Mick Schumacher- Movie night

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Requested by summer00lala

Y/n had never met Micks friends, after meeting him whilst helping out sky F1. They had been very quiet about their relationship. He confused his friends when he text them to tell them, that y/n would be joining them for movie night. He hadn't even told his closest friends.

Y/n is busy making fresh popcorn. Listening to music, shaking her bum to the music. "You nervous babe?" Mick pecks her temple. Y/n shakes her head. "Should I be?" She asks him, shaking the pot of popcorn. "Sweet or salty? Or shall I do a bowl of both?" She asks him.
"Babe.. I never go to this much effort. You don't need too. They will be fine, with the chips and dips." Y/n rolls her eyes at him. "No. If you're making me sit through Star Wars, we are at least having decent snacks..." Mick looks at y/n and laughs. "You've never seen it!! You can not judge it!" He pouts. So y/n kisses him.
Mick watches y/n sort out the seating around the table of snacks. Trying to sort out if she is nervous, or really just the host with the most. His mind wanders as she bends over in her small shorts, that you can just about make out her cheeks and his Haas hoody that comes down longer than the shorts.

Mick introduces his friends to y/n. He offers them a drink, instead of telling them to help themselves like they would usually do. "So you've never seen any of stars wars.. what planet have you lived under.." Mick overhears his friends teasing y/n. "Uhm earth. I'm a potterhead and I love lord of the rings. Oh and Star Trek. That's enough geeky stuff for one person." Y/n brushes off his friends comments easily.

During the film, Mick sits beside y/n trying hard to not touch her. He is a lot more awkward than she is. But he is the affectionate one. Not her, so she won't mind. But he does. He stretches his arms out and wraps one behind y/n. His fingertips playing around with the toggles of the hoody. Y/n bends her head and kisses his finger. Which makes him melt. He pulls y/n closer and holds her close.
Just where he likes to have her. So he can easily cover her in kisses and hold her tight.

When Mick thinks his friends are glued to the screen, he can't help but pull y/n onto his lap. But their kissing makes it more and more obvious what they'd rather be doing. "Mick... what would your Mum say right now?" His friend yelps out as it's quite obviously heated between him and y/n. Mick groans.
Even louder when y/n excuses herself out of embarrassment.
"Aww lads don't.." Mick starts to say as they all start to mock their kissing sounds. "Dude you are wiped!! Since when do you do this..." Mick looks down at the snacks and properly glasses, that y/n had made them use. "Guys. It was y/n's idea. She likes things nice." They raise their brows. One of his friends play the sound of a whip being used.
"Ugh stop. I am not. It's not even been that long." Mick smiles as he says it. Which defeats the purpose. "Mate you can't even say her name or speak about her without smiling... someone is in love! CUTE!!"
His friends keep up the teasing until y/n returns.

She sits away from him. But they both know they'd be closer again soon. Even with his friends there. This time mick tries to just hold her thigh but his friend notices and starts to make the kissing noises again.
Mick closes his eyes and hopes it stops. But y/n gets up and leaves. "Nope I can't." She says and walks out.
"Shit sorry." His friend says, feeling guilty that y/n has walked out away from them all. Mick starts to get worries when y/n doesn't rejoin them.
The first film finishes and the guys leave. "We'll leave you with lover girl.. you'll be down on a knee soon enough." They all laugh as they go downstairs to leave. Leaving mick reeling that he now has to make it up to y/n that his friends are a bit silly sometimes.

As he goes into the room, where y/n is hiding. It is in darkness and she is quiet. Turns out y/n is soundly sleeping. He bends down and tucks her in and kisses her head. "I love you."

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