Charles Leclerc- Ohana (family)

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One shot of timeline of engagement-baby with Charles Leclerc requested by formula1_lover

Sitting in the airport Charles looked nervous, which isn't like him. He had travelled so much as a racer but waiting for y/n to land safely always stressed him out. Since rekindling their short lived teen romance, he always wanted to protect her and prove to her that he had changed.
Not only had it been nearly a decade since, so you'd expect them both to be more mature and ready for this relationship. But Charles had been speaking to his both his mum and brothers about y/n and just how special it is to get another shot to be with her.

Now he is waiting in her favourite destination. Dubai. It's the last race of the season, last race of a triple header. Y/n refused to go on his private plane by herself so she got a chartered plane. He watches for her, as it's landed more than half an hour ago, she just needs to grab her luggage and walk through.

Charles can't help but smile when he sees y/n she is walking and speaking to someone who is there for the race. So it's not the typical romantic reaction she can give him. In fact she waits until he has taken a selfie and then left alone for hugs. "Ah my beautiful Angel. I've missed you." Charles picks y/n up and spins her around.

"I've booked your favourite restaurant for dinner tonight." Charles pushes a kiss onto y/ns lios. She smiles at him. "Okay. Any reason why? It's not that special a night is it?" She asks curiously. Her dad had planted the seed of hope into her, after he let it slip that Charles had asked his permission. Since then she has wondered when it'll happen.

But tonight wasn't the night.


Y/n watches from the side with Carlos and the rest of the Ferrari family as Charles gets his maiden championship. Left it to the last race to finish the job. So watching him lift the trophy is special.
Carlos pulls on y/ns hand and yanks her up to the podiums with him. "Let's get a photo with him and celebrate." Carlos says as he pulls her up the stairs.
Y/n is sure Carlos passes Charles something. But not overly confident to accuse them. Y/n and Carlos stand either side of Charles and take photos. Until suddenly Charles goes down on one knee.
Y/n looks so confused. "What you doing?" She tries to pull him back up. But he refuses and grabs her hand. "Y/n I've waited far too long to do this, as I've wanted to do it ever since we first met back up. We have so many memories made already, but I know we have so many more to make. I've never loved anyone how I love you. So will you be the one to make keep making me goofy smiling and marry me?" Charles grins up at y/n who is shaking.

Charles notices y/n is crying and nodding her head rather than saying yes. "Baby?" Charles grabs her as he stands up. "Yes Charles I will."
Y/n whispers into Charles ear. Charles grins and his dimples appear and his green eyes twinkling at y/n.


A year has passed since Charles proposed. They had their wedding fully booked and sorted out. Since Charles wanted some of this Ferrari team to be at the wedding they decided to have a destination wedding in no better place where they got engaged. Plus it means some of his F1 friends can be at the wedding.

Whilst Charles is doing race stuff, y/n is getting all the usual wedding beauty treatments done. Charles loves to flick through her Instagram, watching her insta videos, of her and her friends messing around and laughing.
He was more nervous about the wedding than his race.

It's the first race of the season that y/n will miss but it's worth it. She is watching it in the hotel with her friends and family. But it's strange for her not to be with Charles at the Yas marina circuit.
Y/n pulls one of her sisters to her room. "I need you to go do something for me. Go get me a test. I need a test. I'm late like I've not had a period in 6/7 weeks and I need to know before I drink anything tomorrow."
As much as her sister squeals and protests she still goes and gets her a test.
When doing it, y/n stares at the small screen. Waiting on the lines showing.
"Oh nooooo!!!" Y/n wails. It's not even been the full minute, the test says to wait for the results. It's very obvious. Two pink lines!

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