Max Verstappen- Lion king.

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Y/N was out enjoying some girl time with her girls after a long and lonely lockdown. They had all turned 21 in lockdown and now they had flown to Monaco, to celebrate.

Max was out with friends celebrating being single. But he doesn't do well being single for long. He watches all the girls take photos with the flower wall in the club. They start to play a game rating the girls for something to do. His friends know it's a way for Max to choose his next meal.. the Hunter in him will always come out. Not just on the track. "Oh now there's one that your dad would hate." Max looks over at the girl. Who looks awkward at taking photos, where everyone can see. "Dare you to go make it worse for her max." His friends tease him.
So he does. Being the overly confident cocky guy he is. "Oh wait I want to be in this one." Y/n looks at him. "Bit full of yourself are you?" She gives him sass but that makes him worse. He loves the chase.
"Max.. you are?" He smiles at her. "Y/n.. hi. Oh I love this song... excuse me." Y/n leaves max standing at the flower wall to go dance. Just by his table. Max makes a gesture to his friends, before rejoining them. He orders a round of drinks and shooters. His vodka comes with sparklers. He notices y/n's friends looking impressed by it. "Do they want a photo with it." He asks y/n who glares at him.
"Erm. No. Bigger the bottle the smaller the dick right?" Max laughs. "Feisty aren't you." He purrs into her ear. She shakes her head. "Not the last time I checked." He whispers into y/n's ear. Her eyes flash up at him.
"Maybe dance and I can see." Her eyes dazzle him. He follows her, not even drinking his drink.
He watches as y/n rolls her hips easily, contradicting her tattoos and piercings. Max can't take his eyes off of her. Standing in the middle of the dance floor watching the hips sway. He's mesmerised. Until someone else wraps his arms around her waist. Max gets his instant glare on. He taps the guy on the shoulder and beckons him over and whispers something into his ear.
Y/N watches Max get more and more irate. So leaves him to it and wanders off to find her friends. Who are sitting drinking with his mates. "So? Did you kiss him?" Y/n gets asked and she shakes her head. "No. He's an asshole." Y/n says without thinking about his friends.  Max eventually comes back to the table. He smiles at y/n. "I thought you'd left." He pulls her up and sits on the seat she was on and pulls her down.
Nothing like claiming her as his own. She looks at him and he smirks. Knowing he is winning, as she's not fazed by being held on his lap. One of his mates tell him about the asshole comment. He looks at her bare shoulder, she's bending over speaking to her girls. But still on his knee.
"So I'm an asshole am I?" Max whispers into her ear. Stroking his hand down her back. "Huh? Well yeah. Very full of yourself." Y/n says. Max kisses her shoulder. Which confuses her, but her friends coo. The typical.
"Why?" She hisses at him. He smiles.
"I'll show you later... you know if you're lucky. Might take you home." Max whispers. Y/n raises her brow.
"Okay. Show me what? More pussy drying moves like kissing my shoulder. I don't stay here. It would just be a fuck..." y/n tells him truths.
"Not an issue. I have a private jet. I can come to you. For a night or two." Max tells her. His eyes darkening. He's sure he can feel grinding down. Sparking a friction hard on. Maybe it's what she wants.
Suddenly they are alone in the table. Max legs his hand run up her thigh. Expecting to find some form of underwear considering how short her skirt is. But there is none. Y/n hears max groan as he explores her intimate region, for a brief minute. "Fuck.. Fuck. Can we please just go to mine. It is literally two streets away." Max pushes a kiss into y/n's neck, before biting it. He gives her a few more before she gets up and max follows her out into the fresh air.
But it doesn't take max long, his lips are on hers. Pushing his tongue into her mouth and playing with her own tongue. He nibbles her lip, whilst breaking the kiss.
Y/n takes his arm, as he takes her some bizarre way. But they get there. Max just closes the door and picks y/n up. He carries her with one arm to the bedroom, fireman style.
Y/n squeals, as he throws her on the bed. Max starts to strip himself, before caressing y/n. He's not all hunter. He takes off her shoes, kissing up her legs. Softly biting the inside of y/n thighs. His fingers explore y/ns folds, before roughly slipping two fingers in. He gasps as her muscles clench to feel it more. "Aww you naughty girl..." max exhales loudly. Max pushes the skirt up around y/ns waist. As she whimpers at his touch. His thumb rubs her clit. A loud moan escapes y/n's lips, Max smirks.
He loves it when his girls are loud.
"Max. Come here..." y/n moans his name. He leans over her, his hand not leaving her pussy. He bends down and kisses her, his tongue exploring with hers again. Her hand reaches for his member, that's oozing without even being touched.
But y/n uses it to lubricate her hand and slowly strokes him. Y/n whimpering and moaning is enough to make Max rip his hand away just as she is close to seeing stars. He moves her around so she's on all fours and he fuck her doggy style, talking fistfuls of her hair. He fucks her hard. He wants to hear her scream his name. He knows she's close as her muscles keep spasming around him. With each thrust he is closing in on his own finish. The sound of his thrust are echoing around the room as is y/n'a moans.
"Oh max fuck... like that.... aaaaaaaah" with one last deep thrust, y/n is trembling in his arms. He keeps a hold of her and goes crazy. Beating her pussy with his hard dick until he sees stars himself and he comes biting her shoulder.
He looks down proudly at the bruise on her skin. He pushes a tender kiss onto it, which makes y/n Yelp.
His bed is soaked. Which he laughs at. "Well you're a first.." He chuckles. "Y/n you naughty girl. How you going to make up for squirting all over."
She looks at him. "Borrow your shorts. You've ripped my skirt." She moans at him. He looks down at the fabric. He can't remember how it got torn. But she literally has nothing to wear back to her hotel. Much to his amusement. "No.. not yet. I'm not done yet." He says darkly to her.

Waking up in the morning. Y/n has a sore head and covered in bruises and it's sore to wee. She wanders around Max's apartment in amazement. She is wearing one of his Red bull tees, as she makes a coffee in the kitchen when he stumbles through.
"Morning beautiful." He slides his arms around her waist and hugs her. They had spent the night speaking when he wasn't balls deep in her. He pushes a kiss into her neck. "Eh morning..." She turns around to look at him, but instead of talking he kisses her. A sweet tender kiss.
"Oh you know how to be sensitive then?" She pokes fun at him. He nods his head smirking. " I have cream you can use on your neck. But not going to lie I want to add many more with you in that shirt." Y/n looks up at him, not really knowing what to do.
But he lifts her up on to the kitchen counter, where he takes full advantage for kidding her. Until she puts her hands on his chest and pushes him away. "Maxxie.. I'm only here for another few days then I'm going back home. There's no point in overly giving me affection." Y/n tells him. But he shakes his head. "I have my own jet.. I can come see you whenever I can." Y/n looks at him. "Oh I thought uou were kidding when you said that last night."
Max shakes his head, before pushing more kisses into her.
"Let me take you out... a proper date. None of this hot.. need for fucking you. Even though I really want too. Please baby. Say yes, you'll not regret it."
Y/n sighs loudly. "Well I need clothes.. just to get to my hotel let alone out."
Max smiles at her. "I can go get you some.. yeah?"
Before y/n can say anything, max is changed and ready to head to the shops for y/n. "I might be a lion, but I know how to treat my women like a queen."

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