Lando Norris- baking king

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Standing with his iPad filming himself, in the kitchen. "Babe how do I start it? I want to do a mini intro before I actually bake live on twitch."

His girlfriend of a few months comes into his kitchen holding her toddler. "Huh? Like you would normally I guess or film yourself and do a YouTube video?" Y/n says. Lando had asked y/n and the bubba to move in with him so they could all be in lockdown together. "Ugh. I don't know... will you stay with me and help me if I need it?" Lando asks her, his eyes growing wide with his own fear of messing up. "Bub. You are literally baking cookies... you can't mess it up." Lando looks horrified at her comment. "Oh I can... I suck at cooking I even burnt our pizza last night remember." He half whines half laughs at himself. Y/n laughs at him. "Yeah I remember.. fine but I'm not coming into shot." Lando growls at her, desperate to show off his new love. But she is shyer than shy.
"Fine.. I might try on twitch and if I can't get it, I'll film a YouTube video." Lando moans.

Y/n stands behind his set up, doing some of her own paperwork, whilst her little boy sleeps. "So guys.. I'm going to do this whole baking thing this time around in lockdown. Everyone else seemed to have done it the very first one. So I guessed I would try it, since my girlfriend is an incredible baker and is staying here whilst we are in lockdown..." Y/n eyes flash over to him. He hadn't even really announced that he was dating someone and it's only really been since just after his birthday. So not long at all.
"Anyway... I can see the comments going crazy but they are going too fast for me to read them or respond... I'm going to make triple chocolate chip cookies... it is triple isn't it? Babe?" Y/n looks up from her screen. "Yeah." Y/n says back quietly.
"She is sorting out her taxes, since she has her own baking company... so this is one of her recipes and she is going to help me if I fail." Lando laughs nervously.
"Do I need to measure out everything? I should've got you to do this for me, like the tv chefs." Lando teases y/n hoping she'll bite at him.

Y/n eventually stops doing her work and watches Lando fighting with the scales. "Argh they aren't working!! Y/n help me..." Lando wails in the direction of his girlfriend. Who has to go help him before he loses his cool. She is in one of his hoodies and leggings, not really the way she would've wanted to make her debut. But he is driving her insane.
Lando of course can't help himself but touch her. Just a little affection. That all his fans are loving, but hating at the same time.
"Right I'll do it now... thank you." Lando hits her bum gently and smirks at her.
"Want me to read some questions? While you mix?" Y/n asks him, he nods his head.

"How did we meet?"
"Ugh.. we met back ag the start of the season in like July-ish when mclaren hired you to make a cake and some little bits. But you were a hard nut to crack." Lando smiles lovingly at y/n.

"Why was I a hard nut.." y/n looks up at Lando. Unsure on what he wants to let them know. "Um.. y/n has a little boy. Who's nearly two, obviously with my job, it's not the easiest for me to find someone and make it last. And  I assume it's hard on you.. you have to think of Archie not just you." Lando speaks for y/n. "Yeah. Archie is my priority.. and my business. It's a hard industry as there is so many people doing what I do. Plus I can't just let people walk in and out of Archies life, one family doing it is enough for one lil human."

Lando looks at y/n with so much love in his eyes, he's forgotten what he's doing. They had this chat a lot whilst Lando was in isolation mainly in Dubai. Hence why before he came back, he wanted them both in his house. Being away for an extra two weeks than he had planned, was hard enough on the smitten Lando.
"Did your brush with covid make it easier or harder on you as a couple." Y/n looks at Lando smiling. "Harder... 100%. I was only meant to be in Dubai for New Years and I didn't get home until last week. I'm sure I called you crying a few times. We had wanted to spend time together before I started training again. So it was frustrating. Especially when i heard we were back in on full lockdown again. So I wanted them to be here for when I came home. Luckily y/n is soft sometimes and was happy to be here for me."

Lando quickly throws the cookies into the oven that y/n had preheated for him. They sit and answer more questions, while the cookies cook.
Y/n leaves half way through as Archie has woken up from his nap. "Have you checked the cookies? Lando?" Y/n says from the door, holding a sleepy Archie. Lando looks away from the screen and jumps to look in the oven. "Ooooh. They are done.. I think." He takes them out and leaves the tray to cool. He ignores the chat for a while and speaks to Archie. "You going to fist bump me?" Lando is heard saying. Lando holding his arm stretched out so Archie can do it. "Yaaaay buddy!!" Of course Lando is a bigger child than the toddler himself.
Lando half's a cookie so Archie can taste it with them. "You have a nice sleep? What did you dream about?" Lando smiles whilst chatting to Archie. A face none of the fans have seen him doing.

"What does my Mum think of y/n having a kid?" Lando pulls a face. "Not much. Why does my parents need to have an opinion on it? They are yet to meet y/n and Archie properly but they have spoken on FaceTime... will we try the cookies now?" He looks over at y/n. "Come over and try them.. with me please."
As soon as Archie is close to Lando, he starts to pull away from his Mama and want Lando. "Come here then buddy. Here you go." Lando takes the wriggling toddler. "Ta.. Dohdo" Archie doesn't wait for Lando to grab a cookie for himself to try before his half  is in his mouth.

"Not as good as yours... but I'm still the baking king right?" Lando asks y/n as she tastes his baking. She pulls a face, but Lando pulls one back. "Yeah they are nice." Y/n smiles at Lando, quite clearly lying. "See guys I am the baking king... I'm going to go eat the cookies and watch Cars 2."  With that he ends his twitch stream, knowing his Instagram and Twitter will be getting loads of comments and he'll be tagged in so many photos.

"I love you..." Lando tells y/n as they snuggle down with Archie to watch Cars 2 for the eighth time that day.

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