First date- George Russell

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"Double date? I need a wingman.." George gets a text. He smiles, it's been a while since he has been on a date. But he's also not been single for long. Like usual.
George dresses up a bit. Nice crisp white shirt, jeans and a blazer. He doesn't really put too much thought into who he's going to see, all he knows is where to meet his friend and at what time. But once in the bar, he already spots two women, one being his friends new girlfriend.
"They are here already mate. Y/f/n and a red haired girl. How long you going to be and want me to just join them?" George waits for a text before doing anything. He's glad of the queue for the bar. Y/n ends up behind George in the queue. He smiles at her before reading his Instagram.
"George.. have you met y/n." George's friend walks in and introduces them instantly. She looked more awkward than how he felt. "So.. what you drinking?" George turns and asks y/n. "Oh. Um. Pornstar martini I was going to get." She smiles at him. "So. Jeez I don't even know what to say. What's in that?" George asks her. "Vodka, passoa, passion fruit juice and lime I think and a shot of Prosecco." George smiles at her. "So I can get us just a bottle of Prosecco then?" He asks y/n. She nods her head. "If you want to share it then yeah. Or any type of wine if you like a certain one." Y/n says to him, looking up at him. But his big blue eyes send a swarm of butterflies into her both her chest and stomach.
His face is what she would call, pretty boys face, big eyes, bright blue eyes, long lashes and plump lips. He's tall but not too tall, that she would have to constantly wear heels around him. His job sounds interesting, but she's not sure if the traveling will suit her.
When they go to join their friends, they are very much consumed by each other's faces. "Eww. So we have to join them?" George asks Y/n, who is shaking her head. "No. There's a table over there.. by the window." George leads the way over to the table. Carrying the bottle of wine and y/n has the glasses.
Once sitting down, George can take y/n in fully. Her red hair and freckled skin, green eyes that are coated in mascara.. her curves in a nice red dress that matches the colour on her lips. Y/n has made an effort and George appreciates it.
Sitting chatting away about how they know their friends. Before their friends realise that they haven't joined them and come looking for them. But they have sunk a bottle of wine and are sitting teasing each other, laughing as if they have known each other a lifetime. When their friends join their table, y/n sits closer to George. Not that he minds, as George gets to be closer to her. Throwing his arm over the back of her chair. Y/n throws him a smile, as he strokes her bare shoulder. "Will we do cocktails.. not the boring wine you two are drinking." Y/f/n says. But George jumps in with a drinking challenge.
"Let's do the whole cocktail menu and see who gives up first." He says, playing with one of y/n's curls. "Aw I'm not sure. I've had wine. You'll be carrying me home." Y/n laughs. "Maybe that's his tactic.." Y/f/n raises her brow menacingly. Y/n looks up at George's innocent face and stupidly agrees. What's the worst that could happen? Sex.
The guys go to the bar, whilst y/f/n grills you. "So did we pick good for you? I'd have went there had I met him first... he's set to make millions." Y/n stares at her friend. "Is that all you know about him? Not that he has more to him than driving.. and his job." She shakes her head. "No. But who cares when he can buy you all the diamonds you want. As my mum would say, trap him girl."
Y/n shakes her head, pouting at her friend. Wishing the guys would hurry back. Or should she make a run for it. Tonight has really made her see a side of her friend she didn't want too. Or maybe she just didn't know her as well as she thought. They met at uni club, at the start of term. The more her friend goes on about fleecing George out of money the more she wants to protect him. Y/f/n boyfriend comes back with their drinks first. "Ah George is paying.." he says cheerily.
"Excuse me.." y/n gets up and leaves the table quickly. Almost knocking George over. Y/n stands outside the bar, furious that she's here on a date.. furious that she was friends with a leech. But extremely happy when George comes out.
"You okay?" He asks, trying to figure out the face she is pulling. She shakes her head. "No. Not really. She's a knob." It's the only name that's inoffensive she can think of.
Y/n feels George's hand on her arm. "Here.. take my jacket. What's she done? I only left you for about ten minutes." George says, pulling y/n into his chest. "She's a money grabbing little fuck. All she could say is how she wished she found you first rather than your friend."
George laughs. "Really? I set them up. Well I made him ask her out. He really liked her and got nervous. So I took his phone and done it for him on tinder. Where you'll never find me. Plus she's not my type. I like the people who don't act like they know me or my job. But then get overly protective. Which I'm enjoying can I say." Y/n looks up at him, he's grinning away. "I like you... not her. And I only came to be a wingman. As he didn't want to tell her not to bring you." Y/n looks at him. "I don't believe it. She done it on purpose to get to know you. As I said I was fine staying in. But she was adamant I had to come out. Can we please just leave now..." y/n says to him. George looks around, noticing y/f/n watching them out the window. "Yeah. But come here first.... let me know what she texts you." He bends down cupping y/n chin and pushes his lips to hers. Y/n melts and George can feel it, so holds her waist tighter, as he pushes another kiss onto her. "Yeah let's go.." George breathes out, his own need making itself evident. "I need to go grab my jacket and bag. Want to get a taxi?" Y/n says. George nods his head, glad he had cleaned his flat before coming out. Y/n runs in and grabs her things downing a cocktail without saying goodbye.
"I can't believe you've left me with him... I wanted George. But have fun with him but not too much fun that babies and marriage can't work for me. Haha." Y/n shows George. Who shakes his head. "Can I reply?"
"Sorry not into girls who play around with my friends. But thanks for introducing me to y/n... I will most certainly take care of her and who knows where it'll lead. GR"

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