Charles Leclerc- hero

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Requested by kprinc9983

Y/n skips though the gates, to the paddock. Looking forward to seeing Charles, she overslept after a long flight and not a lot of sleep. Charles said he would meet her in the paddock when she got there.

Just as she gets through and sorts out a cheesy selfie to post. She is suddenly swamped by photographers and random media people who aren't in the pen. "How is it going with Charles?.. have you said I love you?"
Y/n is hit with question after question. The full on barrage of questions is a lot. Rumours have always been the bane of the younger drivers lives, social media and those little people who set out to ruin someone else's happiness. Never nearly ended Charles and Y/n before it even hit the ground running. But Charles somehow managed to smooth it over with her. But now she has been a regular in the paddock, there has been an influx of random fan pages set up for her... her own Instagram page has been hacked so many times. So she usually keep a low profile when she walks in alone.

Lando and Dan are walking back from the pen together when they notice a very much harassed emotional y/n. "Come on guys.. leave her be, yeah. You know not all the girls like your attention." Daniel goes in between y/n and the media. "Lando.. call for security. Guys we know you have jobs to fulfil, but y/n is just here to support us all." As Dan puts his arm around y/n, she is very obviously shaking. Which makes him annoyed.
He remembers a conversation he had overheard Lando and Charles having about anxiety and panic attacks.
"Guys back the fuck off... I know you won't want me close right now but sorry." Dan pulls y/n away from the cameras and voice recorders.
"Will we head to hospitality and you can get those breath back?" Dan asks y/n who is in no real state to answer. "Will we go the back way?" Lando says, worrying about y/n. Dan nods his head and they pull y/n out of view.

Once in the mclaren hospitality, Lando goes and gets a hot sweet tea. In the hope it'll help. Dan stands and chats with y/n hoping to keep her engaged in conversation so she doesn't over think the whole situation.
"Oh my god... they are going to think you guys are rude because of me... oh no..." Dan looks over at Lando. Not sure what they should do. They watch y/n sit on the edge of a table rocking herself. Mumbling in french. "Come on now doll.. it could be worse. It could be the golden boys looking rude. It was just me. They know that Charles has asked them not to take photos of you let alone get that in your face. Any one of us guys on the grid would've helped you out." Dan tries to reassure y/n but she starts to cry. Big sobs leave her body as it painfully moves with each one.

Lando texts Charles. "Hey man, y/n is in my hospitality. Think her anxiety is bad, I'll explain when you come for her but me and Dan can't get her to calm down."
Charles comes running in for y/n. "Did you get the text?" Lando asks him. But he shakes his head. "No. Some people have told me, they seen her with you. What happened?" Lando quickly tells him what he seen. But he wasn't sure how long she was with them.
"Hey baby..." Charles stands in front of y/n and takes her face into his hands. "Come here baby... look at me." Y/n looks into Charles blues with her own. "Copy me.." Charles starts to take deep breaths trying to her y/n's breathing under control.
Once it is. Charles uses his thumbs to remove the black stripes of mascara that have made their way down y/n'a face.

"You coming to my room? Watch me warm up." He pulls her to her feet and holds her close.
"Thanks guys.. much appreciated." Charles walks slow and keeps a tight hold of y/n as they walk gingerly back to his room. He picks her up and lays her down on the massage table. "You can stay here if you want baby. I know episodes are tiring and I want you to be okay."
She nods her head and closes her eyes, as she is exhausted. "Thank you.. always my hero aren't you." Y/n teases Charles.
"Nope. Just here always for you. The same as you are with me. Even when you find it hard. I love you baby." Charles pushes a kiss into y/n's forehead and leaves her to rest whilst he warms up. He knows she will be in hospitality watching him, as she always does. No matter how she is feeling.

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