I wont let them bully you

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Y/n P.O.V.
I had a stutter since I was in 1st grade and I've always been bullied for it. I rarely ever talked to anyone because I was made fun of constantly. The only people I could ever talk to was Roman, Naomi, Jimmy and Jey. They all treated me like I was normal. I was done with my match and was on cloud nine. I won which meant I was the number one contender for the Raw Women's Championship! I smiled as I was walking to my dressing room. I can't wait to tell Roman! He'll be so happy for me hopefully.

I have always had a crush on Roman, but I never thought he'd like a girl like me. I'm not very special at all. I'm just me. Plain old boring me. I walked down the long hallway and stopped as I turned the corner running into Cesaro and Sheamus. "I-I'm s-sorry." I said quietly backing up. They looked at each other and started to laugh. "N-no p-p-p-problem." Cesaro said as they laughed. I put my head down and walked around them. "Ey Y/n?" Sheamus yelled out and I looked back at him. "Next time, spit your words out faster and stop waisting so much of my precious time." He said and Ceasaro laughed with him. I was absolutely infuriated. I stomped to my locker room and slammed the door closed screaming and punching the wall.

I cried as I slid down the wall. The door swung open and in came Roman. "Peaches what happened?" He asked me running to my side. I sobbed into his chest as he held me. "I-I'm f-fucking s-stupid and I c-can't t-talk to anyone b-because of my s-s-stutter." I sobbed and he held me. "Who the fuck told you that?!" He asked angrily and I looked down at my hand. I stayed silent. "Y/n please tell me." He said quietly pushing my chin up with one finger. "I-it was s-Sheamus and C-Cesaro." I whispered quietly sniffing. "R-ro Bear please don't." I whispered looking up at him and he looked at me. "Let me help you get your hand better ok?" He said and I nodded. "I don't w-wanna go t-to the medic." I said shaking my headache. "I now you hate the damn medic but please for me can I bring you there? You might have broken your hand. There's a lot of swelling." He said giving me puppy dog eyes. "Fine." I said rolling my eyes and smiling. He picked me up bridal style and looked at me with a big smile.

He carried me out of the room and towards the medic office. He opened the door bringing me in and thankfully my favorite medic Julie was in today. She was a older one but none the less beautiful. "Hello Roman and Y/n what can I do for you both?" Julie asked with a big smile looking at me knowing how big of a crush I've got on Roman. "Little miss invincible over here thinks she can punch concrete walls." Roman said and I blushed as he laid me down on the table. "Tttttttt now why on earth would you go and do such a stupid thing like that?" She asked rolling in her chair over to my hand. "Some people where making fun of her stutter." Roman blurred out and I turned my head away from them sighing. "No need to be embarrassed darling I know you get that a lot. I don't blame you for being mad." She said as she began inspecting my hand. I winced in pain as she moved each individual fingers. "Peaches I gotta go talk to Seth about a match coming up ok I'll be back in a little bit." He said and I nodded.

Since he made his return from having cancer he's been so busy with Seth. I had taken leave with him for emotional support. My return wasn't as big as his but people were still surprised none the less. I sat and relaxed as she fiddled with my hand. "Well it looks like it's sprained. Your lucky but the swelling is pretty bad. I'm glad Roman brought you in here. I'll give you some pain meds and wrap it with ice." She said and I nodded. I sat up as she brought over the supplies. She wrapped my hand up and made sure I could still move it.

She signed the prescription sheet and handed to me as Naomi busted in. "Y/n Roman and The twins are fighting Cesaro and Sheamus!" She yelled and I quickly hopped down as we ran down the hallway as we began to hear the commotion. I could hear Romans loud voice booming. We ran faster as I finally could see Roman. He was beating the shit out of Sheamus as the twins were beating the shit out of Cesaro. I automatically ran to Roman. "Roman please stop please!" I yelled out and he automatically looked at me before he looked back at Sheamus. "Y/n let me go. I need to do this for you. I'm sick of assholes hurting you." He growled out as my eyes filled with tears. "Roman I can't lose you. T-they'll Fire y-you and I-I'll be alone." I sobbed as he got up and hugged me. "Peaches. Even if they do fire me I've got backup plans. You think Jon wouldn't help me out? You and I could easily get on AEW and you know it. Hell we'd probably make more money." He said kissing my head. "P-please stop y-you know I don't like when you f-fight." I said looking up at him with big eyes knowing it was his weakness. "Fine but one last punch. AND he needs to apologize to you." He said and I smiled and nodded. He let go of me punching Sheamus square in the jaw. Roman kneeled down and pulled Sheamus by his Mohawk. "Say your sorry and it better be fucking sincere." Roman growled and Sheamus looked up at me. "I'm sorry Y/n I'll never make fun of your stutter again." He groaned out and I nodded as I heard high heals clicking and they stopped. "Men! What is the meaning of all this?" Stephanie asked and the twins and Roman looked up at her. "These two were making fun of Y/n because she has a stutter." Roman said and Steph crossed her arms. "So why does that involve you?" She asked in a rather bitchy tone. Roman looked at her with the 'bitch what' face and I looked at her the same. "I was sticking up for her." Roman said with an irratating tone. "So that gives you the right to blantinly attack someone to defend someone who easily can defend themselves?" She asked and this is why I hated her. Triple H understood and was like a father to me ever since I was down in NxT; he believed that I would make a name for myself no matter if I had a stutter or not. He always trusted my judgment and treated me with respect and I did the same.

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