George Russell- Home race

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Waking up in his own bed, by his little boy jumping up and down in between George and y/n. "Archie. It's not even 6am yet. Mums still sleeping and Aria. Come on buddy. Back to bed until the clock says wake up time." George loves being home with the twins and his beautiful wife to be.
They agreed they will definitely get married soon,  but then y/n fell pregnant again. As if they twins weren't enough to deal with alone when George was away.

Closing the door of Archie's room, George stops and listens to his son, predict today's result. "Daddy 6-3 p1 and unky Do 4 p3. Vroooom vroom." It's George's first home race in the Mercedes. So his whole family will be there to support him. When he lays back down beside y/n. He can't help but wrap his arms around her. His heart aches that she can't come to as many races now. His number one fan, turned girlfriend. Now baby mama. But Silverstone will do.

George gets up before the gro clock allows Archie to do so. He is busy making the kids pancakes when they walk downstairs with their mama. "Morning beautiful." George pushes a kiss into y/n cheek. She smiles. "Someone's chirpy. You'd think he's driving a Mercedes at a home race." Y/n teases George. Who is smiling, not caring. "But mama. Daddy is." Aria looks sternly at her mum. "Hey baby. She knows.. don't look at mummy like that please princess."
Y/n hadn't even looked at how Aria was looking at her. She was too busy heaving into her orange juice, first trimester couldn't finish quick enough for y/n. She didn't ever feel as bad as she does now, whilst growing the twins.

George helps get the twins ready before driving them all to Silverstone. As they walk into the paddock a lot of journalists crowd around scaring the twins. They both pick up one, to shield them. Y/n was used to it, from over the years.
Y/n takes the kids to hospitality, where the rest of the Russell family are. His parents are delighted to be seeing the kids. "Don't worry George has already asked us to keep an eye on sweetheart. How's the nausea?" Y/n is asked, as she drinks water hoping it will take away the need to heave. "Awful. I didn't have any with them."

After a while, y/n takes the kids down to see George and uncle Lando. "Unky Doh." The kids about as they see Lando. Lando is adorable with them. High fiving them and introducing them to Zak and Andreas.
Archie notices his dad and screams across garages, so loudly you'd think he being stolen. George looks up and smiles. Shaking his head and starting to laugh. "Archie I don't think the man on the moon quite heard you." George teases his boy. "You coming to see the car?" Both kids get excited.

Y/n watches George walk toward his Mercedes car with a twin in each arm. It's a beautiful sight. Almost makes her emotional. As she walks over to them, George is happily putting the twins in his seat, taking photos of them. Proud as punch that they are both here to enjoy him race. "Right kiddies are we going to wish daddy luck and we'll see him after the race?" Y/n says. Even though she's been asked to be in a photo with George and the kids for Instagram. She can't decline as she knows George will be upset. So she does. "Take it easy baby. My mums there if you need her to look after them." George kisses y/n. "I know. Good luck daddy." George smirks.
"Don't you be calling me that. You know what happens." He laughs.
Y/n laughs and pushes his hand on her stomach. "Yeah I think I know.. Will have the joy of sleepless nights again soon because of it... we love you. Have fun."

Y/n watches the race with the kids both screaming for their dad. Aria starts to cry when George has to make up a few places after a pit stop. Nothing unusual. As George goes across the chequered flag both kids are crying for him as he's finally got his p1. "Maaaaaaamama!!" Aria squeals. Y/n ends up with both of them in her arms watching George get his podium. It's a beautiful moment to share with the twins and his parents. Even though not quite sure who cries the most. Which humours George when his dad shows him photos.

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