I Can't Even Bellieve This

4.8K 58 24

This is crazy. I cannot believe that you all got my to 100k reads in this book.  I just.... I cannot thank you all enough. When I started this journey about 4 years ago, I never ever imagined that anyone would even like my writing. I didn't think that there was anyone like me. None of my friends like wrestling or wrestlers. I had one friend that I knew would read. That was it. I simply started this on a whim and now here I am. With 100k on this book that I put a lot of effort into. Many hours. Lots of thinking. Lots of headaches. But it was all worth it. For all of you. You guys have been so supportive. Two of my biggest supporters Joy_of_life88 And FemDante    You both just drive me every single time I have something I'm writing. You both leave such amazing comments and feedback that keeps me going. And those who know me or somewhat know me, know that I am sooooo hard on myself. Every time I write something I need to read it back just to see how many mistakes I make. It's a really terrible habit but with all the amazing comments you all give me it makes me feel so much better. So thank you all. So so much. From the bottom of my heart. I love you all. I've never felt more excepted then I do on here. You all make me keep writing forever. And I enjoy making you guys happy and joyful when we all are going through tough times. And like I always say. IM HERE FOR WVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! If you ever need to vent or talk I'm here. If you want me to just sit and listen I will. If you want feedback I'll give you the best advice I can. I just want you lol to know that even if we don't know each other personally or by first names it doesn't mean that I don't feel like you guys are my own family. And where I come from family supports family. So that's what I do! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 100k it means so much to me.


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