🎄Pierre Gasly- Christmas with the au pair🎅🏼

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Y/n was meant to be flying home to the uk for Christmas but due to covid rules and restrictions. That put a quick stop to it. She had many people she'd love to see but would prefer it to be normal.
So when offered to stay with the family she had been helping out a lot, since she was their au pair. She didn't really have a choice spend Christmas alone or go along with the family.

Y/n ends up in Rouen in France. So it was still the same sort of bitter coldness that y/n was used too. She had already met most of the host family's family.
Well apart from one. The superstar of the family. Although y/n had often watched the F1 races with his family. She had never really met him face to face. Nor had she really been to France. Although she could speak broken French and understand a lot of it. So this whole Christmas period will be an experience.

Pierre is last to arrive. Not that surprises his family. But y/n is busy putting the babies to bed when she hears a car drive in. She had said to the family that they could all go and enjoy whatever it is they like doing and she'll put the kids to bed. Not really expecting anyone to come and out a stop to her soaking in the tub. It was one of those roll topped cast iron ones. She had her eye on a bath ever since bathing the smallest kids.
Pierre let's himself in and y/n goes downstairs to make sure he keeps quiet as some of the little ones are light sleepers.
"Hi.. Pierre right?" He smiles at y/n. "Yeah. You the au pair? Ah y/n?" Pierre speaking to y/n makes her blush.
"Am I just in my usual room? Do you know? Or is it just find where there is space?" Pierre laughs. Y/n doesn't have a clue but knows she's been put in his usual room. "I think I'm in your room.. but I can move if you want me too." Pierre smiles at her again, shaking his head. "Ah no. Don't do that. You're part of the family this year.."
Pierre comes over and does the typical French kiss, once on each cheek. "Come share with me then... there's plenty room. And it's your room." Pierre nods his head. Why would he refuse potential bed snuggles. "I was going to go for a bath... can you listen out for the kids?" Y/n asks him. "Sure. Anything else? Would you like candles and wine in the bath?"
Y/n can't quite grasps if he is teasing her or not. But because she didn't respond to him. He has went into the bathroom and lit some candles and ran her bath.

"Oh thank you. You didn't have too." Pierre smiles at her. "So red or white? Or champagne? Go get in and I'll bring you something up." Pierre squeezes her arm and heads downstairs to get some wine.
He grabs one that he likes and two glasses. "Here you go.. enjoy your bath." As y/n enjoys her bath, she can't help but be curious of Pierre and Google's him and checks out his Instagram. He seems to be single. Not that he has gave any sort of indication that he wants more than sharing the bed to sleep in.
The further down his Instagram feed y/n finds the top less smiling Pierre. Nope. She decides it's just him being nice.

When y/n eventually gets out the bath and glides to the room she's sharing with Pierre. He's there watching some Netflix film. He has his own glass of wine. But he looks so cute in his hoody and joggers combo. Y/n usually doesn't like the look, but he looks cosy and his hoody looks expensive. "Good bath?" He asks her, refilling her glass.
He pats the bed beside him and she sits down beside him. "It's only started.. have you seen it?"
Y/n smiles. "Yeah. The Christmas chronicles. There is a second one too." Y/n loves Christmas films and Christmas in general so not being home for it is weird for her. Pierre pulls her into his arms so that they can snuggle watching it. Y/n would usually decline such open and blunt ideas.
"You comfortable?" Pierre asks y/n. But the wine has made her chilled out. "Very. You?"
They snuggle watching both Christmas chronicles films and then put on Arthur Christmas.

Waking up with Pierre next to y/n, he is topless and holding her close to him. Not that she minds but she can hear the kids walking outside their door. Her head is instantly sore from the wine and lack of coffee in her body. "Oh is time to get up?" Pierre grins at her. Ugh he's a beautiful morning person. Y/n peeks down at herself to make sure she still has on her pjs. She doesn't she has on his T-shirt. "Remember to put clothes on." He pushes a kiss into her temple.

Y/n is just in her Elf pjs when the kids burst in the room. "Carrying two gift bags. Mama said put these on." Handing one to both pierre and y/n. It's a glittery Santa hat and a Christmas jumper. "Ah you look cute Cherie." Pierre giggles putting his own jumper on. "Come on. We might as well go downstairs now." He tugs on y/n's hand and pulls her with him.

"Ah is these jumpers a new thing?" Pierre asks. But his mum explains, it's a tradition that y/n's family do and they want to make her feel more apart of the Gasly's. Pierre looks around as y/n is helping clear away wrapping paper. "Go get her a coffee." Pierre nudges y/n and hands her a coffee. "Promise it's just caffeine this time." He winks at her. She smiles and takes it off of him. "Thanks." Pierre sits beside her, being the only brother without kids, he just gets to watch all the chaos.
Pierre puts his arm around her, but y/n doesn't know how to respond. Instead she looks around but notices his mom watching them. "Relax.. no one will care." Pierre whispers to her. "Huh? Who won't? For what?" Y/n asks him. But she gets lost in his bright blue eyes. He smiles at her.
"This.." He pulls himself closer to her and pushes his lips softly onto hers. His hand cups her jaw, keeping her close and the kiss to go deeper. It only breaks when y/n's phone goes. "I best take this..." she stutters to Pierre.

Y/n walks back into the room and is glad that the kids have stole Pierre. "Are you coming to the Christmas service?" Pascale asks y/n. "I don't usually but I'd love to come. If that's okay." Pascale smiles. "Of course sweetheart. I'm sure Pierre would like you to come."


Walking back from the sevice (that y/n didn't understand much of. A lot got lost in translation for her) Pierre links his hand with y/n's, as if it's the most natural thing to do. Y/n feels awkward but it would be more awkward if she tried to refuse it.
His brothers and parents all have that relationship Christmassy glow. It would be worse for her, if she refused Pierres advances today of all days. How hard can it be to get the affections of Pierre? It'll be harder to not fall for him over not enjoying it. As they walk, y/n gets to ask him about his F1 career, after only watching some of his races this year, she's confused by the whole f2/3. But as y/n takes an avid interest, Pierre likes her more. "Will we take a photo in front of the Rouen tree?" He asks y/n.

Y/n nods her head, standing close to him as one of his sister in laws takes it. "No.. move to the right a bit. Oh look up." She laughs. Pointing out the mistletoe. It doesn't take Pierre long to lock lips with Y/n. Who more than happily melts into him. You'd be confused to think they had only recently met and closer to being complete strangers than lovebirds. Especially with how long this kiss is. "Here you go.." Pierre gets handed his phone back, to break up their kiss. "When's the wedding?" Paul teases Pierre over lunch.

"Is it that obvious?" Pierre laughs. "Yeah no dates already kissing in front of everyone. Aren't yous meant to go on a date before this sort of openness?" Pierre looks at y/n. "No. Sometimes you just know right?" He has his arm lazily over the back of y/n's chair and playing with her hair. Both very affectionate with each other.

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