Daddy Danny.

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Danny ric hasn't seen his old fuck buddy in quite some time. So he is shocked to see her around the Silverstone Grand Prix
Daniel is walking around the paddock when he sees his old red bull M.O. She soon left after he was at Renault. She's walking towards redbull, it's only when Geri bends down and speaks to the little girl with long crazy curly hair beside her.
He quickly texts max, who's bound to know who the kid belongs too. "I've not seen her mate.. I'll let you know when I see her." But when max does see Lottie, she is sitting with Max's sisters nephew and mum. So he doesn't feel like texting Dan anything. But the kid looks a lot like Dan's mum grace. "Maybe you should come to hospitality... You need to speak to Lottie."
Daniel doesn't take long, he makes his excuses in mclaren and runs. Bypassing most people in redbull and upstairs to where max is sitting with Lottie and the child. He jumps over to them in his usual confidence, even when he is trying to figure out if the child is hers. But she is almost dressed like how Lottie used to dress. But somehow this version of Lottie has heels on, white jeans and a blouse. A proper little mini carbon copy of Geri.
No black skinny jeans, vans and band tees. "Daniel. How are you?" Lottie smiles at him. He is confused as to why Max is so close to her or is he hiding something from him.
"Can we speak? Alone." Daniel says to her. She nods her head. "We'll keep an eye on her for you." Max says to her. But think it's more so because the child is smothering his nephew in kisses.
Lottie follows Daniel out of hospitality and he stops dead in the middle of the corridor. Lottie is waiting on it. "Is she mine?" He doesn't do the small talk. He doesn't beat around the bush like she hoped he would've. "Huh?" He spins around to look at her. Daniels dark eyes even darker than she's ever seen them.
"Is that child mine?" Lottie sighs.
"Don't bullshit me Charlotte." His voice rings in lotties head. "Uhm." She waits until he is looking at her and nods her head gingerly. "Yup... That child is Iris." Daniel stops as he hears her name for the first time. "Our song... why didn't you tell me?" He softens on Lottie a little. But he's still mad.
"What was I meant to say? Danny I'm pregnant. Your stressing about leaving for Renault and I've not seen you since December.. but we are having a baby." She quips at him.
"Well yeah. Now I don't know anything about her and you've came back with a child that looks like a blue eyed version of my mom. Am I that unapproachable? I wasn't the one who disappeared. You did. When did you find out? When did you decide that you had the power to do it alone?" Daniel keeps asking questions to Lottie before she can even answer anything. "Your name isn't on her birth certificate.. you don't need to have anything to do with her.. she's happy without having a dad."
This makes Daniel mad. "No. Charlotte you don't get to choose. I'll get a test done and get that changed if you try that one. I've already missed out on so much... I told you I loved you. Then you disappeared. Blocking me on Instagram."
Lottie looks up at her ex fuck buddy/workmate. "I wasn't looking for anything serious. You knew that. Then uou dropped the L bomb along with expensive gifts for Christmas. I wasn't your girlfriend... So it's not like she would've had a proper family life anyway. At least this way she does kinda get one." Daniel shakes his head. "No..."
Max comes out. "She's wanting her Mama.. sorry. I know yous are chatting." Daniel rolls his eyes.
Lottie lifts Iris up and wanders over to the other side of the room. Daniel follows her. "Since when did you dress like Geri?" He asks her. "I've always dressed like this. You didn't like me dressed up in my usual middle class English countryside wear." He laughs out loud at her.
"That's because it's not you. No doubt your feet hurt already. You'll moan when your jeans get dirty and regret the top if Iris gets anything on it." He says. "So you might know me. It's called daytime glam. Apparently."
Daniel keeps his eyes on iris, she is his mums double. "Can I hold her?" Lottie nods her head. Surprised when Iris happily goes to Daniel. "Wang a photo with her?" Lottie eventually asks him. He nods his head and grins as she takes a photo.
"You look amazing. Just weird with what your wearing." Daniel tells her. Lottie smiles at him. "Thank you. I have payed attention to when you've drove. It's not like I can turn you away or get you out of my head. When she looks so much like your mum." Lottie tells him. "I don't know why you just didn't come to me... she's beautiful. Has your freckles." Daniel looks down at the snuggled in sleeping toddler. Lottie nods her head.
"I know. I did write you a letter. But neither of us wanted kids then. Or at least I know I didn't. Wasn't sure how much you'd want to be tied down." Lottie stresses to Dan.
"A lot. Char. I love you. I miss you. Come here.. I don't want to wake the sleeping cherub." Lottie pulls her chair closer to Daniel. He puts his free arm around her.
She takes a photo with him and sleeping Iris. She shows him the photo and he starts to laugh. "You need to change. I don't like this mature version of you." He laughs into her neck. As he has cheekily attached his mouth since she keeps looking away and he knows it's her spot she melts at.
"Danny. Isn't one babe enough." She laughs. He shakes his head. "Well kiss me then and stop looking away." He moans at her.
"You coming to be team Riccairdo?" He asks her as she breaks away from his lips. "As long as there's a seat with my name on it, yes. My feet are aching." She smiles at him. He starts to laugh, he was right he does know her.
"Sorry guys but in stealing them to come meet my team." Daniel tells max and Victoria, as he walks his girls out of redbull.

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