Lando Norris - curse of curves 2

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Lando keeps up his daily walks with y/n. But doesn't fully see her in MTC again until launch night.
Of course she is on Dan's arm, which is most devastating for him. But he has his brother with him, so he not fully riding solo. "Oh Lando.. mum will have a fit." Ollie teases him. "What why!" Lando reverts to his younger years and whines at him. Causing Ollie to get her attention from laughing so loudly. "Aw man don't. Your so embarrassing Oliver." Lando moans at him again. "Why because mum won't approve?" He nudges Lando just as Dan pulls y/n over to them.
Lando can't take his eyes off of her, in her tight black dress, that shows off her curves and various tattoos. "Ollie this is my cousin.. acting assistant for the time being." Lando let's Daniel do the introductions.
Y/n acts more quiet around Ollie, than she has ever been with Lando. Or is it Lando, after their lockdown night of passion for Valentine's Day. But it is noticed by Daniel. Never mind making Lando feel awkward.

As they need to go do their photo with the new car. Daniel gets to have Lando alone for a few minutes. "So what's going on with you two? Yous argued already?" Dan teases Lando. But Lando has no clue what to say. "Or is it just not the same with everyone being around you two?"
Lando feels his phone vibrating and he smiles when he sees y/n on it. "Sorry I'm so awkward tonight. Just wish last night was real and not over the phone... I just want to rip your clothes off and have you anywhere and everywhere right now."
He smiles more when he reads the text over and over. "So y/n and you?" Dan asks Lando again wanting something from him. "Just weird being around everyone. That's it." Lando puts his phone away before anyone can see what Y/n has text him. But obviously the words are imprinted in his mind.
Even standing by the new car, he looks around to see if he can spot y/n and Ollie. Or if they are even speaking. They aren't. Y/n is back on her phone and not paying attention to what's happening or speaking to Ollie.

Lando spend the rest of the event with Ollie, since he's not sure what is happening with Y/n.  Best to stay away from the curse of curves.
Even when restrictions in the uk lift, Lando and Y/N don't talk. Lando has lost his confidence with her, even though she done nothing wrong. Y/n just doesn't want to speak first and look desperate.
The night before they all travel to do testing, Lando texts y/n. "Walk?" Y/n gets the text instantly even opens it, but doesn't reply. Making Lando get really anxious.
"Why? You've not spoken to me in like a month." Lando sits anxious as it is, feeling bad when he sees her reply. "Come on please just have a walk with me. Let me explain?"
He doesn't wait long for her reply. "Explain what? You ghosting me? Ngl Lando I expected more from you. I understand how hard you've been training and on the sim. But you don't just ignore someone and expect them to be okay."
Lando sits, just staring at the text. "Please can we go for the walk? You've not spoken to me either remember. Communication goes two ways.... Not that I'm passing the blame. But we will be stuck in a flight together tomorrow and I'd rather it not be awkward with you. Or will I pick you up and you can come over for a bit?" Eventually y/n gives in to Lando's requests and waits outside for him.

He gets out the car to greet her rather than waiting on her getting into the car. "So what are we doing?" Lando asks y/n. She stands shrugging her shoulders.
"Ugh. Speak to me y/n." Lando isn't enjoying this at all. Y/n looks at Lando,
"I don't know what you what me to say Lando. I'm just down here to listen to you."
He looks at the floor, feeling awful at how this feels now. He locks his car and goes closer to y/n. He's in two minds to talk or just succumb to what he knows she was wanting before they stopped talking and walking.
He pulls her around away from the road. "What are you doing?" She laughs when he pulls her hand. "Are you still wanting you valentines present?" Lando asks y/n. "I can't remember what it was." Y/n says, happy that he is taking the lead. But wonders how long it'll stay for. Will he? Won't he?
He takes a step closer and looks down at her. She can see how hard he is finding this and she knows she's not being easy. She knows what he wants to do. But his nerves get the better of him. Like he says they often do. She watches him turn and go to head back to the car.
Y/n goes to grab his arm, but she ends up pulling his back pocket of his jeans. "Oh. Crap." She says out loud. He looks back around at her.
"Lando. Don't leave like this... jeez don't let me believe that you taking up space in my head the past while was all for nothing." Lando stops dead. Smiling. She has let her guard down and opened up.
He turns around and kisses her. He just needed to know she was still into him. She is all he has thought about whenever he has a free minute.
They go for a quick walk but just for old time sake, as it's the last time they can without it being made into anything more than, what it is.

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