Lando Norris- Surprise family

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Staring at his phone Lando gets an unexpected surprise. He's doing a twitch live stream so can't be too obvious.

My biggest surprise is finally here!!

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My biggest surprise is finally here!!

It's their mutual friend who has sent him a screenshot. "What the hell? Did you know?" Lando's face is telling a whole story that he shouldn't be on twitch. "Right guys I need to go off for a bit. I'll be back on in a while."

Lando goes offline and grabs his phone and heads into his kitchen for a drink. "No. I didn't know. You don't think that's why we broke up? I don't have her number anymore. Do you?" His friend sends him the girls number. "I'd like to think she didn't break up with you because of that. But who knows girls are strange."
Lando pauses before he texts y/n.

What does he say? What should he say to her? Does he just congratulate her or ask straight out.
Instead he goes to comment on her post but she has blocked him. Lando sighs loudly. "Hi.. it's Lando. Just seen you have a baby. Ehm congratulations i think."

"Sorry I know I'm waffling but do we need to chat? I don't even know what you had or when you had them."

Y/n who is struggling to her baby Jessica to sleep. Notices the number and knows who it is instantly. "Hi. Will get back to you once I get Jess to sleep." So Lando waits. But it's not a long wait but he has already text his parents to explain the situation, that he thinks he's got himself into.

Meet Jessica

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Meet Jessica.. she was born two weeks ago and was 6lb 10oz.
Lando is shocked when he sees the baby properly. He sends the photo to his mum. "Does this look like any of us as babies?"
"Ah she's beautiful. Have you met her? Or is this y/n sending you a photo?"

"So do we need a chat.. you still near by?" Lando texts y/n. They agree on him popping by her house as she can't keep hiding. Y/n's mim opens the door and Lando knows he's in trouble.
"She's up in her room.: don't worry I have Jess down here with me."
Lando gulps as he goes to the familiar room, that him and y/n spent a lot of time. He gently knocks the door. "Hey.. how are you?" Lando asks her. Y/n smiles getting up to hug him.

He can't help but notice her body is completely different to how he remembered it. Obviously she's not long had a baby. Potentially his baby. But her boobs are noticeably bigger, her stomach where she grew Jess is still swollen or just still bigger with it only being two weeks.
"I assume you want to know if she's yours?" Y/n asks Lando. He nods his head eagerly. "Yeah. I'd love to know... you look amazing for not long having a baby."

"What do you want her to be?" Y/N asks Lando rather than just telling him. He shrugs his shoulders as he's confused about what to say. "I ugh. Come on y/n just tell me." Lando pleads with her.
"Yeah. She is. But it's okay I can do it alone. We weren't never really supposed to be serious. Were we?" Lando pauses before he speaks. He's just been given the biggest news of his life bar his contract with mclaren.
"Y/n you don't get to decide that. Before you disappeared I was falling in love with you. You hurt me really bad. I was so confused at to what I'd done wrong. Or if there was something I could've done better."
Y/n sits biting her lip. She didn't know he was falling. Well she did. But not that much.
"Lando. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. But I need someone that's more mature. Or at least ya know."

Lando sighs. "No I don't understand why you think you have the right to dictate who can be her dad. Y/n I loved you. Probably still do... stupidly. I don't see why you have the right to say in not mature enough to whatever to be her Dad. It's fucking stupid. Your being so fucking stupid and selfish." Lando explodes. She wasn't expecting him too. "I want to see her. Meet her." He starts to demand.
"Not until you cool down. Lando. She's so small..I don't want you to hurt her." Y/n says to him. She doesn't know this Lando. Nor does she like him.

Y/n goes and gets their daughter. She's in a little onesie and sleeping. "Here she is... Lando meet Jessica JC Norris-Jones." Lando looks up at y/n. "Norris Jones? So she's getting my name just not getting to know me or allowed to be treated like my family?" Y/n knows Lando has a point. "No I just didn't know how to tell you. The longer I left it the easier it was to lie to my own family that you just didn't want to be apart of her life. Until she was born and then I realised that I shouldn't be keeping it a secret. You should've been there with me." Y/n says, tearing up. Lando watches as y/n puts the little one down.

"I'm not going to say it won't be hard to forgive you. But I'll try, for her sake... can I hold her? But show me how." Lando says, not taking his eyes off his daughter. Y/n scoops her up out of her bedside cot. "You need to make sure her head is supported. As unlike us she can't hold her own head yet... perfect." Y/n smiles at Lando. "Sit with us." Lando asks her. Y/n perches on the bed beside him. But stays away enough that they aren't touching. But lando shuffles closer to her. "Will I take a photo of you?" Y/n ask him. Lando nods his head. He wants to remember this moment forever.

The smile he gives y/n for the photo she's never seen before. So wide and natural. "Aww Lando. Beautiful." Y/n can't help but gush at them. All the obvious feelings come rushing to her. "I've missed you." Y/n whispers out ag Lando. His eyes eventually leave Jessica's face. He smiles at y/n. "I know. I've missed you too. I'd say we could start again but I don't know if trust you not to hurt me." Lando says.
That sort of breaks the already hormonal y/n as she sits and cries quietly watching Lando bond with his baby girl.
"But I know my parents would want me to try again. So I will." He eventually says. Obviously beating himself up on what's the right thing to do. "Y/n just promise me you'll not just run away again when things get tough. We need to communicate better and more." His blue eyes look at her intently. Y/n nods her head. "You crying?" Lando asks her. Feeling stuck with the baby in his arms and not being able to console y/n. She nods her head again. "Come here... I can't move." They sit on the bed, Lando making sure y/n is cuddled into him. He pushes a kiss into her forehead.
"Let's start over us three against the world yeah?" Lando can't help but think out loud.

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