🎄Carlos Sainz Jnr- Babys first santa visit🎅🏼

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"Ah... look how cute my baby is." Carlos shows his little girl dressed up as Mrs Clause, to his team. "How many has that been now? You've been away for two weeks and she's been in Christmas themed clothing everyday since you left." Charles teases his team mate.

Carlos pouts at him. "Lando would be happy for me. Charles smiles, knowing he has wound him up. "But Lando is also her godfather somehow." Charles quickly comments back. Carlos nods his head. "True. We hid it from everyone but him." Carlos says going back to looking at photos of his precious girls.
He wasn't sure what sort of dad he would be, let alone if he was ready for the next chapter for him and y/n. But it's worked well so far. He's proud of how strong y/n is. He can't imagine it's easy, studying, dealing with a baby and still keeping their home perfect. And she never complains. Bonus.

But y/n loves to tease Carlos, after giving birth on Boxing Day.. it wasn't easy. Carlos knew this as she went into labour during Christmas dinner and then baby Mia was born near enough 24 hours later. A week earlier than expected. But neither Carlos or y/n minded. Y/n loves to send Carlos photos of things that Mia is doing when he is not home. But due to  end of season and nearly Christmas/ Mia's birthday she has been in daily outfits of Christmas themed clothes. Little elf Mia has been Carlos's favourite, a green tulle skirt, green vest that has all the typical elf print on it, stripy tights and little pointy elf shoes.

"Bet you can't wait to get home to them." Carlos nods his head. Y/n has brought baby Mia to races, but not many. Just due to her being so small and it's loud and busy. She's better at home, where they can watch it together, tucked up in bed.
But Carlos wants to start all the Christmas themed trips that he wants to do with Mia. He wants to take her to see Santa, which isn't a usual Spanish tradition. But between them they are trying to find the best compromise to have all the traditions that happens in the uk and in Spain.

A must for Carlos is the main meal on Christmas Eve and eating ham and seafood, then a crown shaped cake and midnight mass. Y/n said that they had to decorate and Mia to meet Santa. Also the days on which they get presents are different. Spain gets presents twelve days later than the uk. But Carlos doesn't care when Mia gets her presents.

He receives another photo just before he is due to do quali. "Papa. We need you to do the star.. We are both too small. Love you." Carlos laughs as he sees them next to the not getting finished tree. "I love you both too very much."

***** once Carlos is home*****

Carlos sneaks into the home. He doesn't want to wake either of his girls. But he can hear Mia stirring. So goes and gives her a little snuggle before she wakes up y/n. "Hey baby girl. Papa is home." He looks down at his baby girl. Who is smiling up at her daddy. When y/n wakes up she's confused she's managed to sleep in until 10am. She can hear Carlos's voice. Sleepily walking towards his voice, y/n smiles as she sees the mess Carlos has made to keep Mia entertained.

"Morning mama." Carlos smiles at his love. "Will I do the star now before coffee?" Carlos asks. Y/n smiles.
"Santa today!!!" Y/n tickles Mia whilst telling her. "What do people wear to go see Santa?" Carlos asks. Y/n smiles at him. "Kids usually dressed nicely for the photo and parents/adults anything. But I'm going for jeans and a jumper. Just casual." Carlos nods his head. Trying to picture what he should wear.

Of course Carlos wants more photos than y/n once at Santa grotto. "Ah y/n we need to do this every year with Mia." Carlos smiles at y/n possibly more excited than Mia. "Of course babe... now are you being in the photo with Mia and Santa since it's your first time too?" Y/n can't help but tease him. Carlos pouts and nods his head. "Can the elf take the photo and you're in it too." Y/n nods her head at Carlos, thinking it's very cute how much Carlos is wanting this to be perfect for them all. "I love you Carlos." Y/n snuggles into her boyfriend, as he holds their little daughter grinning at the elf.
"Ah it's one for the wall!!" Carlos yells excitedly as he looks at the photo. Y/n laughs at him. "It sure is.. except I look awful."

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