Lando Norris- Does happy ever after exist.

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Requested by formula1_lover

Lando sits staring at his phone. It's been a few days since he last heard from Ollie and being away on a triple header, it's not like he can just pop around to hers. Not for a few weeks anyway. Not that he was sure that she wanted him too.

Walking around the paddock with Daniel and Charlotte to the conference. "Ugh what's with all the stupid love songs." He moans out. "Thought you were in love Lando?" Daniel teases him. Even though Daniel knows what's happening. Lando shakes his head. "Nah don't believe in it anymore."
Daniel looks at him. "Huh? You were in love with her literally the first race of the season and showing Ollie off in Silverstone." Daniel looks at him confused. "What's happened? Did yous go away in the summer break?" Daniel asks him, whilst waiting to go in.
Lando stops talking about it and her. "Have yous broken up?" Charlotte eventually asks Lando. But he shrugs. "I don't know. Just not talking to each other." Lando says. Playing on his phone. When he comes across a photo of Ollie. It's on her sisters Instagram.

Smiling like they just don't care

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Smiling like they just don't care. Thank you girlies for being there for my I do's with my happily ever after fairy tale.

Lando sits fuming at the photo. He had forgotten, Ollies sister was getting married, it was on some island. But he didn't get invited not that he could've went anyway. He debates on commenting. But either way she won't like it, he's sure it was her sister that had the issue with him. "Have you told her how you feel." Daniel asks him after the press conference. Lando shakes his head.

"Tell her, what was the song that you two kept singing to each other." Daniel asks him. "Mate I want to help. As everyone can tell your not your usual self. Give me your phone.. want me to send her a text and see if she'll reply?"

"Hey, are you having a good time with your family? The wedding looked amazing and you looked so beautiful in your dress. ❤️"

Lando hides out in his hotel room, waiting for Ollie to reply to him. "Hiya. Yeah it was fun. Thanks."
Lando sighs at her reply. It's so standoffish. It breaks his heart. He's used to these sort of responses from her since their fight. But it doesn't get easier. His heart still wants her and only her.

Ollie POV

Posting photos from my Cali trip, a few days after my sisters wedding. I post them with lyrics to my favourite songs. I never imagine Danny Ric sending me a DM. "Hey. What's going on with you and Lando? He's not being himself and I don't know if you've seen any of his interviews but the team is getting worried. Can you at least just speak to him. Properly and not just a brush off text."
I look at the message over and over again. "Things fizzled and he said something stupid. It clearly wasn't love between us."
"Maybe so.. but he is hurting. It's never too late to try if you still have any sort of feelings towards him. We are in the Netherlands next weekend, please come and see him. I'll send you all the details. Or even better come to Spa. His folks are here."

I lay down on my bed. I don't even know how long my flight would be... am I actually contemplating this. Would it be mad of me to try again with him? Should I have taken my sisters side? "Nope can't do it. Sorry Dan." I reply, scared that it will fail again. "Noooo come on. Don't be scared. I promise I'll have your back if you need any sort of backing up. Please come on. Let's make Lando a happy Lando."

With Daniels contacts I should be there for p2 or just after. Private plane and all. I obviously post photos of it, as it's something I've never done before. Posting it onto my stories so I can see who sees it. Lando and his trainer both see it.

Walking into the hotel foyer that Dan and Lando are both staying. I'm tired and grungy. I give Dan a dm to let him know I'm here and what room I'm in. I'm just out a bath when the door goes. Without even looking to see who it is, I just open the door. Expecting Daniel. But the curls are different. Fuck.

"Lando." I Yelp out as he walks in. "Uhm.. hi." He says quietly to me. I turn down my speaker, as it's blaring out maroon five. "What you doing here?" Lando stands as far away as possible to me. Damn it. He wants me to say it.
"Dan dm'd me. Saying you were wallowing, but it was your choice!" I have to add it in. I'm so stupidly argumentative, I have to make sure he remembers it was his choice.
"Doesn't make it any easier Ollie. Nor does it help when you constant post happy fucking photos. It's as if you were never happy with me, but as soon as I let you go and just be you. You're the happiest human on the planet."
I sit staring at him, probably pouting like a little girl.
"I'm not happy Lando. How do you think it feels going to a little bit of paradise to watch my sister get married and be the only one there riding solo. Just because I can smile for a photo doesn't make it any easier or nicer, than wallowing in a posh hotel room." I bite at him.

He shakes his head at me. "You're crazy...ugh turn this off please." He stops talking until I turn the sweet vocals of Adam Levine off. "That was the first song we sang together... I don't want to listen to it anymore." I look at Lando looking a bit bemused. "How was free practise?" I ask him. But he scowls. "Ok not a good day at the track then?" He shakes his head at me. "No and now I have to deal with you."
Ouch. That one stung. "You don't have to deal with me Lando. I'm here because I got asked to come. Now I'm wondering why I bothered if this is how you're going to treat me. You've turned the light out not me.. you're the one who's being stubborn. I've flew fourteen hours to be here with you. But im now tired and regretting it. So can you leave. I want to watch the sunset on my own."

He doesn't need asking twice as he walks out slamming the door behind him. I sit in my towel watching the sunset behind the trees. My door knocks again. I quickly change into shorts and tee. It's Lando again. "Mum says I've to invite you out for dinner with us." I look at him. "If you don't want me there just make up some excuse for me." Lando shakes his head. "Come on get dressed." I quickly grab an outfit and get changed in the bathroom. "I'm sorry." I walk out and Lando says instantly. "Huh?" I turn and look at him, whilst scooping my hair up to show off my earrings.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I done. I still love you Ollie." Lando rubs at his eyes. "Can we try again?" He mumbles, not even looking at me. He goes back to rubbing his eyes. So I grab his hands. "Stop.." I drop his hands down. "Are you crying?" I ask him, looking up into his eyes. He nods his head. "Ugh. Lando. Come here." I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in, just feeling his arms back around my waist it feels like home. "I love you Ollie. I never meant to hurt you or finish it how I did." Lando cries into my shoulder. "Jeez the world is so dark and dull without you beside me. Travelling, laughing being annoying together. I miss you so much Ollie."
I look at us in the mirror. This is the most affection I've had from Lando in about a month. I've missed him too. "Lando stop. Or I'll have to change.. can't be found out with a soggy shoulder." I can't help but tease him. He looks up at me.

"Well tell me we'll make it work... tell me it's not too late to sort this out and try again." I smile at him. As much as I hate seeing him so emotional.

"Yes Lando. Yes we can sort it out. Now stop with the emotions." He looks up and smiles at me. "Serious? Really?" He stumbles to find the words on what he wants to say. So I nod my head. "Yeah. I don't just fly fourteen hours for anyone do I?" He laughs. He knows how much I hate flying alone.
He pushes his salty tear stained lips against mine and kisses me. I melt into him. "I love you Lando." I say before kissing him again, with each kiss, it gets deeper and deeper.

Lando's phone goes. Breaking us up, both a little out of breath. "Hi. Yeah be down in two minutes." He hangs up his phone. "Wondering where we are?" I ask him and he grins boyishly at me. "Yeah. Will we go?"
I grab my things and follow him out. He instantly entwines his fingers with mine as we walk down to the elevator, you'd never know we had barely spoken in over a month.

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