First date- Lando Norris

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Standing in the toilets of a restaurant, Lando stands staring in the mirror. Why is he doing this? What on earth has possessed him to agree to a date with someone from his old school.
He had been convinced by his mum that she was a good 'fit' for him. So he thought why not.  Let's just meet up in a restaurant not far from where their parents to stay. Then he can at least see his parents.
He instantly recognises her at the bar, ordering herself a drink. She hadn't changed much, apart from her hair colour and length. "Oh hiya.. what a drink?" She asks Lando, as he wanders up in her direction. "Awh.. erm. No I'm okay, thanks." Lando manages to stutter out. He stands beside her beating himself up. He feels like he is back in school, out with the popular girl. That's doing it as a joke.
They get shown to their table and it's obvious to Poppy that he is nervous. She glances over to him and he's near enough humming off his seat.
"You okay? You seem nervous." Lando looks around the restaurant. Rather than replying. "Yeah. Aren't you?" He asks her. But she shakes her head. "Why would I be? I've known you for so long, should I be nervous?" Poppy asks him. But he stares at her. "You were always the quiet one... apart from when anyone asked you about the gp's or karting. Not much has changed?" Poppy says to him. Lando sighs. "Not really. Still single.. still awkward.. still just me."
Poppy sits smiling at him. "Yep defo still awkward Lando." She laughs. "Ugh don't.. you were the popular girl who took pity on me a few times."
Poppy looks shocked at Lando. "Pity? I hardly took pity on you. I liked you. You were always the lad who just didn't care what anyone else thought of them. You knew what you wanted to do and how to get it. I admired you. From what I've seen and heard your still a little precious human. Who still has their pure soul." He smiles at her. "Really? You admired me? The girl who could've had any guy in our year?" Poppu looks at him.
"Maybe so. But none of them were you. You were geeky and cute. Always smiling. A lot like now." Lando instantly drops his smile.
"Aww don't do that.. how have you actually not changed. You race against my favourite driver and beat him a lot last year." Poppy says to him. He shrugs.
They sit and chat about his job and places he's now raced. It's easy. Just like it always has been with them. Laughing, joking, teasing..
"Ah lando.. I can't believe your still single. It makes no sense." Poppy reaches over and touches Lando's hand. He jumps at first, but then laces his fingers with hers and leaves them entwined.
It makes Poppy's skip a beat. Just like he always could. "Wanna go for a walk.. get out of here." She suggests. He nods his head before getting the bill.
"Oi. I could've paid." Poppy moans at Lando. He smiles down at her. "Ah it's okay. I don't mind treating you." Lando gets close to her. But then stops.
They walk down the cobbled streets, remembering old times. "Lando... did you really want to come meet me. Or feel like you for made too with your mum." Poppy stops and asks him. "Honestly. Felt like I had too. But I've really enjoyed spending time with you."
He grabs both of Poppy's hand and looks at her. "Can we do this again? Away from here.. like London. Or anywhere were our mums won't want to know everything as soon as we go home."
Poppy smiles up at Lando. "Yeah I'd like that." She nearly squeals at him, but it makes him laugh. For some reason he likes that she's the nervous one. He bends down and pushes his lips onto hers. Poppy's breath quickens, as they never shared a kiss when they were younger.
But now she is kissing him. She kisses him more. He drops her hands and pulls her closer. "Uhh. Lando.. jeez." He grins at her, all toothy and happy. "You know I've always wanted to do that. Jeez Pops."
"Ah stop. You could've done it, if you wanted it bad enough.." She pushes another hot sweet kiss onto his lips.
"Where should we go now?" He asks her. Not letting go of Poppy. "I know where and what I want to do. But maybe next time." He smirks at her response. "Naughty. You could come to my parents, I'm sure my Mum would love to see you." Lando says to her.
Poppy starts to giggle. "That's because you don't want to face her alone. Cheeky." He swipes down for another kiss from her to stop her giggling.
"No deal with Cisca on your own. I have my own to deal with. Especially when it comes to you."
Lando can't help but smile. He knows he has found his future girlfriend.

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