Mick Schumacher- secrets out.

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Mick and y/n had gone the full year without being overly asked about each other. Of course the rumour insta pages always got photos of them, but as y/n is on the team. It's hard to not be photographed together.
Y/n managed to get a good relationship with both Micks mum and sister. But the final race is upon them. They need to make decisions, that they'd never really thought about.

Would they see each other over the break? Would they eventually post about each other and embrace the outcome? Or would they struggle? They were used to late night meetings in hotel rooms, breakfast in bed and then onto the usual working day.

As y/n pulled on her little red leopard print dress and slipped into some crazy expensive shoes (thanks to Micks generous birthday present). Y/n joked about the matching bag, for christmas. Which of course Mick remembers and has sent to her room, in time for the Haas Christmas dinner.
Y/n gets her gift just before she leaves. "Oh my gee... you are too much. Thank you!!" Y/n texts Mick. She sends him a quick photo of her outfit, she hates having to dress up and likes having Mick's approval.

"Ugh.. baby. You look incredible. How am I supposed to keep my hands off of you tonight?"
Of course at the restaurant that Haas has secured for the night. Being one of a few girls in the team, y/n feels all eyes on her. Even though all the girls have dressed up for the occasion. Mick keeps glancing over at y/n, even though he is sitting with both Gene and Gunther. He watches y/n take photos of the team and with the team.
"You sure do scrub up well now don't you darling." Gene says to y/n. "Thank you.. I do try.. can I steal a photo of the four of you.." she asks before getting pulled into conversation with Gene. "So this so the one who has ideas on how to pull us forward? I was expecting someone older.. someone who had been in the business for years." Gene says. Y/n looks at Mick.
"No Gene you should listen to her, she has done fantastic ideas. More so to pull us into the forefront of new sponsorship deals and helping charities while we do it." Mick stands his ground for her. "She's more than just a social media junkie honest." Mick grins up at y/n.
"Oh have you spoken to the drivers already?" Gene asks y/n. "Yeah, we take her suggestions highly." Nikita jumps in. "Sometimes a young team can be the best team." Y/n is so confused as to why Nikita is helping her. But thankful he has spoken up too.

After the main course when y/n nips to the ladies. She bumps into Nikita, as she walks back to her table. "Thank you.. for speaking to Gene for me. You really didn't have too." Y/n says to him. He smiles at her. "It's okay, you've helped me this year, it's only fair I do the same. It's obvious to everyone but Gene and Gunther that you and Mick are together." Niki can't help but tease her.
"Thanks. I should probably share my ideas with you before you get asked... I'll grab you and Mick for some cheesy Christmas tree photos and tell you." Niki nods his head at y/n before walking away.
Whilst taking photos of the drivers, as Niki has went to grab Mick. Y/n tells Niki her ideas. "You know my dad could help you get some of this up and running?" Niki says after listening.
They stand and chat about it until the desserts are being taken around.

Mick quickly kisses y/n. Not really thinking about the red lipstick she is wearing. "New look for you Mick?" Gunther laughs. "Huh?" Gunther points to his lips. Before realising who he's been kissing. Y/n is the only one in bright red lipstick. "So.. it finally happened then did it? The romance we have all been waiting to be announced." Niki sits smirking away, as he could've told mick but didn't want to.
"Gs, just asked about us.. sorry. The lipstick smear didn't help. Don't think I rock it as much as you."
Y/n reads her text and then looks over at Mick, trying to not giggle at him. "How much trouble am I in?" Y/n replies to him but he takes a while to reply. "Not much. Gene has asked for your number, to sort a meeting for your ideas."

Later that evening Mick walks y/n back to her room, instead of sneaking around. "Want to stay here a while? Or do you need to get home?" Mick asks y/n, whilst he watches her use her weird skin cleanser wand. "Mm I think I can stay a few extra days. Why? You wanting to stay here?" Mick nods his head when he catches her eye. "Yeah. Some time alone where we don't have to hide anything. Be a normal couple." Y/n smiles at him. "Sure. We can. But I want a cheesy photo on one of those rope swings in the sea."
Mick shakes his head laughing. She never ceases to amaze him sometimes. He follows her into the bathroom. He bends down and snuggles into her neck as she quickly splashes her face. "I love you.. you know that right?" Mick says watching y/n's face in the mirror. "Yeah. I love you too." Mick can't contain his smile. Even though he has felt it for months. He hasn't told her yet.
But now he has he looks forward to being able to let others know.

In the morning before the final race. Mick goes down to the beach with y/n just before sunrise and takes her cheesy beautiful photos with the sun rising in the sky behind her.
They sit in the breakfast bar in the hotel together rather than hiding away in the room. Mick is so obviously smitten with y/n. He can't keep his hands off of her, until she is in her Haas uniform and he knows he has to behave.

But sitting in his drivers room, he gets bored and starts to type up a caption about his love for her.
"Thank you y/I/n my rookie year has been one for the books and it's partially down to being able to work with someone as talented as you. I never thought I'd ever get to meet someone as incredible as you are. My favourite part of this year is you, my soulmate... best friend. I'm thankful I've been able to experience all of this with you. Thank you for being there for the highs, lows and for your pep talks. I love you❤️"
He picks the photos that best represent them both, tickle wars, cuddles, singing, dancing and of course the both of them on the swing.
Mick texts her. "Can I go public? You'll love it I promise. ❤️❤️😘"
Y/n didn't have an issue with it, so he posts it.

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