First date- Max Verstappen

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Standing looking in the mirror. I've picked outfits for first dates before. But this one.. this one I just can't get right. Nothing I try feels comfortable. It's all too meh. Nothing special. Nothing wows me into believing I am enough.

"He says he'll pick you up at 7.. are you even ready?" My friend who has set me up has text. "Yes. Just need to find clothes..." I throw on some leather pants and a sheer shirt and heels. I mess my hair up, as it's went flat from me trying on so many clothes. "Okay he's on his way... good luck."
When my buzzer goes I grab my bag and jacket. I might stay in Monaco, but the nights still get slightly bitter. When I go outside, I'm shocked to see who it is.
"Hi.. I'm Max." My heart sinks. I know he's not long back from the race weekend. But he did say some very offensive words and I'm a bit unsettled. Before that I used to fantasise about him easily. He's often drift into my daydreams. "Hey, I'm Chloe. Nice to meet you." I'll be polite but it's a more likely a one night date. No more will be made unless he pulls out something special. "So where we headed?" I ask him. I'll be polite. He opens the car door for me and we make some small talk as he drives us to the restaurant. He's doesn't really look like he's made an effort, jeans, white tee and a denim shirt. We go somewhere I've been before. That I'm glad of. Not being Monaco native I don't have a clue where is good yet.
"So your English?" He asks me. I gawp at him. "Offensive much! Would you ask David coulthard if he's English?" I ask him. He smiles at me. "I had a feeling you'd know F1. Could see it written all over your face!" He laughs. "No I wouldn't. So your Scottish then?" I nod my head. "I don't know a lot about F1. My dad was a fan of it when I was growing up." I lie. I'm not letting him know, I know who he is. More disappointed that's it's not the newly single Charles Leclerc, but it's not like I can tell him.
"So what you looking for? Since we got set up..." I look up at him. When he's smiling he is quite cute. Cuter than he looks on tv and in photos.
"What are you looking for?" I raise my brow at him. "Well I want to connect with someone. Been single a while now and it's getting boring. You?" I look at him. Do I make it obvious. Or play it cool. "Looking for guy better than my daughters actual dad." His mouth literally drops open. Yeah I done neither. My head and mouth didn't really cooperate.
"Daughter? How old?" He asks, obviously getting over the shock. "Ten months. I've been single for over a year now. He freaked out not even at the thought of having a baby. But she needed a couple of operations after she was born. He couldn't cope and ran away like a little boy."
I can see him, trying to figure out what to do. "Okay. Who has her now? Do you need your phone out?" I shake my head. "She should be fine. A babysitter has her." He raises his brows. "Want to get this to go? I don't mind. Or is it too soon?"
Of course he acts like this.
My phone goes and it is the babysitter. "Yeah. Can we? She's decided she is unwell and can't take care of a sleeping baby." He nods his head and speaks to the waiter to get our food to go.
She looks as if she doesn't trust me. I wouldn't either. I'm a total asshole in F1, but I'm not always like that. Chloe opens her door and I follow her in. I pay for the taxi home for the babysitter. As Chloe sets up her table and dishes the food out.
"You didn't need to do that you know." I nod my head at her.
"I did. I'm not always the asshole you know." I tease her. "What if I prefer the dick head version?" She smiles at me, I'm sure it's the first smile I've seen from her. "You should do that more..." she looks at me. "Smile. It's beautiful." She goes red. "Ugh you had to go ruin it didn't you." I smile at her. "Yeah it's what I do..."
Both our phones go. "Is it Tom?" I ask her she nods her head. "Come here let's take a photo and send it to him." She comes and stands behind me. I shake my head. "Come here properly..." I pull her down onto my knees. "Max..." she tries to get up so I wrap my arm around her waist. So she has no ability to move. "Well you said you wanted some dickhead." I say to her. She nods her head. "I did.. didn't I." She chews her lip at me.
But I let her go. I need to get that idea right out my head. I want more than just one night with her. I check my phone. "So you two have bypassed dinner have you?" I smile.
"He thinks we are here to do you know... not have dinner." She smiles. "Quick take your shirt off and send him one." I don't know if she is teasing me or not. But I hear a cry. "Oh. Want me to leave?" I ask her as she leaves the room. She comes back with her little redheaded baby.
"No. You seem a nice guy, with an attitude.. nothing I can't handle." I smile at her. "Need a hand?" I offer. She hands me the baby over. I don't even know her name. "Bella.. Mamas going to go grab you some milk." I walk around the room with the wailing baby. She falls asleep in my arms, before the milk and her mama comes back. "Oh. Your a natural." She says and I'm sure her whole face changes. I shake my head. "I have a little brother, he's a year old." I tell her. Not that she needed to know. I sit down on the sofa with baby Bella and Chloe sits beside me. "I'm stuck here for a while aren't I?" She nods her head at me, looking at her sleeping baby in my arms. But I feel weirdly at home.
Chloe gets up and lights a few candles, she puts on a Netflix film and curls up beside me. I nudge her and smile at her. "Wha?" She asks as I open my free arm up, so she can snuggle up, with us.

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