Daniel Riccairdo- wedding date

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"Hey smiler, when are you in Italy? Emily is getting married at a lake.. wanna be my plus 1?"

Daniel is already on his way to Italy for the Italian GP at the weekend. But sits confused as an old fuck buddy from London, gets in contact. "Heading there now doll. When and where is it? How are you keeping, haven't really spoke to you since the red bull days." Daniel grins remembering y/n. Both him and Max had huge crushes on her, but he stayed in London more, so got the girl in the end.
"Lake Como. I know your busy for Thursday- Sunday there. But she's weird and getting married on Wednesday."
Dan sits thinking if he should or not. "Sure.  I can't make it an overly late night but I can defo be your date. When you in town? Come to monza for dinner?"

They keep texting until Dan's on his flight. He usually flies with Max but this time he's heading over early with the rest of the Mclaren team. At least he needn't worry about her being tempted away by his teammate this time.
Dan uses the plane WiFi to basically stalk y/n's instagram. She is verified. Lando is following her. Fuck.
Max still follows her and likes a lot of her photos, even though he's happily loved up. But Dan preserves, her hair is shorter than he remembers her having. But she's still as beautiful. She is already in Italy and enjoying the food and sun. Bikini clad posing by the lake seems to be her favourite.
He watches her story to see if she mentions anything about a potential guy. But she mentions cheating and single Pringle.

It doesn't take them long to be in Milan and traveling to the hotel. "Hey doll that's me in the hotel.. so howcome your flying solo to a wedding? Not like you? You want to come for dinner and a catch up?"
He doesn't wait long for a reply. "Sweet yeah. You in Milan or Monza? I'm in a hotel in Milan.." Dan can't help but grin. He's staying in Milan until he needs to be up at the autodrome.
"Milan too." It doesn't take the pair long before y/n is heading to his room.
Y/n knocks on his door, feeling more anxious than she remembers she has been with him.
He opens the door, topless and smelling devine.
Y/n is in a tight sexy cowl neck dress and heels. "Didn't think we'd be dressing up tonight doll." Daniel says biting his lip. "Ah thought I'd make a bit of an effort. Don't feel you have too." Y/n says which makes Dan smile. Before he hugs her. 

They head out for dinner and are quickly in the same situation they were in a couple years ago. Daniel sitting complimenting her constantly, making her laugh until her belly hurts. Leaving the restaurant, you'd never believe they hadn't seen each other much in years.
Walking around the streets of Milan, to walk off their dinner. Dan can't help but slip his hand around hers just to test the waters with her. She walks around taking in the sights, holding Dan's hand. They don't stop talking and when they do it's never awkward.
"Oh here's my hotel.. want to come in for a drink?" Y/n asks Dan. He nods his head and follows her into the bar area of the hotel. "Will we grab a bottle and head to your room?" Dan asks. As his needs become more obvious. Y/n nods her head and watches Dan order champagne.
It doesn't get drunk, as soon as they are in her room. Daniel wraps his arms around y/n and kisses her. "Come here you..." he whispers. They had spoken about a lot so this was just one for the road kinda thing. Probably not the best to do before the wedding but they both know Dan has to be in monza the night of the wedding.

In the morning they make their way up to lake Como for staying the night before the wedding. Again they head out for dinner and just enjoy seeing each other again.
Waking up on the morning of the wedding. The are both hungover again. But he sits and watches her get ready. Curling her hair, doing light make up. Dan zips her dress up and can't help but enjoy a little feel. "You look beautiful doll."
Dan starts to doubt himself, what is he doing.. he knows they can't work. Or won't work. But he can't help but get sucked back in. They only stopped seeing each other as he started to get feelings that she was just too young and naive to be able to reciprocate properly. But now they seem to be on the same page. Right?

At the wedding he sits by her side and holds her thigh. They watch her older sister say her vows. Dan nudges y/n. "This could've been us one day." He whispers. "What?" Y/n looks at Daniel properly. "Honey.. we said this was just a plus one thing? Right?" Dan shakes his head, wishing he hadn't said anything. "Yeah I know... but it's stupid. Forget I said it." His smile falls and he sits quietly feeling stupid. They sip champagne, as the photos start to be taken. Y/n's mum comes over to them. "Baby.. Em wants you for a photo.. Daniel want to be in it? Or is this a?" Daniel looks at y/n things had been weird since he had mentioned them saying vows to each other.
"Coming? I'm sure Brad would love you to be in the photo." Y/n says to Daniel. Who looks at her. "Don't you want me in the photo?" He asks her meekly.
"Of course I do Dan. I shouldn't have shut you down. It's been fun the past few . But it's only been days. Not years or months. Or even a week. It's full on again." Daniel feels stupid again.
"Come here." Y/n kisses him. "I like you Dan, but we aren't in a race against time are we?" He shakes his head. "Well then. Trust me, no one compares to you and how you make me feel."
They walk over to the photo area and y/n snuggles into Dan in the photo. Or makes it very much obvious, he is hers. 
Which makes Dan smile even bigger. He holds her hand at the table when they have the meal. They sneak off to take their own sunset photos with each other. "Come down to Monza, come see the race." Daniel asks y/n optimistically. "Of course. I'll come down tomorrow once I'm awake and sorted."
They go back to the wedding and have a few dances before Daniel has to leave.
But of course they sneak up to to the room for a quickie before Dan leaves.

"Aww doll you better sort yourself out before you go back down." Daniel laughs at y/n. "Ugh.. Dan do you need to leave? I want you to take me all night..." Y/n teases him. "Doll.. come down with me then. You know I'd love you to have me all night." Y/n shakes her head. She knows she can't walk out of her sisters wedding not for a guy anyway. "I'll see you tomorrow honey B."
As he pushed one final kiss onto y/n's lips he can't wait to gloat to Max, when he sees him and happily show her to him again.

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