Pierre Gasly- You in that dress

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"Look at you, in that dress... Your love is a killer."

Pierre walks into the club not expecting to bump into his ex. He always kept a good friendship with most of his exes apart from this one. Teenage love at its finest.
The only conversation they had since the break up, was when she sent him a message after the whole red bull fiasco.
"Just heard about RB. It's their loss, prove them wrong. Everyone who loves and cares about you knows you are better than what they are portraying you as. Keep going and enjoy F1."
He forgot to reply and she sat away from him at the funeral of their mutual friend.

He doesn't even notice her at first. Elena and Esteban leaves the group that is near her. He over hears her name. But thinks he is hearing things. He sticks to his group of boys and their girlfriends.
He watches them all have fun in their couples. "Ah she looks fun and hot." Charlotte tells Charles. "Go get her over char. Just tell her I sent you." Pierre has no idea what he's on, but just assumes him and Charlotte are doing some weird threesome idea.
"Uhm. Looks like I've lost Char.. shall we do shots?" Charles asks Pierre. Who nods his head. "Who is it that you two are being weird about."
Charles points out a random group of girls. But Pierre can see right through him. "Ah it's okay. The single lads are here. Daniel.. Max.. Lando." Pierre welcomes them. Charles shakes his head and downs his shot.
He watches the guys go over to the table, Pierre is happier now the single guys are there. So Charles goes in search of his girlfriend and the mystery girl, he is hiding from Pierre.
"What are you doing here?" Charles asks instead of saying hi. "Charles... hi." The girl wraps her arms around his neck and kisses both his cheeks. "Mr Ferrari himself Huh. How's Arthur? And your mum and Lozo." Charles wasn't expecting small talk. "My sister used to date Lorenzo." Y/n explains to Charlotte. "So how do you know Pierre?" Charlotte asks confused by the whole situation. "Oh I'm. I used to date Pierre before Cate. Before she stole him. Then I got hotter." Charles laughs, as Charlotte still looks confused.
Charles had noticed the differences in her on Instagram. But didn't dare comment. "Wait. Right so you want her at the table why?"

"Oh no. I'm okay. I'm here with Esteban and El. I don't think Pierre and him are friends anymore." Y/n says the obvious. "No. Come on. Just say hi." Charles already pulling y/n over to the table. "Oh is this Charles bringing us a lady.." Daniel can't help but joke. But y/n refuses to turn around. So of course she speaks in French to him. When only Pierre should understand, apart from the Monaco pair.
"I'm going back to my table..." y/n says wriggling out of Charles hold.
Pierre looks up. "Is that who I think it is?" Charles grins at him. Nodding his head. Just as an angry Elena comes over the speak to Charles. "You've upset her. Why? He made his bed. He can lay in it." Charles can't help but smile. He's not sure why he finds it funny. But he does.
Pierre gets up and follows Elena over to the table. Where y/n is drinking a cocktail.
"Y/n... can we talk?" Pierre asks her. Y/n finishes her drink and follows him out of the noisy room.

"You look amazing..." He tells her, but y/n rolls her eyes and sighs. "I'm sorry.."
y/n eyes glare at him. "Not good enough. Is she here?" Pierre shakes his head. "No. Just me. We broke up during lockdown." He tells y/n who isn't really surprised. "Okay. So what do you want? If your done then fab I can go back in."
Pierre groans at y/n. He knows how stubborn she can be and how much of her toughness is an act. "Hi.. sorry. I just wanted to come and apologise. I'd hate to be the one who made you run away from the table. I promise none of us are that scary. Or the boys anyway." Daniel comes and barges in with his own apology.
"It wasn't but thank you." Y/n turns her attention to Daniel.
"So why Esteban? Elena and you aren't even friends." Pierre bites.
"Oh.. okay I'll see you in there." Daniel makes a quick escape. "Pierre really? That route. Whatever. I'm away in. This conversation is like us and finished ages ago."

Pierre doesn't go right back in. His heart still wants y/n. He had a good time with his ex that broke them up.  But he soon realised that his heart screamed out for someone else. Y/n kept popping up on feed and it was clear.
He walks back to the table and Charles looks just as disappointed as he feels. "Will I send max over? He'll scare her into staying here." Charles laughs, trying to cheer Pierre up. He can see how much his friend wants to patch it up with y/n.
They sit and watch her dance with Elena. Charlotte gets annoyed at the situation and goes over to speak to y/n. "Can you please just come speak with Pierre. I know what he done is wrong but he wants you back. He can't get the words out around you as he knows you don't want to listen. But please. They are driving me mad."
Elena makes a face at the situation. "Charlotte didn't you do the same as his now ex?" Elena makes the obvious.
But y/n follows Charlotte then goes to walk away again. But feels differently when her eyes lock with Pierre's. Charlotte nudges Charles and they go to the bar.

"Charlotte told you didn't she?" Y/m nods her head at him. "Is it true." Pierre nods his head, refusing to hold eye contact with her. "Fine. Just makes it harder to say no. You stole so much from me. I don't trust anyone anymore, I don't trust men... friends. I've lost so many friendships as I questioned everyone. I lost myself for a bit.. I didn't know who I was or what I wanted. I hated myself and blamed myself for not being enough." Y/N tells Pierre without really thinking who else could be listening.
"Then all you come back with is I'm sorry.. wanting me to feel sorry for you. Not going to wor.." Y/n is going off on a road to nowhere. So Pierre kisses her. He's more surprised when she kisses him back rather than slap him and storm off. He pulls her in closer, her dress was doing all sorts of crazy things in his head. He rests one of his hands in the bottom of her back and can't help but drop a finger of two to feel the more voluptuous bottom of y/n.

Pierre smiles when their song comes on. An old school Sean Paul. "Look at you in that dress..." Pierre sings to y/n. She pulls him somewhere where less people will watch them. Pierre loved watching y/n dancing to this as teens. But now is different. Now she shakes her bum on him and holds his arm around her so he can't leave. "Oh fuck.. Y/n. Where the hell did you learn to dance like that." Pierre keeps her pressed against him, even when the song finishes. "Why? Did P like it." Y/n tease him. She arches her back to push her bum into his growing groin.
"Oh you naughty boy." Y/n sucks one of his fingers. Right in the middle of the dance floor. She remembers how much it sent him crazy. He closes his eyes swaying. "Please stop y/n. We can't just jump into it like this.. I won't allow it. Oooh ugh." Pierres throat goes dry as he knows every nerve ending right now is on show and he needs her, in that dress. "Can we leave? Go somewhere?"
His eyes are dark with desire, y/n turns around and kisses him. "Toilet?" She suggests but he shakes his head. "No chaton (kitten) we need to do this right. I want to fuck you properly all night long. Not a quick toilet fuck. I want to make you tremble from my tongue before I make sweet love to you."

Pierre doesn't even say goodbye to everyone he just leaves with y/n. Like Winnie the Pooh away to her his honey pot. As soo as y/n agrees on the hotel, there is no stopping him.

The boys only know he is okay when he posts a photo with y/n in one of his work T-shirt's. "Think Chaton wears this better than me.. 😍❤️"

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