Lando Norris- Helping nerves

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Australian GP
"So here we are the first race of the new 2021 season. In Australia where all the trouble first started last year... Now we are still have the same rules as last year. No fans or very limited staff, fans and so forth. We still have to wear masks around the paddock to keep everyone safe and we have done a two week isolation period, to keep in line with Australian covid rules... we do have a few more journalists in this year.. but not many more. So here it is the new year of formula one."

Y/n is wandering around the paddock, after being picked to be apart of the media team in Australia. "Lando.. think mclaren has a search party out for you. Everything okay?" Y/n asks Lando who is walking around himself, away from everyone else.
"Uh. No." He replies trying hard not to stutter. "Can I help?" Y/n asks him. He shakes his head. "Just nerves... so many nerves." He starts to pace again after stopping to speak to y/n.
"You want a photo or you just leaving me to it." Lando bites at y/n. "Uhm. No. Well yeah. But it can wait. What's up Lando? You're not being what I assumed you'd be like." Lando glares at y/n. "What's that supposed to mean... I'm fucking not good enough to be here." He starts to bite then crumbles. "Of course you are good enough and in one of the best teams. You done incredible last season." Y/n says as she watches Lando, near enough self destructing.
"Stop moving.. Lando come here." Y/n yells after him, before running to catch up with him.
He finally stops but is breathing so hard, Lando feels faint.
"Ugh." He moans out as he starts to panic. "Lando come here." Y/n can see all the typical signs of a panic attack. "Do you have any specific ways to cooling off?" Y/n asks him. Lando shakes his head. "No. This is the first one I've properly had." Lando stutters out.

Y/n sits in front of him. "Look at me.. focus on me, not what's being said in your mind." Y/n takes his sweaty hands and holds them. "Let's get your breathing back to normal Lando. Deep breaths in. And out." Y/n kneels with Lando. Until he can stand again and she jumps up. "Right will we walk to mclaren and you can go out and nail this quali." Y/n says taking his arm. He is still deep breathing. "Come on Lando. You can do this. You deserve this more than anyone else on the grid." He nods his head at her. Still feeling shaky.
He stops behind the garage. "I can't I can't oh god. What if I fuck up and wreck everything." He starts to freak out again. "No lando. You'll be amazing and if not. Then you have a lot of work to do. All of your team are behind you. Not against you." Y/n tells him, as she zips up his overall.
"Stay in the garage. Please." Y/n doesn't even get a chance to say anything. As Lando is pulling her in by the hand. He does a quick warm up and goes to y/n for the last bit of moral support he can steal from her. "Go nail it." He nods his head. Deeply looking into y/ns hazel eyes, he smiles before putting his balaclava on and helmet. He gets his last debrief and goes out.
Y/n stands watching it from the little screen in the garage. On his first hot lap, he flies to the top. No one is even coming close. He sails through to q2.. comes in at p3 in q2 and then p2 in q3. His team are elated.
But Lando says it's all because of y/n he managed it. He breaks the F1 protocols and hugs y/n. "We can get that photo now if you want." He says to her. Y/n poses with him and takes a few photos.
"Can I take one?" Lando asks her. Y/n nods her head. He pulls her even closer, than they are in her photo. "What's your Instagram name?" He asks so he can follow her. Which he does instantly instead of getting ready for the media pen.
"I better let you go do your work now... speak to you later and come in here for the race tomorrow. Yeah?" Lando says to y/n.
He hugs her again before letting her go. But when she leaves y/n is dazed. She never thought she'd leave this weekend with Lando or any of the F1 guys following her.


During pre race media, Lando finds y/n for a pre race pep talk. Or hug. Even though y/n is doing some work and sneaking selfies with other drivers. He can't help but watch where she is, for when he can steal her. He gets jealous when George wraps his arms around y/n for a photo.

"Jon.. go grab y/n make sure she remembers to come to t he garage for the race." Lando asks his trainer. He does but he's sure Lando just wanted to break up the hug that she was getting from George.
Y/n follows Jon over to see Lando. "Hiya. You alright?" She asks Lando who is pulling a face. "Yeah.. why wouldn't I be?" He bites at her rather than be normal.
Jon glares at him. "Lando. Don't ask me to get someone and then treat them like that." Jon tells him. Lando looks to the floor instantly. "Sorry. You still coming to the garage?" Lando looks up at y/n, who doesn't seem fazed by him biting. She stands smiling at him. "I said I would. Not unless you don't want me too."

Lando pulls y/n to the mclaren hospitality. "Lando. I'm not allowed in here." Y/n moans at him, as he pulls her into his room. "You are if I say you are..."
The two of them had spent the night speaking on Instagram. So they were more comfortable with each other. Lando had teased her about kissing her or how he should've kissed her.
But obviously not been alone properly until now.
But Lando has got the nerves again.
He starts to get ready for the race and they just speak about random things. Just to keep him calm. Jon comes in and massages Lando for the start of the race.
The three of them walk to the garage together, even when y/n gets stopped for her own work. Lando stops too. Waiting for her. He takes her hand when they start to walk again. He lets Jon go into the garage first and then pulls y/n for a quick kiss. "That's just for luck.." he blushes at her. Y/n smiles and then keeps walking. "Come on superstar. I'll be here waiting for you."
Y/n has never been to a F1 race this close to the action so it's all new and she stays right back with Jon. She finds its bizarre as she shouldn't be there and she knows it. But Daniel has his own folks there for support.

"Two laps to go... Lewis is only two tenths quicker you can catch him. Keep calm and keep pushing. Full send."

Everyone is glued to the screen, watching Lando. "You'll maybe have to come to the next race.." Jon teases y/n. "Why? This is all Lando and the team." She nudges him. Everyone screams in the garage as Lando overtakes Lewis on the last corner.
Y/n sneaks out of the garage to go make sure everything is set up that needs to be for media after the race.
She watches Lando's podium from the side. Happy for him.
As soon as he's walking to the media pen. He grabs y/n for a hug and picks her up. Of course the more seasoned photographers get it. But y/n is flustered when Lando kisses her. "Thank you. Thank you thank you." He tells her, smiling.
Y/n watches the media pen and smiles when Lando keeps catching her eye. His smile is so wide, it must hurt his cheeks. Even more so when he is quizzed about the girl he kissed. Y/n blushes especially since she is working.

Between Lando and Jon, both of them make sure y/n is at the post race celebrations. Rather than helping clean up.
"Can I take you out before I leave?" Lando asks y/n as she helps Jon pack Lando's room up. She nods her head.
Lando is thrilled first win and now a sneaky date, with a pretty Australian girl.

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