🎄Charles Leclerc- end of season kisses 🎅🏼

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It's the end of the first season of the Charles and Carlos era at Ferrari. Last race and although Charles was happy that he'd soon be jetting back to Monaco for Christmas and new year.
He was also starting to her sad. Ferrari had brought in some new staff. Y/n was the one that stuck around all year. Although technically on Carlos's side of the team. Charles often went and sought her out for chats and advice.
But he had never fully told her how he felt. "Can we switch pr staff today?" Charles asks Carlos.
"Why? You like y/n? Just like Instagram is saying?" Carlos teases Charles. "Yeah. I do... so can I steal her for the final race." Carlos does his high pitched laugh.

Of course just as the pr ladies come and join them. "Oh can we switch? Y/n want to work with Charles for the last race? Just this once I promise."  Carlos says. But Charles watches y/n face drop.
"It's because I want to work with you, y/n. Not because Carlos is having a strop." Charles quickly says. He feels awful, especially since he has upset her.

Walking up to the press pen, y/n is still confused. "Why Charles?" She asks him. "Why not? I just wanted to spend more time with you." Charles reaches out and squeezes her hand. "It'll be fun, us this weekend I'll promise to behave."Charles laughs.
The first couple days Charles behaves. But after a bad quali, Charles is frustrated. Y/n has to try and get him out to do press. But he's not for it. So y/n watches end of qualifying before going to get him.
"Charles come on.. let's go." Y/n knocks his door. Before starting to get annoyed. "Right Leclerc move!!" Y/n knocks on the door again before just opening it.

Instantly y/n wishes she didn't. "Charles move.. I'm not playing anymore. You have a job to do and it's not to fuck her." Y/n bites. Y/n wanders up to the press pen and Charles follows. "I'm sorry... y/n are you mad?" Charles asks her.
"No. Well yes. You told me you'd behave.." Charles smiles. "Carlos says you prefer us not to behave... you like us naughty." Y/n glares ag him. "Move go to ziggo." Y/n bites at him.
She watches Charles do his media and then she walks away from him. "Oi. Y/n. Where are you going?" Charles chases after her, shouting y/n name.
"What? You might want to straighten it out with Carlos that you don't like me. Or not the way he said you did. I need to go type this up and then I'll see you tomorrow."
Charles stares at y/n. He sits with her, watching her type up his words. "I'm sorry. I'm an idiot."

Y/n gets up and walks out. "Y/n are you going to speak to me?" Charles moans at her. "No. Now can I leave am I done?" Charles shakes his head, not sure on what to do.

Y/n watches the race from the garage just like she always does. She updates the ferrari socials whilst watching. Charles gets a p1 podium and keeps on pointing to y/n. Mattias pushes y/n forward. "Think your wanted on the podium." Y/n heads up with Charles, who is elated. "Grazie.." He smiles at y/n fully aware that she is British. Luckily Charles doesn't do what plays out in y/n's head. He doesn't kiss her but he does attack her with champagne. He pulls her along to the media pen, soaked in champagne. "Have a nice Christmas and break Charles..." the last person says to him, as they walk away.

"Christmas time!! You coming to the Ferrari party?" Charles asks y/n. She nods her head and then makes her excuses to go and get ready.
Y/n walks into the party and Charles mouth drops open. He rushes over towards her. "You look incredible..." Charles beams a smile towards her. "Absolutely amazing... come take a photo with me." Y/n doesn't even get to say yes or no. As she is pulled over towards the photographer. Charles pulls her into him, as if they were more than just work friends.

"You look very..." y/n says but stops. Not sure of what word to say. "What? I look what?" Charles laughs at u/n shyness. It's not like her. "You look very handsome. Good. I don't know." Y/n stutters out. "Ah. So it's mutual then?" Charles asks her, holding her hand.
"I wouldn't say that. It's very unprofessional for me to say that. But your not the worst to watch on the podium when you smile." Y/n bites her lip. Charles pulls her away from the crowd of Ferrari staff and they hide behind a massive Christmas tree. "I meant what I said to Carlos... I find you so attractive, beautiful even. You make me laugh during challenges and you help me when I'm anxious.... I need you in my life more than you'll ever know." Charles tells y/n.
"What? Shut up Charles." Y/n says laughing. But stops as soon as Charles cups her chin and pushes a kiss onto her lips.
"Wait what? Your serious?" Y/n gasps as they break apart. Charles smiles at her, the one she so loves on the podium. Green eyes twinkling and dimples showing. "Yes. Y/n. I'm crazy about you. You should be my very special Christmas present."

Y/n pulls them out from behind the tree and feels nervous when people want to speak to Charles. As y/n goes to hide away, Charles grabs her hand, to keep her with him. Even when the higher members of staff, look at them. Charles keeps hold of y/n. "Is there something we have missed this season?" They ask Charles. Who smiles. "No. After the race She gave in and became my favourite Christmas present. Or at least will be once i woo her on a date." Y/n blushes in front of her bosses. "Char don't speak about me like that in front of my boss. I don't even have a contract for next year yet."

Charles smiles at y/n. "But I want you to be my girlfriend.. please. We know we get on. Just say yes and kiss me under the mistletoe.." y/n blushes but kisses Charles. It's as though they had been kissing all year with how natural it felt. "Merry Christmas babe." Charles whispers to y/n.
"Merry Christmas Char." Y/n looks up and gets happily lost in his eyes. Rather than the fireworks that are going off.

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