🎄Marcus Armstrong- Marcus Claus is here 🎅🏼

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A little Christmas joy for HajarKonina0

Standing outside his ex girlfriends parents house. Marcus starts to debate if this is right thing to be doing.
They broke up over stupid reasons. Not spending enough time together mainly. But with covid and travel restrictions and limited people allowed trackside. It's been hard. As he knocks the door, his mind flashes back to how they met.

He has known y/n since he moved to Italy four years ago. Her dad worked in Italy and they met at the beach. When Marcus was out exploring and y/n was there with the family as they were visiting him.

"Marcus.. does y/n know your coming?" Her little brother looks shocked. "Does mum?" Marcus nods his head at y/n mum knowing. "Okay. They are in the kitchen.. you know where it is." Marcus walks into the familiar house. They have decorated very extra this year for Christmas. Not that it matters.
He's only there to spend Christmas and hopefully rekindle his relationship.
As he walks into the kitchen Y/n has her back to him, her mum smiles. Making her turn around.
"Marcus. What what are you doing here?" Y/n stutters at him. Marcus smiles at her. Not actually knowing what to say. "I invited him..."
Her mum jumps in.
"Okay. So he's not here because he wants to be." Y/n grabs her drink and leaves the kitchen. Her mum sighs. "Sorry love. I was sure that she'd love to have you here. How little have yous spoken recently?" Marcus sits and thinks. "Not much. I was giving her space."

Marcus eventually goes and finds y/n. "Hear me out before you run away again." Marcus says sitting away from her. But near the door so she can't escape. "Fine. What?"
Marcus takes a deep breath. "I've missed you. I know you've not been able to come to any races this year and we've spent the majority of the year apart. But we shouldn't have broken up because of it. I love you and I've missed you so fucking much." Marcus starts. He looks up from his hands and notices she's not really paying much attention to him.
"Y/n have you found someone else?" He asks, now worrying that he's left it too late to try and sort it out with her. "Yeah me and Santa are tight now." She laughs.
"Santa. Are you for real, y/n? Why can't you be serious?" He looks over at her.
"Why would I be serious. When were we ever serious?" Ouch.
Marcus smiles but inside his heart is breaking. "We were. I love you! I'm still fucking crazy about you but you just don't seem to care." Marcus shouts at her.
"Prove it then Marcus. Don't just say it. You've been here an hour and not hugged me or kissed me. Where is your affection dimples." Y/n starts with attitude then it drops.

Marcus smiles. The first time she has called him dimples in what feels like forever. They usually always tease and play fight with each other so having to prove their feelings is strange for them both not just for Marcus, but for y/n too.
They both stand up. "No. Sit down. I'll come to you." Marcus says to y/n. But y/n shakes her head and jumps on him. "Oi. Baby." Marcus laughs as he holds y/n up by the bum. "What? Dimples. It's not like you were going to propose during a fight."

Marcus starts to blush. "Well Marcus Claus was maybe thinking about it. It has been three years since we got together properly and maybe we should take the next steps. I want you to be my forever.." Marcus puts y/n down onto the bed.
"I know this is the lamest way to do it. But I really do love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. This year has been so tough without you. So will you marry me?" Y/n looks at Marcus is shock. She knew it was coming but it didn't make the words any easier to absorb.

"Oh Marcus. I love you too." Y/n is somewhere between crying and laughing. "So? Will you?" He asks her, trying to get an answer. "Y/n!! Will you answer me? Your breaking my heart here come on." Marcus starts to laugh. Very typical of them. "Oh wait yes! Obviously." Y/n shouts eventually. Stopping them both from giggling. After a few kisses and snuggling watching Elf, y/n's favourite Christmas film.

"Did you come to ask me that? Or is it just a spur of the moment Marcus moment?" Y/n asks him walking back down the stairs to go tell her family. "Uhm. Marcus moment." He laughs. Pushing a kiss into y/n's temple. "Oh well.. dimples you strike again. Huh."

Y/n fixes them some drinks and snacks. "So everything sorted now?" Y/n's mum asks them. Marcus nods his head with a shy grin on his face. "Okay what's going on? I know you two." Y/n and Marcus share a look and smile at each other. "What is it? You're scaring me." She yelps at them.

"Well Marcus proposed. And I said yeah." Y/n shouts out eventually. "Serious? Serious? Are yous being serious I know how much you two tease everyone." They both nod their heads.
"Aww kiddies. Come here." Y/n's mum hugs both of them. "I can't believe you both sometimes. We best take a photo and send it to your parents Marcus. So yous can tell them."

Marcus throws his arms around Y/n where they try and do the serious just engaged pose. But it doesn't last long. They end up laughing with bigger smiles than usual. But it's when their noses touch and they are smiling at each other it's done.
"Ah best Christmas gift ever to have you here dimples." Y/n says snuggling up to him.

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