Mick Schumacher- Want to watch with me?

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Requested by WilowSmit

Y/n walks into the paddock, expecting to get on Ferrari roof, like she has always done. To watch her good friend Robert dominate the F2 races. After a turbulent rookie year, y/n had made sure she is available to fly over to where ever the race is and cheer him on.

"Hey.. Mr Haas." Y/n smiles as she sees Robs old team mate, Mick. "Hey.. you've started to make an appearance again have you?" Mick smiles at her. He has seen y/n once or twice throughout the years at Prema with Rob. But she always had the attention from most of the team.
"How are you finding the new position?" She asks him. Looking up at him then at the big screen. "Yeah not bad. You wanting to come into the haas garage. We can watch the race together."

Of course y/n follows the one and only Mick. She follows him upstairs and out onto the Haas balcony. "You look amazing if you don't mind me saying." Mick blushes as he tries to get her to notice him. "Why thank you. Got to admit that new race suit of yours. Definitely shows off your best asset.. if you know what I mean." Mick laughs, but he has to take a moment to figure out what she means.

"Do you miss the guys?" Y/n asks mick to make it less awkward. He nods his head. "Yeah Niki isn't exactly friends with me. I'm glad I get to see Marcus and Rob at some races." He watches as y/n starts to shiver in the wind. He puts his arm around her, hoping she won't go mad. Or worse cause a scene. But she curls into him. After a few looks. Mick has to ask her. "So you and Rob are still just friends right?" She smiles and nods her head.
"Of course. Why Mr Blue eyes?" Even though it's obvious as Mick has pulled her closer and she can feel everything.
"I've always liked you.." mick whispers as they watch Robert race. Y/n still firmly between the barrier and Mick. Not that she is minding one bit, as she is very comfortable with him.
They stand chatting whilst watching the f2 race. Not noticing that they had been joined by micks team mate.
"Thought you didn't have a girlfriend." The Russian bites at rhem, before realising who Mick was with. "Oh. One of the f2 girlfriends. Surely you want to do better than him, no?"
Y/n looks at Nikita. His smug face irritated her when he was in f2 with Rob.
"Oh. Didn't know you knew who I was.. you know. Since no one else has exists apart from you." Y/n walks away, as Nikita laughs, trying to engage Mick into conversation. But he leaves and heads down to the podiums where he finds y/n again.

"Sorry about him." Mick whispers. She looks up and shakes her head. "It's okay. Don't apologise for him. Should you not be getting ready for Quali." Mick nods his head. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay..." He grabs her hand and she smiles at him. Following him back to his room.
Y/n texts Rob where she is. Just so he knows she's not left. But she sits on the massage table, watching Mick warm up.
"You wanting to come to the garage? Give me luck?" Mick smiles at her. She nods her head, before reaching out and fluffing up his hair. "I'll give you a hug now.. for luck." She adds in as Mick looks at her. He grins like a little boy at Christmas.

As they stand up to hug, the mood just doesn't seem right for just a hug. A lingering smouldering sense falls over them, as their arms are wrapped around each other. Y/n looks up at mick, hoping he feels the same as his face gets closer and closer. Their lips touch lightly at first, before y/n pulls micks head down again for another kiss.
They break away, smiling.

They head down to the Haas garage together, holding hands. As if they didn't need to ask each other what they wanted. Rob watches then walking together, trying to not smile. As he knew that both of them had asked him a few times about each other. "I need to be in the Ferrari garage, meet you both afterwards. 😍😂"
Y/n smiles at his text. "Okay. See you soon 💙"
She watches her first F1 qualifying in the garage. Luckily Micks family aren't there. Which makes it easier on y/n to enjoy the experience. Although if Mick has his way, she'll be there a lot more.

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