes her head at Charles. "Nope. No one will ever compare to him. I knew at your age I wanted to marry Jules. I can't imagine ever feeling like that again.. we made a promise to make him proud. You in racing and me in studying and becoming the youngest professor. Not by moving on."

It hurts Charles to see this special beautiful and the most loyal woman is refusing to move on. "Come on.. who on the grid would you date?" Charles asks her. But she shakes her head. "None. No one." Y/n says. Charles's watch catches her eye. "You still wear it." She blurts out. Charles has to look down to see what she means. He smiles.
"Of course.. it's my little part of Jules thanks to you. My good luck charm. You both are.. were." His eyes go dark, as he is starting to feel emotional. His mind goes right back to the day he signed his contract with Ferrari and how he wished he could've called both Jules and his own father.
His only solace was to call y/n tell her the good news. He remembered the conversation as if it had just happened. "What about Zo?" Charles comes out of his own darkness. "Lorenzo? No." Y/n says trying to not laugh. Charles older brother was nice enough. Good friends with Jules. So it would be weird.

"Come on y/n help me out here. You deserve the world. You're too young to be a single widow. Jules wouldn't want you to be like this. Are you happy?" Charles asks her. "At times. Of course... why can't you just accept I want to be alone for the rest of my life." Charles bites his lip. "I don't want you to think you've missed out on anything and I don't want Jules thinking I'm not supporting you or encouraging you to find someone else."

"Are you happy Charles? Does Charlotte make you as happy as Jul3/ made me? Does hearing her voice in a call give you goosebumps and make you feel like the nervous kid who never thought she'd be good enough for the beautiful human that grew up next door to her." Charles looks at y/n who is struggling to keep it together. "Of course she does. I love her more than anyone I've ever loved..." His eyes don't move from y/n's eyes. "I love her like Jules did with you... but I don't think I could let her go through this. I'd want her to move on. You know he's want you to have someone to hold you, when you feel down, alone.. be there to celebrate you. Someone to be proud of you and the person you are"

"Sometimes the person you love, doesn't give in to what you'd want. But I feel him with me everyday. I don't need someone to hold my hand or be proud of me. I'm that person. I can be proud of myself..." Charles sighs at y/n. "It's you who deserves the world. Someone who can love and support you. Even from afar. Someone who'll be able to raise littlies on her own. But can make you the happiest person you can be." Charles smiles. "Thank you. I want that for you too. Happiness and love. Come on.. let's dance." Charles gets Alexa to put Coldplay on. One of Jules favourite bands that both Charles and y/n loves because of him.

Dancing around silly.. laughing with Charles, as he twirls her around. It's the best therapy. There was nothing more in the world that mattered to y/n than making sure Charles was happy and smiling. Or laughing as they badly dance. He had definitely done Jules proud, apart from being the heartbreaker.. but it can't be helped dimples, green eyes and a beautiful smile to match. He had grown into a beautiful grown up and not the cute kid on the track.

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