George Russell- a gentleman never tells

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Warning: contains smut..

"Are you nearly ready? The car is on its way." George pops his head around the door. His girlfriend was getting ready to accompany him to the fia end of season party.
"Baby. You look incredible." George has noticed that she is staring at herself in the mirror. Her worst enemy when it comes to being his date to events. She had been preening herself for the past 48 hours. Her beautiful freckles covered up with make up and fake tan. She had barely ate carbs for the past two weeks and been out running everyday.
Her burgundy dress, fitted her curves perfectly. Showing off all of her curves. It always made George want her badly. It has jewel straps at the back with a naked back to above her bum and the front is just as naked, a deep plunge to show the girls. But it's long enough to be classy. Her cute hair is curled to show off her back. Her blue eyes are smoked out and beautiful and her favourite lipstick is on her pouty lips. She furrows her brows as she is debating which shoes. "These ones... easier to her off when they hurt your feet later." George teases her, as he puts on a new necklace around her neck.
"Oh thank you.. baby. You didn't need too." She turns around and kisses him. "Don't ruin those lips already darling." George looks at his phone.
"That's the car. Ready beautiful?" George asks her as he pulls on his jacket. She nods her head. Ignoring the nerves. More easily done in the car with Nicolas in the car with champagne. "I assume your as nervous as this one.. so brought you one too." He passes Georgia a mini bottle with a straw. "Ah thank you. Nervous isn't the word I would use. I hate these things." She admits.
She nearly downs it in one, as she knows they are close by to the venue. "So are all the guys bringing girls?" Nick asks George. "As far as I'm aware. Think Lando has a friend coming. But he just doesn't seem to be able to get a girl." George laughs.
Once at the table for the Williams team and their sponsors. George sits with a smile plastered on his face. His usual PR face. He keeps nudging Georgia to remind her to smiles and not a demented one.
He pulls her over to him. "Darling remember and be a good girl tonight... I need tonight to be a good night yeah? You'll be rewarded later I promise." He whispers to her. He nibbles her ear, as his hand is under the table pulling her thighs apart. "Watch the dress.." She hisses back at him. But he smirks.
But removes his hand from her core once Toto comes over to chat. "Georgia looking beautiful. You'll both need to come get a photo with the merc group. Yes?" George is up instantly and pulling a shaky Georgia onto her feet. "Keep composed baby girl." He winks at her. She fixes the bottom of her dress before she follows him over.
George notices people looking at his girl, but he's proud. He's knows how much she beats herself up and how hard she tries to make him happy. Even though he wouldn't mind if she was wearing a baggy dress that hid most things. He slips his hand around her waist, as they pose for a photo with the other Mercedes drivers and Toto. "Ah Gee you look incredible. You are definitely punching georgie boy." Lewis tells George. Much to Georgia's annoyance. She knows she'll pay for that later. Gentleman on the outside and a devil on the inside.. that's her George. He smiles but she can see the lusty look in his eyes.
"Oh the entertainment must be starting soon. We best go back to our seats." George tells her and grabs her hand to pull her away.
"Making Lewis drool are we?" He whispers into her ear. Georgia shrugs her shoulders, but she knows what it's cue for.
As soon as they sit down, George guides her hand to his growing member. His eyes flick up to meet hers. Keeping a unbothered face on her, Georgia sets to work. Twisting her hand around his shaft, up and down.. using her thumb to swirl around his precum. She can see the stars in George's eyes, as he is close. He grips her thigh to tell her to stop. She knows all of his cues and what they mean. She leans over to him and kisses his cheek. "Check my panties." She whispers into his ear. George usually doesn't do as she says, so she is surprised when she can feel his fingers slide along her lady lips. "Your so wet, you naughty girl... and no panties. Very very naughty girl." He nuzzles noses with her, as to put on the usual display of in love but it's purely to whisper.
He leaves his fingers in her folds, lazily fingering her and his thumb drawing circles around her swollen clit. She holds on to the table cloth just low enough so no one at the table can see but George. George watches her, as she is getting more and more fired up. He can feel her hips bucking to meet his thrusts. So he stops. "Naughty girls don't get to come at the table." He whisper into her ear, as he bites her neck, knowing he's left a mark. Georgia sits pretending to know who's on the stage. But really all she wants is her gentleman to finish her off.
Georgia cuddles into George, praying he'll know what she wants. "Please baby finish me.. I need release.." She whispers into him. He smiles at her, his typical PR smile. But what his face is saying, his hand is saying other. It's slipped back in between Georgia's thighs. She sighs quietly, but she can feel the fire burning and starting to swell.
"Georgie... Georgie." She pants into his shoulder to muffle her noises. "Baby. You okay?" He asks her as Nick is watching them. "Yeah...just feel weird." She says to him. George has to suppress his smile. "Want to leave?" she shakes her head. "No im sure some water will be okay."
As the entertainment ends and the lights go back on, for the proper party to begin. George decides now is the right time to sneak away to the toilets with Georgia and get her to finish him. His need for her is greater than his need to be the gentleman everyone knows him for. He pulls Georgia with him, as he walks out the banquet hall to find somewhere a bit more secluded and not the toilets.

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