Robert Shwartzman- "I'll never hurt you"

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Starting a new job is always a daunting task. Never mind in a country that you fled too with you toddler. After a messy relationship breakup. Y/n has been taken in with the Prema family after becoming close to one of the wives of the owners.
Being a little over mid twenties has turned her whole life upside down. Now is basically keeping an eye on some of the younger Prema drivers do their schoolwork as well as concentrating on racing.
Of course the youngsters end up loving her as a big sister. After a few weeks, boasting about how she looks after them.

When at the track making sure they have finished homework. Y/n has her daughter with her, as it is usually her day off. But they boys text her constantly, asking questions. Even asking she and baby (as they call Freya) wants to come for a sleepover and watch films with them. She has declined every time. As being with males overnight terrify her. Even 15/16 year old kids.
"Oscar, Robert!! Come meet y/n, our tutor babysitter." Dino shouts over to the two older guys. Y/n very nearly goes into hyperventilating state. "Hey. Nice to meet you finally. These guys won't shut up about you." Y/n smiles at the taller of the two. "She even knows about motor sports so it's even better... but she won't come Karting with us. Help us to convince her." Dino tries to get them on his side.
"How are you liking being apart of the team?" Y/n looks up at Robert. "It's good. Just like home. Full of jokers. How are you doing?" She asks him, picking up her little one.
They sit down together as Robert can't take his eyes off of y/n and can't help but tell her the truth that he has days he struggles.

If doesn't take Rob long to find y/n on Instagram thanks to Seb and Dino posting photos with her. "Hey, just wanted to say thank you for your words earlier. I appreciated them so much. Let me know if you need help with anything, even a light bulb needing changed." Y/n takes a while to reply to him as she was putting Freya to sleep. She smiles when she sees his message. "Ah it's okay. I'm here any time you need a pick me up. Or just a shoulder." Y/n felt very at ease with Robert. She hits the follow button on his page.

A few months go by, y/n gets more relaxed with the guys. With Freya in nursery and spending most of her days at the track with the guys. Or hiding out at Robs apartment with Arthur. Robert has been teaching her Russian, as excuse to spend time with him.
Or when her mum comes over and looks after Freya for her. Her and Robert sneak out togethee, but end it in the same club as the rest of the guys.
They finally have their first kiss. In the middle of a club, being bumped into by drunken people. "You are amazing." Robert breathes into her cheek as he catches his breath. Y/n smiles at him. Feeling very safely drunk in his arms. Even though there is a group of then out from Prema. Y/n gets pulled into a group shot. The only female in the photo. Not that the boys cared. One of them always walked her to the ladies and waited outside for her. Usually Robert, but Oscar does it once and uses it to ask her what she thinks of Robert. As it's obvious he is smitten with her.

"If he asked would you go on a date with him?" Oscar asks y/n. She nods her head, rather than verbally saying. As she can see Robert in the distance. She pulls him out of the club and they wander around the streets. "Osc, says you want to take me on a date... how stupid is being?" They've stopped at a wall and she is sitting on it. "Not very.. I do wish to take you out. Just us." Roberts dark eyes look into the light blues of y/n. She starts to cry.
"I can't. I promised I would stay away from guys. After my ex, I've not wanted to be close to anyone..." Robert instantly looks hurt. He had spent months trying to get to know her and Freya.
"Why? Don't you like me? Am I not good enough to break your promise." He says, making sure y/n knows he's upset. "Rob.. don't be like that. You are. You've helped restore my faith in good guys. I've just been hurt beyond control... I'm scared."
Robert stops being hurt for a moment and hugs y/n. "But I promise I will never hurt you.. or Freya. Please y/n give it a try with me. Your the first person to make me smile how you do since my dad and I don't want to let that go." He bends down and pushes his lips against hers and she kisses him back. Hard.. passionately.
"I'll take everything as slowly as you want. Or don't want." Robert can't help but smirk when y/n'a body is very much pushed against every part of his body. "Come back to mine?" She asks him.

Robert goes to sleep with his little love in his arms. Even though she doesn't know he has already fell deeply for her. Waking early, y/n feels the familiar feeling of dread. A man in her bed. "Oh lord!!"
Pushing his arm off and turning around to see who it is. She freaks. "Muuuuum. Robert came home with me and I don't know what to do..." she texts her mum.
"I know I heard yous coming in. He is very much in love with you darling. He came out and spoke to me when Freya had a hissy fit at 4am. He told me he loves you and he doesn't think you feel the same. He even calmed her down for me. She adores him. Turn around and kiss him good morning. Turn around and show him you care as much as he does for yiu. As you don't want to lose that sort of sweet innocent love. He's not like you're ex. I'd let you marry him tomorrow. If he wanted too."

Y/n turns and looks at the sleeping topless Russian. She curls herself into his arms. "Rob... I love you." Y/n nudges hun slightly so he's half awake. "Really? I love you more y/n." He smiles at her. "Can we skip the date and just say we are a couple?" He asks her. Y/n nods her head. Before kissing him. "Yes. A thousand times yes... as long as you never hurt me." Robert smiles at her. "I won't ever baby."

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