Lando Norris- Curse of curves prt1

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Walking back into the mclaren factory is always fun after a month away. Winter break is nearly over and Lando has the joy of welcoming a new team mate to Mclaren. But he wasn't expecting him to bring a new friend for Lando to long for.

"Ah man.. you should see her. She's out of my league.. don't even know her name let alone what she is doing here." Lando texts his brother. He knows his brother will laugh at him. He always does, rather than making Lando speak to her or get her number. He makes him more nervous. "Ahaha you are attracted to Dan's new girlfriend... only you. Great team mate you are. Remember leave her and no bad dad flirting with her."
Lando racks his brain trying to remember the name of the last girl he remembers Daniel speaking about.
He slips off to the sim to start to put the hours in as Daniel and his friend is taken around the factory and introduced to everyone.

At lunch he spots them sitting down deep in conversation but he tries to hide away from them. But is confused as she is commenting on a video of another driver that Dan is close with. Her accent is similar to Dan's he thinks. "Lando.. you coming to be introduced to the bane of my life right now..." Dan grabs him. "Meet my new assistant. My little cousin y/n."
She isn't paying attention to Lando, at all. "Oi idiot. Don't comment on it. Say hi." She looks up from her phone and Lando knows he's in trouble and starts to get nervous as she smiles.
"Sorry he has no depth if he can do that. Sorry hey..." Lando watches Dan roll his eyes again at her. "He's fake. I know both of you speak to him, but doesn't mean I can't have an opinion." Lando is confused. "You drivers move on so quickly and that one is wrong. He fucked over D and went screwed over one of the first people he met in red bull. He's a fake ass person."
Dan shakes his head. "Think what you want. You girls all stick together at the end of the day, us guys don't care. Have you even spoke to his now girlfriend? You better be on your best behaviour on the grid. Watch her for me Lando." Daniel gets up and leaves them.

"Sorry. He hates me having an opinion." Lando can't get words out and watches her pick up her phone and play on it again.
"So how come you want to be his assistant?" Lando blurts out to stop the silence being awkward but makes it more awkward.
"He needs someone to look after him. You sound nervous, why?" She asks him, putting her phone down again and looking at him. Her green eyes dazzling him, he can feel himself loosing it against her.
"Honestly. I uh. Don't speak to a lot of girls." Y/n raises her brow listening to him. "Has he done this on purpose to you?" Lando looks awkward and blushes. He can't brush off his urge of what he wants to do with her.
"I dunno. I better go..." He gets up and holds something in front of himself. Hiding any sort of bumps that may or may not be showing.

After telling Ollie later that night, he is surprised she has slipped into his dm's. "Nice to meet you today. Hope you don't mind me sending this, with you being so cute and awkward. But where is good to go around here for a walk?"
Lando reads it out to Ollie who is laughing. "Oooh dangerous.. she might actually like you too lando. Go have a walk with her. But remember the two metre rule."
After Lando gets help from Ollie to reply to her, he ends up outside of the flat her and Dan share waiting on her to go for a walk.

"So you're going for a walk with my team mate are you? Thought you didn't do us drivers Huh?" Dan sits teasing y/n, smiling. He knew Max had been texting her as he was hooking up with Kelly. So she has every right to hate on him. But he knows Lando is completely different to what she is used too. "It's a walk Daniel. I don't see you moving your ass to find nice places to walk here do you?"
Daniel shakes his head, at her making him wait for her. "Right go.. it's a walk not a model catwalk your doing. Hes already anxious around you. Be nice to him."  Dan pushes his cousin out their flat.
"Hiya.." Y/n says as she jumps into Lando's car. Wearing her mask, so he can't see her anything but her beautiful eyes.
They chat about stupid stuff in the car, before Lando stops at the park.
"We are here..." his voice goes high pitch and funny.

"Relax Lando. It's a walk." Y/n says pushing her curls out of her face. But Lando can't stop staring at her. "She's out of your league.. it's a walk. Just a walk... Daniel will kill you." Lando keeps telling himself.
They wander around a nearly empty park, chatting about Lando mainly. Which eases him a little. But when they sit down and chat on a bench. Y/n being closer to him, than he's allowed himself to get.
As they walk back out the park, y/n slips on some wet leaves. Lando can't even help her up from laughing so hard. She pouts at him, as she takes her mask off to catch her breath. "Lando... stop. I was going to ask you if you wanted to come in for a film as well." She nudges him. Which catches him off guard and he slides on the same leaves but stays on his feet.
"I'd love too. But there's restrictions saying we can't." He says feeling quite sad about it. They can go on a walk in public but can't watch a film together. "Hopefully soon though." He holds out his hand for her to take, so she doesn't fall again. She takes it but pulls him closer and hugs him. Lando wraps his arms around her too, melting so quickly for her.

Dropping her off home, he feels quite sad that he has to leave her at the door. "Sure I can't tempt you in? No one needs to know.." Lando nods his head, hating his will power right now. "I'll know and I know i can't. We can do another walk tomorrow if you want... or will I just see you in the factory with Dan now?"
He watches y/n get out the car, without saying anything. Hating himself for sticking to his guns.
He sits and waits in the hope she will come back and say goodbye properly. But she doesn't. She sends him a quick text. "Same time tomorrow Mr Good boy."

When he gets home, instead of the usual Cod playing. He sits down and goes through her Instagram. Her photos get him hot under the collar again, bikini photos to dresses so tight. He has no clue how she can breathe in them. He can't help but send Ollie some of them.
"Defo out of your league.. how did it go? Did you say anything stupid."
Lando gets giddy telling Ollie about it. Their first date technically, he keeps thinking about her beautiful eyes, her excited jumpy walk and their constant flow of chat.
"She really looks like she's trouble though.. just be careful Lando." Lando brushes it off, it's normal for Ollie to be worried. He's sure he can manage the curse of curves that she has to offer.

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