🎄 Max Verstappen- first family Christmas🎅🏼

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When Max met y/n he never expected to fall in love so quickly. But he did. It's barely been six months, since he has known her and he's asked her to spend Christmas with him and his family.

He's shocked when she accepts. But then sits down with his sister to plan the best Christmas he can for them all. Since y/n comes with a little girl, Ella. It's extra special to Max, as he wants to make sure it's perfect and memories are made for Ella.
Obviously they have to go see Santa, do a tree together, Christmas films and hot chocolate. Not forgetting the Christmas markets and the ice rinks.

Max can barely contain himself with buying Christmas decorations for his own tree with his girls. Even at the airport he buys more. He kept on texting y/n to see what she prefers. Glitter or matte? Rainbow or a set colour scheme.. what colour scheme if she had to pick one. Real or fake tree? It was endless before y/n got on the flight, to fly over to Amsterdam for Christmas, with little Ella. Max, made sure that his plane went and picked them up. With him in it to surprise them. He meets them on the runway as y/n carries Ella out to the plane. "Max!! What you doing here?" Y/n squeals as he picks them both up. Y/n wraps her legs around his waist, to hold onto him.
He puts y/n down but keeps a hold of Ella. "Jeez it's so cold here!" Max moans as he just ran out in his hoody.
Once in the cabin, max is like a giddy child. He makes sure Ella is belted in, before take off. She is soon in his lap as soon as allowed. "You excited?" Max asks y/n. She is very much lost in watching Max and Ella. Confused as to how the sometimes blunt arrogant racer, is this kind caring beautiful soul.

"Uhuh of course max..." Max starts to say in y/n's accent. "Oi. Yes I am. Don't push your luck with my accent." She teases him back. His blue eyes sparkle, he loves it when she challenges him. "Oh Vick got an board thing for Ella to use when she's tired." Max tells y/n excited.
"You still happy to come to the fia awards? Luckily after Christmas and new year." Max asks to make sure it's okay. Y/n has only been to a few races and he doesn't want to push her too much.

Max has rented out a flat near his sisters home. But max has everything needed to make it Christmassy inside the flat. Y/n has to hide her own scoff, as she notices some of the baubles have designer brands on them. No supermarket specials here.
"This flat is incredible... sure your not planning on moving back closer to your family?" Y/n asks Max. He smiles at her. Weirdly.

"Don't ask stupid questions that'll ruin your present." He pushes a kiss into her lips. Probably a lot deeper and passionate than it was meant to be with Ella running around. "Huh? What you on about Max?" But he shakes his head. "No. Tomorrow. No wait two days time... right Ella are we ready for the star?" He diverts his attention to Ella and away from her mum.
Y/n puts up the garlands and hangs their monogrammed stockings up on the fireplace. Max is happily helping Ella with the last few baubles. She's at the age of understanding more of what's happening. So it's great fun.

"Ella are you ready to put the lights on?" Max asks excitedly. Ella squeals with excitement. "Come on Mama.." Max holds out his free hand to y/n and pulls her into him. Within seconds the dark room is filled with a lot of light, from the tree to the other random decorations that max has got.

They take photos in front of the tree, Max has even put on a cheesy Christmas sweater. "Do you like my jumper?" He asks Ella. Who smiles at him. After ordering food in and throwing a Christmas film on. A nice classic home alone, they snuggle down to watch it. Max sits telling y/n the plan they have for Christmas.

The days that follow are filled doing some sight seeing and a lot of Christmas fun. Including laughing at max sucking at ice skating. Heading back to the flat with an exhausted Ella. Max pulls out matching pjs for them. "Aw Max... those are something." Y/n bites her lip when max looks annoyed at her. "Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend? Where's my hot, grumpy.." max picks up y/n rather than let her finish. He kisses her and carries her through to the bedroom. "I'll show you where he is."

In the morning, Ella runs through and jumps on the bed. "Mama Santa's been!!!" Y/n wakes up sleepily. She had forgotten to put the presents out but Max is sitting looking smug even at 4am. "Has he?"
Max gets up and makes coffees whilst Ella opens her stocking on the bed. When his girls get up, the living room looks like Santa has forgotten all the other kids in Amsterdam.
Y/n looks at Max. "Wasn't all me I swear." He tries to talk himself out of going a bit crazy. "You promised you wouldn't go crazy." Max pouts at y/n.
"It's our first Christmas together. Why wouldn't I? You've not been forgotten about." He wraps his arms around y/n.
He hands her a card.
"To my beautiful girlfriend and Ella's amazing Mama.
We couldn't think of anything to get you, that was as special as you are to both Ella and I. So we decided that it would be more special for you to choose our home. Ella and I would like you to choose where we will live and grow as a family.
Merry Christmas to our favourite person.
We love you so much Mama.
Your favourite duo."

Y/n looks at Max unsure of what to do. "Serious? You want us to live with you?" Max nods his head before y/n even finishes her sentence. "Yes. I love you and Ella. What's better than us being a family? Obviously I do have you lots of other presents too. But the only thing I want for Christmas is us to be a family." Max tells her, whilst holding both y/n's hands.
Y/n can barely believe it, max has went all out on their first Christmas together and it's only just begun. They sit and watch Ella finish opening her presents from Santa Max. It feels so different to all the other Christmas's that y/n has had. Even with Ellas dad, it wasn't as comfortable as she is with Max.

Once at his dads house, it's full of other kids for Ella to play with. With Max's younger sister and brother there and his little nephew which Ella is obsessed with.
"It'll be you two soon, if Ella has her way." His dad teases them. "Best make sure the house is big enough for more kiddies Max."
Max is loving watching Ella play and laugh with his siblings. She keeps everyone laughing with how much she keeps going and kissing baby Luka.

Max pulls y/n outside. "Maybe that'll be us next Christmas." He teases her but looks deep into her eyes. Which confuses y/n. "You want a house and a baby do you max?"
Max smiles.
"Wouldn't be the end of the world. Would it? A baby Verstappen." He raises his eyebrow. Y/n laughs, unsure of what to say. "No it wouldn't be.. but let's sort the house first. Right? I love you Max."
They both look up to the sky as they notice the first bit of snow starting to fall. "Max.. this has been the most perfect first Christmas with you." Max smiles and pushes a kiss into y/n lips. "Merry Christmas baby. I'm glad you've had a good day." Max sighs.

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